Thanks everyone!

It's certainly getting busy around here, and all the extra offers of moderator help are awesome.
Azn wizard - Already an enthusiastic and active Moderator, I have faith that you'd be a very fine moderator for the newly "remodeled "RPG section too, so I'm pleased to have upgraded you to Moderator there, ready for the re-opening of the section. Many thanks, Azn
Lizzy, you're seriously doing fabulously as Moderator so far, expressing concern where needed, and already a very valued member of the Moderator team. Yes, the Book 5 area is definitely requiring additional moderators at the moment, therefore I'm very thankful for your offer and happy to announce you as Moderatorship of the
Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix Book Discussions forum
Hermione - you successfully get the balance right in your existing forums, therefore your further assistance on the board over the Summer would be greatly appreciated. Without any existing moedrator, the
Rumours following Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix forum is a place where Moderatorship is much-needed at the moment, so if you'd like that one, it would be brilliant. However, if you'd prefer to be a fourth RPG moderator it would probably be very worthwhile as the RPG may indeed need a lot of Moderating once re-opened.
Blaise Zabini - your contributions to the discussions on the board have been thoughtful, positive and insightful. As such, it's very appreciated that you've offered to take one of the forums as Moderator, and I'm very pleased to make you joint Moderator of the
New Characters in Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix and New Aspects of Existing Characters section. Congratulations on your first Moderating place here at BaO and have fun!