Harry Potter and the Dark Reign

Are you a budding writer? If you have any ideas for Harry potter plots, share them here. Who knows, JK Rowling may take a look and use your ideas in her next book!

Moderators: DucksRMagical, Phoenix in the Ashes, Un'Anima Persa

Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

1. Dreams and Letters

An extremely sleepy Harry Potter looked at his alarm clock. 3:32. Great, that made at least another four hours to wait until he could get up, and get away from the horrible dreams that haunted him at night time.

Harry Potter was not just an ordinary, extremely scruffy, black-headed boy. He was a wizard, and an extraordinary one at that- the scar upon his forehead conveyed this message well. Harry, at the age of one had defeated the wizarding world’s most evil sorcerer, Voldemort (though people didn’t like saying his name) His Mothers love rebounding the fatal curse upon the evil magician. This curse had killed his Mother and Father, and for that, Harry detested Voldemort. However every day since the Young Baby had defeated Voldemort, people thought that peace had returned- it hadn’t.

The year before, in Harry’s 4th year at Hogwarts, his own blood had been used to revive the dark Lord, and now he was more powerful than before. What made it worse was that the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, didn’t believe the sorcerer to be back, making excuses for all the disappearances of people. Harry was told this in a letter of Ron’s


Hope you’re OK. Things are pretty hectic here. Dad’s been rushing round, doing work for Dumbledore, as has Percy, Bill and Charlie. Ginny is really upset about you, and the Dark Lord’s rising again.

It’s completely stupid. The minister is covering up every single one of these murders You Know Who is murdering; He just won’t believe that he’s back.

At the moment, I’m trying to convince mum to let you stay. She isn’t too sure, but she’s sending an owl off to Dumbledore.

Hermione says there have been killings in the Muggle world as well. Hope you’re OK


Indeed, more killings had been reported in the Muggle world, but Journalists were convinced that this was the work of some mad serial killer. Attached to the note Ron had send was another, in Fred’s (Ron’s brother) handwriting


Thanks again for all that money. We’re developing ideas for new jokes.

We’ve asked the wizarding planning committee about our Joke shop and they say its OK! However we’re not sure how to break the news to mum. Here try this new product on Dudley!

Thanks again.

Gred And Feorge

With that letter came a pack of ‘Cowering Chocolate’ this was chocolate which, when you attempted to eat it, ran out of your mouth. It was quite funny seeing Dudley trying to eat the chocolate, and then eating thin air. However Harry had paid for this moment of fun with some de-weeding of the Dursely’s garden.

Harry sighed as he attempted, and failed, at going to sleep again. To be honest with himself, he didn’t really want to go to sleep, his dreams were too painful, and his scar was nearly as bad when he woke up. The dream Harry had just an hour ago was very horrible indeed. It involved Voldemort torturing innocent Muggles, and then laughing mercilessly as they died, not through the instant killing curse, but the torturing curse, something which Harry was well acquainted with as it had been used on him the year before. He shuddered at the painful memory, and then decided that he should get some advice about these dreams. He threw himself out of bed, and walked quietly (Carefully trying not to wake The Dureslys) over to his desk. He was going to write to Sirius and Dumbledore. He wrote to Sirius first.

Dear Sirius

I know you are probably busy doing whatever Dumbledore told you to, but this is rather important to me. Every night I have had vivid dreams of Voldemort torturing, and killing people. These dreams seem very real, and horrible. Also after each of these dreams I wake up with my scar burning. I really need to stop this, as I’m losing loads of sleep, and it’s disgusting, some of the things that Voldemort does…

Any way, enough about me, how are you? How is your mission going? I hope Remus is okay, send him my love.

Love Harry

He thought the letter was a little depressing, but it would do, as Harry was really quite desperate. He wrote another letter to Dumbledore, basically asking the same things, and gave both of the letters to Hedwig, his owl.

‘Take this one’ He pointed to Sirius’ letter ‘To Sirius, and takes the other to Dumbledore, Ok? Do it in any order.’ Hedwig gave a soft hoot of understanding; She nipped his finger lovingly and flew out of her cage and out of the window.

