. all i can say is that i will never again complain about my bad habit of sleeping in. i only missed the train by about 15mins.when i got there they were rushing everyone out of the station saying there was a 'power failure'. it was something from a movie, me and a huge crowd gathered around a single radio in a a stall on the street, not believing at all what we were hearing. especially after all the happiness of just winning the olympics. it was so strange hearing all these bombs and sirens and all the paper stands proclaiming so happily the victory of the olympic bid. it was a very strange day.
but no-one panicked or anything. everyone was shocked and just kept on going with their normal business. i think all the londoners were very brave, if everyone had stopped their normal lives and become too scared to do what they normally did, that's the victory the terrorists want to make everyone so scared and paranoid that we take away our own liberties and freedom. everyone really pulled together, i'm not normally patriotic, but i'm proud of the resilence and strength that everyone showed. and it was made all the more poignant by the comemoration of the 60th anniversary of the end of the WW2. that was a show of defiance and i felt proud to be there in hyde park.
oh no i sound like a bad movie