Holly Golightly wrote:Half of my friends at college are too intent on appearing mature to do stuff like read kids books!!! They annoy me sometimes!
Holly, I wish I was in your position
Half of my friends - that'd be cool!!! Actually I have only one friend (non-virtual I mean) who is a HP fan, others are superior to ''books no adult with right senses would read''
Serve them right, please, they don't even listen to me. When I say I enjoyed reading HP they just give me a bit pitiful look
ok, ok, a family friend and her daughter also read the books and saw the movies but HP doesn't employ their imagination that much
But I managed to make my mom read all the books and she enjoyed them though she still confuses who's who between Marauders and also between Ministry employees: Fudge, Crouch etc.
Of course I fully explain her everything she wants to know (and more;). When book 5 came out I tried to read it to her aloud and translate simultaneously but she refused
So I had to wait for 6 months till our translation came out

And I couldn't tell my mom for Sirius' death all this time cause I wanted her to enjoy the surprise
I also dragged her to the cinema and she liked the PoA movie
My mom likes best the trio and Hagrid, just like JKR. Me, on the other hand, I like Phineas, Bella, the Malfoys --> evil ones

and between goodies I like trouble- and mischief-makers
I don't have the ''significant other'' since Phineas is an already dead fictional character

*feeling sorry for myself:P* But anyway I'd just argue with him so I sincerely enjoy being single and hope it doesn't change. Well, you're already used to Reverie's weird ideas, right