‘Thanks, Hedwig you’re the best owl ever!’ Harry whispered, watching her fly out and get consumed by the darkness. All was silent at Privet Drive, the place in which Harry lived during the summer holidays. A dog barked in the distance, and then everything was again silent. Harry felt a lot calmer now he had written the letters. He carefully closed the window, and strolled back over to his bed, on which he lay very still until he heard the Durselys start to move around their bedrooms. Then he waited until they were all in the Kitchen until he trooped in.

As usual Harry was ignored when he entered the room, Dudley, Harry’s cousin, just sat in front of the television, staring at it blankly (Harry thought this was side effects of Dudley being on a diet) whilst Aunt Petunia was pouring fruit salad into four bowls, carefully making Harry’s portion the least. Uncle Vernon was in his usual posture, reading the paper, muttering darkly at the news inside it.

‘Now boy’ Vernon said, laying his paper aside ‘We have to take Dudley to the gym, and then buy some security for our house, because of this mass murderer on the loose.’ Harry suddenly had a hopeful thought that they might leave him in the house alone.

‘So we’re taking you over to Mrs. Figgs.’ Harry’s heart fell, at this news. OK. Mrs. Figg wasn’t as bad as the Durselys, however, he would have much preferred staying at the house. He wolfed down his Fruit salad, and marched up to his bedroom, waiting for Uncle Vernon’s signal for him to come down and go to Mrs Figgs.

Next chappy .. :smile: it does get better!
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

2: Figgs and Discoveries.

As Harry trooped over to Mrs. Figgs, He did not smell Cats, like he usually did when near her house. Frowning, he knocked smartly on the wooden door. Old Mrs Figg opened the door timidly. She looked even more tired than usual. However, when she opened the door, and saw Harry her face split into the usual grin.

‘Hello Harry dear!’ She said, attempting to be bright, but this failed. Harry could sense fatigue in her tone, and he looked at her, worried.

‘Mrs Figg, what’s the matter?’ He asked, but the old women brushed this comment aside.

‘I’m fine, dear, just a little bug’ She had very dark bags under her eyes. It must have been a very bad cold. She ushered him into the house, and Harry gasped at what he saw lying upon the table. It was a sleek, long cylinder, which was a silvery colour.

‘Mrs Figg, is that a wand?’ he asked in shock. Mrs Figg. A witch? Why hadn’t she ever told him?

‘Oh drat’ She said, her elderly voice suddenly changing, as if there had been a change in person. She looked feebly at Harry. ‘Dumbledore’s going to be furious about this. I think I should tell you the truth, Harry’ Harry nodded, frowning.

‘Yes I think you should too’ He replied helping himself to a rickety seat. Figg also took one; making sure she was comfortable before starting the story.

‘When you defeated the Dark Lord, Harry I was employed to keep an eye on your progress with the Dursely’s. I monitored how well you were being treated, and more importantly, I was ready to protect you if any Dark Forces tried to harm you.’ She stopped at this moment, as Harry wanted to speak.

‘Why? My thanks for your living here all the time, but why you?’ He asked curiously. She smiled at him.

‘That’s a good question’ She complimented. ‘Well I was at Hogwarts with your mother and Father- And Sirius and Remus’ She added with a sparkle in her eyes.

‘WHAT?’ Harry exclaimed loudly. This didn’t make sense. ‘But you’re- no offence- Old!’ Figg laughed merrily, all fatigue washed from her face.

‘It was a curse’ She said simply ‘and a rather good one at that. It’s a good disguise. Luckily Dumbledore found a counter curse, so I can change from old to young form at will’ She stopped for a moment, as if expecting more questions. When none came, she went on.

‘Anyway. I was a great friend of Lily’s. It was really my duty to protect you when your parents- err- well, when your parents passed away.’ Harry gulped. These words still hurt him a little.

‘Go on’ He said, simply.

‘As I was saying’ Figg went on ‘I watched you, and informed Dumbledore of each piece of before school magic you did.’ She smiled at him, her eyes twinkling again. ‘When you were away at school, I was allowed to be normal again’ Harry shook his head.

‘Wow, thanks, you did a whole lot of work for me’ She laughed again, but shook her head.

