Moderators: Scarlet Lioness, FawkesthePhoenix
note on the fridge wrote:Postman charged 5 galleonz
the Frenchfrieman sayz zat you should take a deep breath, jump out of ze bus and let yourselves fall back down to earth with ze gravity !
another note on the fridge wrote:Hey mint, sry to hear about that. I know the conductor on the Knight bus. Ill call him on the telephone (if service is out there in planet X). If so, he will tell the driver to go to the salad shop. Good luck out there and dont run out of air (if you cant breath normally up there). Cya!!
Marc, the fry guy
I'm on the knightbus right now and trying to get some vacation for a change with all those money from McWizard, but i got caught by Mint . Don't worry i'll try to evade her. I'm might stop at some stores, anybody wants souvenir from each planets? Only if im able to escape Mint...
PS: Hope all of ya back at the restaurant are doing fine and everything is taken care of. and wish me luck trying to escape from Mint.
new note on fridge wrote:If the food on the knight bus taste bad, we can deliver ur meal via Marc our delivery man...just tell Marc ur coordinates
Huffleduck, can u get me a mini thestral? I heard abt the special breed from Planet X...I'm dying to get one...hehe and good luck in ur quest to escape from Mint
Oh Mint, don't worry abt the postman too...I had him fixed, looks like shrimpachickazillas are having a good meal now...
Choki, Head of Regulatory Affairs Dept
If the food on the knight bus taste bad...
IT's day 3 now and i'm very hungry, i'm trying to sneak into the kitchen here on the KnightBus and trying to avoid Mint at the same time. I'll get your threstal ASAP after i've stole some foods and will left the knightbus after Mint have landed on planet X. I wanna to avoid her when going to store there. I dun think she have noticed that a few galleons from her pocket is missing. .... ..... Omg gotta go somebody is in the kitchen i'll .......[message got cut off]
another note on the fridge wrote:umm, well it seems the owl didnt get there on time, it seems the owl ran out of oxygen (oohh, poor thing, well it was getting a little old, so thats ok) Well, I hope the food gets better there. Bye, and good luck girls!
Marc the Fry GUY
latest note wrote:Huffleduck I've sent a meal from McWizards up to Knight Bus via space this way, u won't be caught stealing more foods...and don't get caught by Mint...I still want my mini thestral
I have accidently knocked down a firecracker and it explored all over the bus. I don't know if they gonna make me pay for the damage or not. Right now i'm sitting in the corner of dark little cupboard writing to you guys. this might be the last letter you guys will get from me. After this letter i'll write from one of the store on Planet X. They should land soon if they'll make it to there from the damage by the firecrackers.
Uh-oh... fire fire.. FIRE FIRE
Note to Huffleduck wrote:Oh gosh, the knight bus is on fire?...Hmmm the space owl i sent left McWizards 5 mins ago...and i believe it will take abt 10 more mins to reach Knight bus...hmmm or wherever ur location is now...(not in midair i hope)
Thanks to Accio, the bus is repaired. thank goodness.*sighs* I don't know when we're gonna land on Planet X. I think the bus driver took the wrong route. And i have received your foods choki. Thank you so much. It saved me a lot of money. I'm totally exhausted from the trip. They really need to land soon or i'll complain about the service and get me money back.
HuffleDuck wrote:Dear McWizard,
Thanks to Accio, the bus is repaired. thank goodness.*sighs* I don't know when we're gonna land on Planet X. I think the bus driver took the wrong route. And i have received your foods choki. Thank you so much. It saved me a lot of money. I'm totally exhausted from the trip. They really need to land soon or i'll complain about the service and get me money back.
[/b]You'll complain about the sevice and get your money back?! Well, let me tell you something, on the Knight Bus we don't make a common practice of paying back people who explode firecrackers on the bus Since I am so nice though, I will not tell Marcus about this, I dont know how he'd feel about someone messing up his bus and wanting money back too! So, have a nice day
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