I fell this strange emptyness...

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I fell this strange emptyness...

Postby Krum » Wednesday 31 March 2004 12:34:19pm

I can't figure out a way to start this post so I'll just cut to the important part:
I think my life is worthless-i mean let's admit it-i won't be missed for more than a month if i die...i have almost no friends and only pals with which i can chat about stuff :-? .But no, i'm not suicidal.No,no,no.I have this sick perverted passion to go through all of my life.i know my life isn't a foundamental part of this world and it will countinue to go round without me.Think of it like this-if you throw a rock into a river, the water doesn't stop for it, it goes around it and countinues to flow.Remember in that topic about crime-me and a frien get mugged by the school.I tall her to run away and i stay and get beaten up.And i don't care if i die, i prefer to save someone else, who likes his life.I kinda hope for the one moment when i can truly save someone from something even if i end up in hospital or worse...
That's it-an i an idiot?(please don't answer that)
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 31 March 2004 5:33:00pm

No, you're not an idiot. :grin: Everyone feels this way at some point. Just like every other negative feeling or thought: it's what you do with it that counts.

I don't know you, or any of the details of your life, but I know I've felt the same thing before, and I'll tell you what helped me. I still know that I lead a small life, but I realized (almost too late) that someone would miss me.

When I was twenty, I had the same kind of feelings you're talking about. I felt like I was worthless, but worse than that, I felt like, if I died, maybe five people would be at my funeral. Then they would go home and go about their lives again, every now and then going "Remember when she......." but most of the time, not thinking about me.

So, I tested it. I took about fifteen sleeping pills (fortunately, I was clueless as to how to commit suicide and apparently fifteen Sominex doesn't kill you. :lol:) My dad came home and took me to the hospital, and I got to spend a weekend at the Behavioral Health Center (similar to what Patch Adams stays in in the beginning of the movie, only not quite as bad). Then I got to start a two-week program of intense group therapy for two weeks from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. It's funny: now, I thank God every day for that experience, because I learned how blessed I am, and how loved I am. Not only did He love me enough to spare me, but I had so many people who loved me and I didn't even realize it.

A lot of people, when they get up into their adult years, talk about how being a teenager is supposed to be the best time of your life. It's not. I hated my teenage years, and you couldn't pay me enough to make me go back. I'm almost 25, and my life is just now starting to take off.

Something that whole experience taught me, though, was to take a few chances. I'm not talking about taking stupid chances, but more people are likely to miss you when you're gone if you're out there doing some good in the world, and busying yourself doing something good takes your mind off of whatever is upsetting you. Start small: when you're walking around the mall, or Wal-Mart, or the grocery store, just smile at random people you dont' know. It'll help them, and it'll help you. Then work your way up. If you're in a video-game store, and you see someone looking at a game you've played and enjoyed, tell them "Oh, man, that's the coolest game. Quistis is awesome! :grin:" It gets easier, and soon you'll find that it makes your day seem a lot less drab if you try to connect with other people, and it might just be the extra boost they needed to make them feel appreciated.

What helped me the most, though, was faith in God, and I can't post about this topic without mentioning Him. Since the day I attempted suicide, He's been by my side, helping me through things I know I couldn't have coped with before. I put him to the test (figuratively) and He passed with flying colors. :-)

I can tell you're a good guy, I think it's very admirable that you are willing to sacrifice yourself for your friends. The Bible says that there is no greater love than the willingness to lay down your life for friends. But you're young (I assume... you mentioned school), and you're only beginning life (even though I know it doesn't seem that way). Force the depressing "I want to die but I have a sick desire to live" thoughts out of your head: they're not healthy. Find things and people to enjoy living for, and eventually, you'll enjoy living for yourself. And someday, you'll find people whose world would just be shattered if something happened to you (although I'd be willing to bet there are already a lot of people who would feel that way now).

I'm going to pray for you, and I hope you can take something I've said and put it to the test.
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Postby Krum » Wednesday 31 March 2004 7:21:25pm

no, you don't understand.i can make use of your post-i've done this sort of thing a lot of times before(when i'm on a bus and another bus goes by i wave to the passangers, grinning :grin: ).What do you do when the above don't work?And when your only friends are classmates and you're in vacation?Or when a girl you like ask you to a date or something("let's go to the cafe and talk"routine)but reveals at the same ime things that you positively HATE in a person?It's like all my feelings and thoughts are prefoeming a feedback into my mind creating a black hole, sucking and destroying everything in it's way-my mind, my soul, my life(wow, i said that in a strange way).I usually use music to force all those thoughts out, to "reverse the process", but my brother has taken my computer and my (allright, our)stereo player...
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 31 March 2004 8:22:50pm

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the only way your life will have "meaning" will be if you turn to the inside...

This feeling of emptiness or worthlessness is one of those negative feelings that feeds on itself... so, you start out feeling worthless, then you wallow in your perceived worthlessness, only making the feeling of worthlessness consume you more. The only way to stop the cycle is to make a conscious effort to stop the feelings, and one way to do that is to get involved in doing ANYTHING (legal :grin:) other than sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. Don't make excuses, there's always SOMETHING you can find to occupy your mind and your time that is more positive than sitting around on your bum all day. :-) Take a walk and make a conscious effort to notice the new flowers right now (don't take a walk and think about how worthless you are, even though that's what's easiest to do). Find a local soup kitchen to volunteer at(if you think your death would go unnoticed, those people will make you appreciate what all you DO have). Try a hobby you've never tried before (build a model airplane, sketch a landscape, cook a gourmet dinner, whatever).

Talking about your feelings is very important, and it seems that you don't have too much trouble doing that... but talk about it, learn to accept them and live with them, and then try to change things. that's the only way things'll get better.

It sounds to me like you put your value in what you are to other people. Yes, everyone wants to be loved, and missed when they're gone, but if you have to depend on someone or something else to make you happy, you're never going to find true happiness, and true worth.
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Postby Krum » Thursday 1 April 2004 7:48:43am

that's my hobby:helping people and making them happy.I only find happyness when someone else is happy and now i'm a vacation and i don't know who i can make happy :D .I gotta start practicing in this forum
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Postby Alice I » Thursday 1 April 2004 7:56:15am

Krum wrote:that's my hobby:helping people and making them happy.I only find happyness when someone else is happy and now i'm a vacation and i don't know who i can make happy :D .I gotta start practicing in this forum

That's the spirit Krum.

My dad told me once that there is a secret to being Happy.
He said the secret is:

"Be Happy"

Well that sounds kind of dumb but actually there is a kind of wisdom there. He figured that if you acted happy long enough even if at first your heart wasn't in it, that sooner or later you would realize that by golly "Your Happy" and you may not even realize when or how that happened.

It certianly won't hurt.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 1 April 2004 6:58:34pm

that's kinda like a phrase i learned in therapy: "fake it til you make it". :grin:

Krum, even if you're on vacation, surely there's someone you can be around... but eventually, I think it would be a good idea to try to find ways to make yourself happy, because the being happy only when others are happy can turn sour if you're in a situation where you have to be around people who just WON'T be made to feel happy...
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