‘Nah it was my pleasure, I like this place, anyway’ He nodded simply. ‘Oh!’ She added ‘I haven’t even introduced myself properly yet!’ She shook her head, as if she was embarrassed. ‘I’m Arabella Figg, But I prefer Bella’ Harry nodded, He had heard the name somewhere before, but he couldn’t quite remember where exactly.

It was then Bella stopped dead, all colour etching away from her face.

‘Bella, what is it?’ Harry asked anxiously.

‘Diagon Alley’s under attack’ Arabella stated grimly. ‘I’ve got to go. Stay here, Harry, don’t do anything foolish!’ She then morphed into a middle-aged woman, and was gone. Harry shivered. That had come along as a surprise. And now Diagon alley was under attack from the Dark Lord. He was quite alone in the house now. He wondered exactly what was happening in Diagon Alley just now, and whether anyone was seriously hurt.


Arabella apparated just outside the scene of carnage. It was horrible. Shops were burning down, amid screams and shouts from a crowd of wizards, trying to defend themselves from Dark wizards. All children and most women had removed themselves from the battle, and were hiding in smouldering ruins of shops.

Bella somersaulted into the fray, dodging streaks of green and red light. A death eater stalked up to her and grinned at her savagely.

‘What could a mere women do to harm us?’ He received a wheeling kick to the head, and went flying into the ground. Soon other wizards began apparating into the battle, and the fight was tipping in the balance of the wizards. There were many shouts of ‘Stupefy!’ And other curses mingled up in the air.

Suddenly Bella noticed a small child, being harassed by a Death Eater. It put rage into her heart, and she ran towards him. The child was actually standing ground quite well. With a wand he had obviously found he was sending sparks up at the Evil Sorcerer, whom the multicoloured spray blinded.

‘Can’t you Death Eaters play fair?’ Bella asked, tapping the Dark Wizard on the shoulder. The man spun round, caught by surprise.

‘Avada-‘ He was cut off. Bella high-kicked him in the face and shouted ‘STUPEFY’ with her wand outstretched; the wizard was blasted back, slumped in an unconscious position.

The rest of the Death Eaters seemed to loose morale and teleported away. A black silence swept over the street. Wizards were looking at, and trying to help casualties. Arabella turned to the small boy. He seemed no more than five years of age.

‘Are you ok?’ She asked ‘Where are your parents?’ A single tear fell form the boy’s eye.

‘They- they’re dead miss. Killed by one of those black people’ He looked very frightened. The boy had long, blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes, however his expression was that of pain and suffering.

‘Please don’t send me to an orphanage!’ He wailed. Bella had a wave of sympathy for him.

‘Ok’ She said ‘I’m so very sorry about your parents, and I’ll see whether you could stay with me for a few nights’ He looked up at her gratefully.
‘Thank you miss’ He said, and suddenly he burst into tears.

What did you think, This chapter was a little stupid, but oh well
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

3: Beran and Drastic Measures

‘What happened, what happened?’ Harry asked as soon as Arabella and the boy appeared in the house again. Bella grinned, but hugged the boy, to keep him from crying more. She looked at Harry as if to say ‘I’ll tell you later’ and Harry nodded, looking at the little boy curiously.

‘What’s your name?’ Bella asked the boy kindly. He looked at her, and his face expression stopped looking sad.

‘I’m Beran, miss’ He said, looking at her. Arabella smiled.

‘That’s a nice name, Beran’ She said sweetly ‘I’m called Arabella, but everyone else calls me Bella’ She smiled at him, then she pointed at Harry. ‘This boy is called Harry Potter’ the boy’s eyes widened at this news.

‘Whoa! Harry Potter. Cool!’ He seemed to have forgotten about his parent’s death almost immediately. He ran up to Harry and bombarded him with questions on things that all little boys wanted to know about Harry. He smiled and answered all of the questions politely. At about seven o’clock Beran went to bed, and that left Arabella to tell Harry exactly what happened. His eyes widened at the story.

‘I’d better be off’ He said, looking at Bella’s clock ‘The Dursley’s will skin me if I’m any later’ He grinned at his statement.

