An extremely sleepy Harry Potter looked at his alarm clock. 3:32. Great, that made at least another four hours to wait until he could get up, and get away from the horrible dreams that haunted him at night time.
Harry Potter was not just an ordinary, extremely scruffy, black-headed boy. He was a wizard, and an extraordinary one at that- the scar upon his forehead conveyed this message well. Harry, at the age of one had defeated the wizarding world’s most evil sorcerer, Voldemort (though people didn’t like saying his name) His Mothers love rebounding the fatal curse upon the evil magician. This curse had killed his Mother and Father, and for that, Harry detested Voldemort. However every day since the Young Baby had defeated Voldemort, people thought that peace had returned- it hadn’t.
The year before, in Harry’s 4th year at Hogwarts, his own blood had been used to revive the dark Lord, and now he was more powerful than before. What made it worse was that the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, didn’t believe the sorcerer to be back, making excuses for all the disappearances of people. Harry was told this in a letter of Ron’s
Hope you’re OK. Things are pretty hectic here. Dad’s been rushing round, doing work for Dumbledore, as has Percy, Bill and Charlie. Ginny is really upset about you, and the Dark Lord’s rising again.
It’s completely stupid. The minister is covering up every single one of these murders You Know Who is murdering; He just won’t believe that he’s back.
At the moment, I’m trying to convince mum to let you stay. She isn’t too sure, but she’s sending an owl off to Dumbledore.
Hermione says there have been killings in the Muggle world as well. Hope you’re OK
Indeed, more killings had been reported in the Muggle world, but Journalists were convinced that this was the work of some mad serial killer. Attached to the note Ron had send was another, in Fred’s (Ron’s brother) handwriting
Thanks again for all that money. We’re developing ideas for new jokes.
We’ve asked the wizarding planning committee about our Joke shop and they say its OK! However we’re not sure how to break the news to mum. Here try this new product on Dudley!
Thanks again.
Gred And Feorge
With that letter came a pack of ‘Cowering Chocolate’ this was chocolate which, when you attempted to eat it, ran out of your mouth. It was quite funny seeing Dudley trying to eat the chocolate, and then eating thin air. However Harry had paid for this moment of fun with some de-weeding of the Dursely’s garden.
Harry sighed as he attempted, and failed, at going to sleep again. To be honest with himself, he didn’t really want to go to sleep, his dreams were too painful, and his scar was nearly as bad when he woke up. The dream Harry had just an hour ago was very horrible indeed. It involved Voldemort torturing innocent Muggles, and then laughing mercilessly as they died, not through the instant killing curse, but the torturing curse, something which Harry was well acquainted with as it had been used on him the year before. He shuddered at the painful memory, and then decided that he should get some advice about these dreams. He threw himself out of bed, and walked quietly (Carefully trying not to wake The Dureslys) over to his desk. He was going to write to Sirius and Dumbledore. He wrote to Sirius first.
Dear Sirius
I know you are probably busy doing whatever Dumbledore told you to, but this is rather important to me. Every night I have had vivid dreams of Voldemort torturing, and killing people. These dreams seem very real, and horrible. Also after each of these dreams I wake up with my scar burning. I really need to stop this, as I’m losing loads of sleep, and it’s disgusting, some of the things that Voldemort does…
Any way, enough about me, how are you? How is your mission going? I hope Remus is okay, send him my love.
Love Harry
He thought the letter was a little depressing, but it would do, as Harry was really quite desperate. He wrote another letter to Dumbledore, basically asking the same things, and gave both of the letters to Hedwig, his owl.
‘Take this one’ He pointed to Sirius’ letter ‘To Sirius, and takes the other to Dumbledore, Ok? Do it in any order.’ Hedwig gave a soft hoot of understanding; She nipped his finger lovingly and flew out of her cage and out of the window.
‘Thanks, Hedwig you’re the best owl ever!’ Harry whispered, watching her fly out and get consumed by the darkness. All was silent at Privet Drive, the place in which Harry lived during the summer holidays. A dog barked in the distance, and then everything was again silent. Harry felt a lot calmer now he had written the letters. He carefully closed the window, and strolled back over to his bed, on which he lay very still until he heard the Durselys start to move around their bedrooms. Then he waited until they were all in the Kitchen until he trooped in.
As usual Harry was ignored when he entered the room, Dudley, Harry’s cousin, just sat in front of the television, staring at it blankly (Harry thought this was side effects of Dudley being on a diet) whilst Aunt Petunia was pouring fruit salad into four bowls, carefully making Harry’s portion the least. Uncle Vernon was in his usual posture, reading the paper, muttering darkly at the news inside it.
‘Now boy’ Vernon said, laying his paper aside ‘We have to take Dudley to the gym, and then buy some security for our house, because of this mass murderer on the loose.’ Harry suddenly had a hopeful thought that they might leave him in the house alone.
‘So we’re taking you over to Mrs. Figgs.’ Harry’s heart fell, at this news. OK. Mrs. Figg wasn’t as bad as the Durselys, however, he would have much preferred staying at the house. He wolfed down his Fruit salad, and marched up to his bedroom, waiting for Uncle Vernon’s signal for him to come down and go to Mrs Figgs.
Next chappy ..