by Athena Appleton » Monday 29 March 2004 9:48:34pm
Voldemort only had a body of his own, even a totally warped one, after Wormtail rejoined him.
I have no earthly idea how Voldemort managed to recover his wand... except that I have one theory that everyone likes to shoot down because they don't think the confrontation between Sirius and Peter Pettigrew happened outside the ruins of the Potter house:
Voldemort blew the Potter house to smithereens (which I don't really get, since Avada Kedavra kills with no markings and relative quiet, except a rush and green light), and Harry survived. Voldy is now bodiless (according to GoF, I think... it might have been in P/SS, though). Sirius sees Hagrid at the Potter house the next day, and Hagrid takes baby Harry with him. Peter Pettigrew then approaches Sirius in front of the Potter's home and somehow retrieves Voldemort's wand, either sneaking it before he blew up the street, or after, as the rat. Then Wormtail kept up with the wand for all those years, or at the very least knew where it was...