‘Ok’ Bella said ‘Listen, When you get in your house you’ll find you have a message from Dumbledore. I’m going to escort you.’ With that confusing statement, Harry left the house and trooped back over to the Durselys. Wondering what exactly was in the letter from Dumbledore, and what Arabella had meant by ‘I will escort you’ as he entered the house he was shouted at for about five minutes, about how he shouldn’t arrive this late. Aunt Petunia also asked whether Harry had told anything to Mrs Figg that he shouldn’t have, and Harry replied a definite no. He was anxious to get to his bedroom and read the letter from Dumbledore.

As he entered his room, Harry shivered, he had left the window open all day, and it was getting rather cold in the room. Hedwig was sat upon her perch, and hooted happily when Harry entered. She dropped off two letters in his hand. There was one from Sirius, and one from Professor Dumbledore. Harry opened the one from Sirius first.


If you haven’t already, write to Professor Dumbledore. He could send you a draught of the Potion of Dreamless sleep, or another potion like it. If what Dumbledore told me last year was true, these dreams that you are having seemed to have taken place properly. They could be an excellent way of finding out what Voldemort’s next plans will be. Harry just remembered that he had actually had a dream of Death Eaters storming Diagon Alley. But I don’t want to put you under too much pressure. Just enjoy your holiday.

I’m fine, and so is Remus. We are travelling around the world and gathering people who were standing against Voldemort the last time he was powerful. So far we have reached Arabella Figg (Whom I’m sure you know by now) and 3 others, these numbers aren’t really very good, but we only need leaders. Moony sends his love.

Love Padfoot

Harry was relieved that Sirius wasn’t doing a really dangerous job, like going one on one with Voldemort, however, his name still wasn’t cleared with the ministry, So He had to be sneaky when working, Harry didn’t really like him doing this, but It wasn’t really his place to say what his Godfather could and couldn’t do. Harry stroked Hedwig a few times (She was now perched upon his lap) and turned to Dumbledore’s letter. It was fairly heavy, and as Harry opened it, a glass bottle fell out. It was fairly large. Looking curiously at it Harry read Dumbledore’s letter.


These dreams you are having are very serious. If we could see them we could tip the balance on Voldemort, therefore I have ordered an escort to bring you to Hogwarts tomorrow at precisely at ten I will be there personally, so you don’t need to worry about the Dursleys.

Meanwhile I suggest you use this vial, if you have it near you at night, you won’t have any dreams, they will fall into the bottle, and so I could have a look at them later. A clever invention of mine, don’t you think? Once every four years or so I think of these brilliant inventions, I wish I could have more of these thoughts. I must be getting old. Harry laughed at this point, and then stifled it as Aunt Petunia shrieked for him to be quiet.

Have all your things ready for 10 AM

Albus Dumbledore

Harry grinned at the letter. He was going to Hogwarts a lot earlier than he imagined! With these thoughts he fell into bed, clutching the smooth glass vial, and fell into a great, dreamless sleep.


Harry woke at seven o’clock. Truly refreshed, he hadn’t had one dream throughout his nights sleep, and he was truly thankful for Dumbledore’s invention. As he heard Aunt Petunia getting up, he started to pack all his school things into a suitcase, which he did very quietly, carefully trying not to put all of the Dursleys in a bad mood for the day’s events. Finally everything had been crammed into the case, and Harry went down for breakfast. Dudley was the only person who wasn’t at the dinner table, he was still in bed. Harry felt, although he was travelling to Hogwarts for a depressing reason, very excited.

‘Err, Uncle Vernon?’ He asked his uncle timidly at the breakfast table.

‘Eh?’ Vernon replied.

‘Some people will be picking me up at 10 ‘clock, is that OK?’ Vernon swivelled his eyes around, and fixed them on Harry evilly.

‘Oh, I don’t think so, Remember, your Gardening today at ten o’clock’ Harry gulped, well. That didn’t matter Dumbledore was getting him anyway.

‘Oh. OK’ Harry said, holding back a smile. He ate a bit of breakfast, taking as much time as possible, and was finally forced out into the garden at 9:30. He sighed, and started to dig the garden. Dudley waddled out to watch him and occasionally attempt to fight him. All of the punch and kick efforts Harry dodged with ease. He had grown up to be quite an athlete. Finally, Harry heard the clock chime in the Durselys house, and about a second later, the doorbell ring. Harry listened intently. Suddenly there was a gigantic shout.

