by Meg Boyd » Tuesday 12 August 2003 1:51:04am
Exactly my thoughts!!!! Muhahahahaha...
When you are little (like 11 or 12) and you like some one, you are afraid to show it, lest people should make fun of you. So when you like some one, you try and not have contact with them, just incase people should guess your intentions. Of course this only makes you look like a stuttering git and everyone guesses anyway! But as we see in the CoS movie, Harry and Hermione have this "We are friends, and I am confortable with it" attitude where they hug and talk and stuff with out worry, like friends do. Now Hermione and Ron avoid contact and hugs etc, probably to deny their feelings for each other. Harry stroking her hand in the hospital wing was probably another example of their platonic relationship, as the awkard almost-hug-handshake in the end was an example of Hermione and Ron's more than friends we see as the book progress that Hermione's advances become more evident as Ron become oblivious to them just because he is a stupid teenage boy, end of story.