Mint wrote:lol I think Lizzy had all the sleeping draught (oh new word i dont know what it means but I will use it) that she needs.
But you know what? We may need some just in case.
*Mint listens to Huffleduck singing songs about taking over the store*
hehe - just the kind I want to be working here! Obsessed over the world domination kind *Mint grins to herself*
Hmmm, this milkshake looks too good for a free one... ....*Mint tries some*
(PS - wonderful idea with the draught Lizzy! )
Off-Topic: I could have sworn I picked up the word 'draught' in the HP books...I seem to remember reading Hermione saying she put a sleeping draught in the cupcakes Harry and Ron had for Crabbe and Goyle when they needed their hairs in book 2 for the polyjuice potion. Then again, maybe I'm just making stuff up and not realizing it!
On-Topic: Lizzy wakes up in a pool of ice cream, ketchup, and weird smelling glue...without thinking she sniffs the glue
Say, this place sure does look good after sniffing glue (do NOT try this at home! ). hehehe
Lizzy goes and sprays herself off with the hose which knocks off some of the glue stupor, then puts the sleeping Mint in the closet...plucks a hair from Mint's head, whips up some polyjuice potion, and decides to be Mint for the next hour...
[Lizzy (as Mint)] That'll be 30 dollars for that hamburger and soda...would you like 15 dollar fries with that? Move it, Huffleduck!