‘Harry! I told you not to invite these people!’ Harry ran up to the door. And looked out at who was at the door. It was Professor Dumbledore, and although Harry knew the times must have been hard on him, he was still wearing an amused expression.

‘Well, Mr Dursely, I’m sure we can sort it out somehow’ Dumbledore was saying. Vernon was almost frothing from the mouth with rage.

‘You already know that I hate all of this Magic nonsense!’ He roared. ‘He will not go with you!’ Dumbledore looked at him almost sympathetically.

‘Well I’m sorry Mr. Dursely but we need him, and I’m sure he’ll agree that Hogwarts feels more like his family than this place does’ Harry nodded vigorously at this. And Uncle Vernon looked as if he would explode.

‘No’ He whispered, a deadly whisper.

‘Fine’ Dumbledore snapped. He took Harry, and when Uncle Vernon attempted to pull Harry back, Dumbledore created a shielding charm, so that he couldn’t get out of the house. Harry laughed a little.

‘Err, professor, they will be able to get out after a while, won’t they?’ He asked, although not really bothering what the reply would be.

‘Ah yes after an hour or so’ Dumbledore replied, looking rather amused as Vernon ran into the invisible barrier and bounced right off it. ‘Come now Mr. Potter. We have a car waiting. I think you have already met Mrs. Figg and Beran.’ Harry looked startled.

‘Beran?’ He replied, Startled ‘He’s only small!’ Dumbledore smiled grimly.

‘Yes, but I require something from him. I need you as well. When we get back to Hogwarts I need to explain all of the things that I have pushed aside before hand. It is important for you to know.’ Harry nodded, and got into a sleek black car, which when Dumbledore and himself climbed into, it turned invisible, and flew off into the morning sky.

‘Hi there Harry!’ Bella said as they took off. She and Beran were seated at the front while Harry and Dumbledore were at the back.

‘Wooow!’ Beran was exclaiming, as they flew over Surrey.

‘Have you got that vial I sent, Harry?’ Dumbledore asked.

‘Yes. It helped thanks’ Harry said pulling it out of his pocket. He noticed that it now had some swirling, purple mist inside, which was obviously the dream. He handed it to Dumbledore, who asked ‘You don’t mind if I look into the dream, do you?’ He asked, when Harry shook his head, he opened the vial, and the mist flew into him.

‘Now I have to go to sleep’ Dumbledore explained. He sat back in the cars leather seats, and was almost instantly a sleep, breathing slightly heavier than usual. Harry looked out of the window for a little bit, and then played with Beran at ‘Eye Spy’

It took about an hour to get to Hogwarts, and by the time they arrived Beran was very bored. It was just as they touched down upon the Hogwarts ground that Dumbledore jerked awake looking a little tense. Harry praised him for taking the dream so well, but Dumbledore waved it aside.

‘Lets get into the castle, Harry, Tomorrow night I would like to see you at my office. The password is Chinese fire mints’ Seeing Harry’s confused expression he explained ‘they’re my favourite type of Mint. Very hot indeed’ Harry nodded and headed towards Hogwarts castle, the place he called home.

‘I haven’t told you yet, but you are a school prefect’ Dumbledore said, beaming ‘Here’s your badge’ He handed Harry a shiny, red, prefect badge, and also added ‘The Gryffindor password is Let me in. A very nice password, however you are a prefect now so you can change it.’ Harry broke off from Bella, Beran, and Dumbledore and headed towards the Gryffindor common room. Marvelling at how quickly they had actually arrived at Hogwarts. It was only just 11:30, and Harry had until the next night until his meeting with Dumbledore.

‘Ah! Harry dear!’ The fat lady greeted him. ‘What’s the password?’

‘Hello there’ Harry greeted ‘Let me in please’ the fat lady grinned at him.

