New maximum of 3 Moderators per Forum

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New maximum of 3 Moderators per Forum

Postby Paul » Saturday 21 June 2003 1:00:49am

Taking into consideration the fact that many forums now have two moderators, and the possible additional vigilance and help that may be required on the forum now that the extra Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix areas have been created, the previous maximum of two moderators per forum has now been extended to a maximum of 3 moderators per forum.

If there are any areas that you were interested in moderating but had previously not asked, or had been turned down because there were already 2 existing moderators, you now have the chance to help run your chosen forum. :)

As always, absolute thanks to all the existing moderators and to anyone who is considering helping - you all assist hugely in making Broomsticks And Owls the place it is. :)
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Saturday 21 June 2003 1:16:46am

I would be interested in being a moderator for one of the new 'fifth book' forums doing as much as I can. I'm not sure which one, but I can't imagine any of them would be bad. But I wouldn't want to be made moderator of a book 5 section until I finished reading the book! :grin:

I'll look over the titles of the four sections to see which one strikes me most, but most likely (if you'll let me be a moderator), I'll let you put me wherever you need me and/or feel I'd do the best job. Is there a thread or could you post for me what it is your expect of moderators and what they are supposed to do and how they act? I'd be interested to know--thanks! :D

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby Paul » Sunday 22 June 2003 6:37:52pm

Massive thanks, Lizzy - moderating any of the book 5 sections after you've read the book would be hugely appreciated, particularly the Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix Book Discussions, Rumours following Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix, or New Characters in Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix and New Aspects of Existing Characters (in other words the ones which don't yet have a moderator). :-)

There's a thread that Neo started at which details the main aspects of the ways Moderators help the forum. There's also the Moderators forum available if you'd rather discuss Moderator-related and board issues in a private Moderator-only area. :)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 23 June 2003 4:53:57pm

Am I allowed to Mod the OOTP theories section too???


Pleeeeeeeeassssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee??? ;)

Holly :circling:

(it's not my fault, I'm addicted!!! :lol: )
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Monday 23 June 2003 5:05:26pm

Paul wrote:Massive thanks, Lizzy - moderating any of the book 5 sections after you've read the book would be hugely appreciated, particularly the Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix Book Discussions, Rumours following Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix, or New Characters in Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix and New Aspects of Existing Characters (in other words the ones which don't yet have a moderator). :-)

There's a thread that Neo started at which details the main aspects of the ways Moderators help the forum. There's also the Moderators forum available if you'd rather discuss Moderator-related and board issues in a private Moderator-only area. :)

Paul, I'm having a really hard time deciding and since you helped me pick my House, I'm going to leave it to you, based on my personality, posts, and strong points, which section you think I'd be most helpful and where you most need help. Is that alright? :)

If, over today, I get a sudden inspiration, I'll be sure to let you know...the theories section would have been cool, but I think Hermione Weasley :-) and Holly Golightly :-) have that one covered. And yes, I finished the book yesterday! :D Have a great day! :grin:

~ Lizzy :jump:

P.S.--I read Neo's thread, and that helped, but I agree...a how-to section would be great, and it seems that's in the private mod section, so I'll read there! :-)
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Monday 23 June 2003 8:04:19pm

For me, having thought on it some, it seems the Theories section is out as Holly Golightly and Hermione Weasley have that well covered, and the Rumours section isn't a place where I've made a lot of posts. I could be happy with either the book 5 discussion section or the characters section . . . it's up to you, Paul, though I like the characters section a little better (a little easier to manage, as I should be working full-time soon)! :D Thank you for considering me! :grin:

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 24 June 2003 6:22:05am

Paul, since Holly asked first to also help OOPT theories, I think she should get the job (which I also like, really); but it you do not want me to moderate four sections (since in theory now I can moderate also OOPT theories), I could help you with any of the other sections of OOTP (I would like to help you in two of the OOTP theories, and whichever you want)
Hopes that makes some sense.
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 24 June 2003 4:42:14pm

Thanks for all the interest and eagerness for Moderator-ship on the new book 5 forums. :) Holly, your theory-addicted pleeeeeeeeeeeasssssssssseeee (did I get the right number of eeee's and ssssssss's ?) :-) has won you a place as Moderator of the Theories based on Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix section. And, where would a theories section be without Neo? Well, I'm very happy to announce you as third Moderator of the OOTP theories section, Neo. :)

Yes, if you'd like to moderate more of the OOTP area, it would be great, Neo - seeing as having the OOTP area here is a bit out-of-the-ordinary, If you'd like to keep the forums you're already moderator for, I figure the limits of 3 forums per moderator can be overruled in the interests of getting a fully properly moderated OOTP area, although I'll leave it up to you to decide in case you feel 4 would be a bit too many for you to moderate (I realise how long it can take and the last thing I'd want to do is for anyone to end up finding the Moderating takes over and leaves no time for other things).

Lizzie - great to hear things are looking good work-wise. I'm very please to announce you as Moderator of the New Characters in Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix and New Aspects of Existing Characters. I'm sure it will be an interesting place and hope you have a great time there. :-)

Sincere thanks Holly, Lizzie and Neo - the Order of the Phoenix forum is definitely taking shape now, with half of the forums there having at least one moderator. Yahay! :) :-)
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Postby azn wizard » Friday 27 June 2003 6:30:32am

hey paul, if u ever need another mod for the rpg when itz finished being "remodeled"...will u pick me? :grin: :grin: :grin:
ps. promise i wont ruin it :grin: :grin:
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Friday 27 June 2003 9:09:25pm

Meh, was wondering if I could help with the new characters section. The general OotP section is still a bit intimidating and I wouldn't be able to give it as much of my attention as I'd like. So if it's allright with Lizzy (who's already a moderator of that section,) and with you, Paul, then I'd be willing to moderate the OotP characters section. Thanks!
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Postby Hermione » Friday 27 June 2003 9:11:29pm

Hey Paul! I know I'm already mod for two sections of the forum, but I figure since it's summertime, I can carry extra stuff if you need me ;)

That said, once you finish remodeling the RPG forum, I'd be willing to help mod that one . . . ooohh, I can be a strict mod, don't worry! :razz:

Essentially, I'm willing to help wherever you need it most . . .
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Friday 27 June 2003 9:29:07pm

Blaise Zabini wrote:Meh, was wondering if I could help with the new characters section. The general OotP section is still a bit intimidating and I wouldn't be able to give it as much of my attention as I'd like. So if it's allright with Lizzy (who's already a moderator of that section,) and with you, Paul, then I'd be willing to moderate the OotP characters section. Thanks!

That'd be fun, Blaise...I'd love to share mod duties with you! :grin: I hope Paul agrees! :D We'd have a grand ol' time and you'd be a great mod! :-)

~ Lizzy :jump:

P.S.--See? Slytherins and Ravenclaws *can* get along and be friends! :razz: :lol: tee-hee!
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Friday 27 June 2003 9:35:52pm

I apologize for double-posting, but Paul, if you are having a hard time getting book 5 mods, I am only modding two places right now, so I have one more section I can mod before I reach my limit. You could (if you want) put me in charge of "Book 5 Discussions" or "Book 5 Rumours", whichever you need more help with! :grin: I'd be happy to do really doesn't take too much work, it's a lot of fun, and (hopefully) I've done a good job so far! :D

Let me know! :-)
~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby Paul » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:14:01am

Thanks everyone! :) It's certainly getting busy around here, and all the extra offers of moderator help are awesome.

Azn wizard - Already an enthusiastic and active Moderator, I have faith that you'd be a very fine moderator for the newly "remodeled "RPG section too, so I'm pleased to have upgraded you to Moderator there, ready for the re-opening of the section. Many thanks, Azn :-)

Lizzy, you're seriously doing fabulously as Moderator so far, expressing concern where needed, and already a very valued member of the Moderator team. Yes, the Book 5 area is definitely requiring additional moderators at the moment, therefore I'm very thankful for your offer and happy to announce you as Moderatorship of the Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix Book Discussions forum :)

Hermione - you successfully get the balance right in your existing forums, therefore your further assistance on the board over the Summer would be greatly appreciated. Without any existing moedrator, the Rumours following Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix forum is a place where Moderatorship is much-needed at the moment, so if you'd like that one, it would be brilliant. However, if you'd prefer to be a fourth RPG moderator it would probably be very worthwhile as the RPG may indeed need a lot of Moderating once re-opened. :-)

Blaise Zabini - your contributions to the discussions on the board have been thoughtful, positive and insightful. As such, it's very appreciated that you've offered to take one of the forums as Moderator, and I'm very pleased to make you joint Moderator of the New Characters in Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix and New Aspects of Existing Characters section. Congratulations on your first Moderating place here at BaO and have fun! :D
Last edited by Paul on Saturday 28 June 2003 4:38:34am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:49:54am

Woohoo! Thanks so much, Paul! :D

Am now off to test moderating capabilities...
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