‘Okie dokie’ the portrait said, and swung open, letting Harry step into a familiar common room.
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I'll stop there for now, i have all the chappys up to no. 10 written :smile: I'll post more tomorow
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Postby ermintrude2003 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

That was really great! I can twait for u to post more! Don't forget to check up on my story too!
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I love it, but there are a few things
1) never call wizards magicians. Magicians are fake.
2) I love the name Beran! It's so cool.
3) I always though Figgy was younger! Nobody ever takes me seriosusly though.
4) Bella's awesome!
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Sure thing, i'll post. Thanks for your comments, and sorry about the magician thing.
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Grr sorry, i couldn't get it qorking. EzBoard has always been a little funny on my P.C, it might be to do with the fact i have a rubbish internet connection or something. :sad: any how! I'm gonna post more here...


4: Friends and House-elves

‘Harry!’ Cried a voice, and Harry jumped, and then gasped. Standing in the common room were Ron, Ginny and Hermione! He grinned at them.
'Hey guys! What are you doing here!’ He asked, in a happy tone, His friends faces turned sober.
‘Well our families have been moved to Hogwarts for safety’ Ron explained he looked almost happy at this news, although Harry knew that it must have been hard for the Weasleys to move all of their things from the Burrow to Hogwarts. Hermione nodded, and Harry said.
‘So how are you all?’

‘I’m fine’ Ron replied ‘I’ve been catching up on homework, but that’s all really. I went to see Dobby a few times as well’ He grinned. Hermione had done a few more productive things.

‘Well I finished my homework ages ago, so I’ve been helping the teachers with the war against Voldemort, producing Healing potions and things like that. Its tiring’ It was then that Harry noticed black bags under Hermione’s eyes, but he said nothing. Hermione was obviously giving all her effort to helping Hogwarts. Harry turned to Ginny.

‘What about you, Ginny?’ She sighed.

‘I’ve been doing a bit of everything really’ Harry nodded. He sighed. It was good to be back at Hogwarts, but he wished it were for a more, brighter reason. Despite all the madness taking place around the world, Hogwarts seemed its old, jolly self, and put some warmth in Harry's heart.

‘Lets go and see your families’ Harry said ‘I’ve only seen your family once, and that was only briefly, Hermione’ Hermione nodded. They visited Ron’s family first, but only Mrs Weasley, Fred and George were there. The place they were staying in was quite cosy, much like the Burrow, and Mrs Weasley still insisted on cooking the meals for them. Harry was greeted warmly.

‘Hello Harry dear!’ Mrs Weasley said, while hugging him. Harry grinned.

‘Hi Mrs Weasley, Fred, George’ Fred And George grinned at him, and clapped him on the shoulder. ‘Are Percy and Dad still at the office?’ Ron asked. And Mrs Weasley nodded, sighing deeply.

‘Arthur and the other three are working constantly nowadays. They’ve been at the office since six o’clock last night’ Harry gasped, and Mrs Weasley nodded. ‘I know, it’s a very long time to work, I’m very worried about them’ Before they left to see Hermione’s parents, Harry pulled Fred and George to the side, saying he would catch his friends up.
‘Have you asked your Mum yet?’ He asked them, and they shrugged.
‘Not yet’ They replied quietly ‘we’re waiting to get her in the right mood. Thanks again for the money! We did get some new dress robes for Ron, and he was a little suspicious about them, but didn’t ask much’ Harry nodded, thanked them for the ‘cowering chocolate’ And said goodbye to Mrs Weasley. He then caught up with Ron, Hermione and Ginny.
‘What did you say to the twins?’ Ginny asked curiously.
‘Nothing much’ Harry lied ‘I just wanted to ask them how their summer was’ He didn’t really like lying to his friends, but it was for Fred and Georges sake, mixed with the fact that Ron would probably go mad.

Hermione’s parents place wasn’t too far away from Ron’s. It had the same feel about it, and it seemed like Hermione’s parents were very excited about the castle, and everything to do with magic.

‘Its brilliant’ Hermione’s mother said, when Harry asked what they thought of the castle ‘I don’t have to do any cooking, and the house elves even make sugar free things. Harry remembered that Hermione’s parents were dentists.
‘What about your jobs?’ He asked them ‘Won’t the dentists be a bit lost without you?’ The grangers shook their heads.
‘No. We took a long holiday; they didn’t really mind’ They stayed at the Grangers ‘house’ for about an hour, answering all of the queries on magic, and what it was like. Hermione was exasperated.
‘Mum! I could have told you this ages ago! Why didn’t you ask me then?’ But her mother didn’t really have a good enough response. Soon after they left, and made their way back up to the Gryffindor common room, which felt very weird with no one inside.
‘So what happened in your holidays?’ Ron asked. Harry took a deep breath, and began to explain everything, about all of his dreams, Arabella Figg, Beran, everything. It took about fifteen minutes to say everything, and by the time he was finished, his friends were all very shocked.

‘Well, you certainly had a exciting holiday’ Ginny muttered.
‘I wonder what Dumbledore’s going to tell you at his office?’ Hermione asked, and Harry shrugged.

‘I don’t know. Maybe it’s just about Voldemort, or something.’ He seemed a little tense when he was speaking, I think the dreams put him off a little’ He shivered. He wasn’t surprised, the dreams were very disturbing. ‘How was Dobby?’ He asked, attempting to change the subject, He didn’t like depressing conversations. Ron grinned.

‘He was fine. Lets go and see him!’ Harry grinned, and they all set off (apart from Ginny who said something about finding Mrs Weasley) to the kitchens.
When they entered the kitchens, Dobby came straight to them.
‘Aha! Harry Potter Sir! You have arrived!’ Harry grinned at him.
'Yeah I have Dobby, how are you?’ He noticed Dobby was wearing the horrible socks Harry had given him the year before as a Christmas present.

‘Dobby is fine, sir! Dobby has just been given a pay rise!’ Harry smiled. Dobby was starting to get very ambitious. Hermione suddenly gained a lot more interest.
‘How much?’ She asked, curiously. Dobby gave her a lop sided grin.
’10 galleons month, miss’ He looked a bit frightened, but confident about the fact.

‘Well good for you, Dobby!’ Harry said ‘And how is Winky?’ but Dobby didn’t answer, another, very high pitched voice came from across the kitchen.
‘Winky is fine, thank you sir. She also is getting paid now!’ It was Winky, and she was in a far better state than she had been the year before.
‘How much are you getting paid?’ Ron asked.

‘Winky is paid 8 sickles a month Mr Weazey!’ Winky said, grinning, and looking a lot like Dobby. After getting food from the house elves, they trooped back towards the Gryffindor common room, listening to Hermione badgering on about how all elves should be like Dobby and Winky, and how they shouldn’t be treated unfairly.
‘You know Hermione’ Ron said as they entered the common room ‘I think you’ve gone mad’
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

5: Meetings and Discoveries

The next day went by fairly quickly. To start the day, Harry, Ron, Fred and George went down to the Quidditch pitch for some practice. It was a very enjoyable match, as Harry hadn’t played in a long time. Ron was keeper, while Fred, George and Harry were all trying to put the quaffle in the goals. Ron was actually surprisingly good at keeping the balls out of the nets.

‘I think you should try out for keeper this year’ Harry told him, as they marched back up to the castle, Fred and George agreed, and Ron flushed with pride. They weren’t really sure what to do at lunchtime, so The Weasley family, and the Granger family, along with Harry, took a picnic down to the lake. They sat talking, and watching the giant squid flop around lazily in the water. Harry wondered how boring it must’ve been, just floating around all the time getting tickled by pupils now and again. Mrs Granger and Mrs Weasley became very close friends over the picnic; they discussed motherly things, and just general gossip, while Mr. Granger was listening to Harry and Ron talk about Quidditch, interestedly

In no time at all, Harry was making his way up to Dumbledore’s office, almost nervous to find out what Dumbledore wanted with him.

‘Chinese fire mints’ He said to the stone Gargoyle, feeling rather foolish saying the very long password. However the Gargoyle leapt back, and Harry stepped onto the revolving staircase, which led him up to Dumbledore’s office. He knocked three times upon the large wooden door, and immediately entered when Dumbledore’s voice told him to enter.

‘Ah, Harry there you are’ Dumbledore said, Harry looked around. Already in the room stood Arabella Figg, Sirius Black (When seeing him, Harry grinned), Remus Lupin, and three other people whom Harry did not recognise, and all the teachers except Snape and Hagrid. Sirius greeted him with a strong hug. But broke off when Dumbledore started to speak. They all sat round Dumbledore’s desk.

‘As you all know, We are facing evil which is probably stronger than it ever was before’ Dumbledore started ‘We need to stamp out this evil before it becomes stronger. Hagrid and Madame Maxine are already talking the Giants into joining our side, before they join Voldemort, but we know for sure the Dementors are to join Voldemort.’ Every person around the desk shivered, but Dumbledore continued. ‘From Harry’s dreams I have pieced together a rough plan as to what Voldemort’s next move will be. Everyone by now was looking at Dumbledore curiously. ‘It seems that on the first day that school starts, Voldemort will attempt to storm Hogsmeade, take it siege.’ He sighed ‘Maybe it is to scare pupils away, or maybe it is just to get closer to Hogwarts. Or both. I don’t know. But I know for sure that Voldemort at this very moment is raising an army.’ He stopped for a while answering some questions.

‘How do you know for sure that these dreams are real?’ A man Harry did not recognise asked.

‘All of the events which Harry has dreamt have come true’ Dumbledore said firmly. He gestured to the man, who had short brown hair and blue eyes.

‘This is Mundugus Fletcher- but as he doesn’t like his first name, we refer to him as his second name’ Harry nodded, and shook hands with Fletcher. Dumbledore also introduced the other two people as ‘Talon Stride’ a tall man, who had naturally grey hair, and ‘Jasmine Weare’ Who Dumbledore referred to as Auburn. This nickname had obviously come about because of her violently Auburn hair, which was extremely long. After these introductions, he continued.

‘We have only have one real option, we raise a large army, and defend Hogsmeade.’ Harry now felt brave enough to put forward a question.

‘Where will we get such armies?’ He asked.

‘Students above forth year, and other parents’ Dumbledore said, still remaining calm. Harry thought about all the possible deaths this could cause, but he knew there would be no other way. The Minister of magic still didn’t believe that Voldemort walked the earth again, so he wouldn’t supply an army. Dumbledore began speaking again.

‘Now, mull these thoughts over, and come to me if any of you develop a better plan, now, everyone except Harry and Sirius is dismissed.’ Harry looked curiously at Dumbledore, but he said nothing until everyone had filed out of the room. Dumbledore glanced at Harry for a moment, and then at Sirius.

‘Harry, as you may, or may not have worked out by now, your invitation to the meeting tonight, means you have been accepted in our order.’ Sirius gasped, but Harry looked a little confused.
‘Err- Order?’ He asked. Dumbledore gave him a half-smile, half-sad look.

‘The order of phoenix’ He said quietly ‘I forged this order myself when Voldemort roamed the world before. The members are so purely against Voldemort that everyone can trust them. They normally have exceptional skill as well.’ Harry shook his head, so did Sirius.
‘I’m not that good.’ He muttered. While Sirius said.
‘He’s too young.’ Dumbledore sighed.
‘Harry is the only person worthy of the place at the moment’ He handed Harry a golden badge, with a Symbol of a phoenix engraved upon it. There were red flames rising from the phoenix, and seemed to really flicker and wave. Harry quickly pinned it upon him, and somehow it seemed to warm him, not physically, but mentally.

‘I want you to stick close to Beran through all of these wars’ Dumbledore said to Harry, just as he and Sirius were leaving. ‘He is more important than you could possibly imagine, and Voldemort knows that.’ Harry nodded. And rode back down on the ‘Escalator’

Harry felt a little sick. Too much was happening at the same time. He had been enrolled in the Order of phoenix, Hogsmeade was to be attacked when school started, and he had been told that Beran was very important. Trying to take in all this information, he followed Sirius to his room, and bid him good night, continuing to the Gryffindor common room, feeling empty and almost helpless.

As he entered the common room he was bombarded with questions that he couldn’t really comprehend, so he shushed everyone and basically told them everything that had happened. They all listened quietly through out. No one spoke when Harry finished for around a minute, Harry and Ron decided to have a game of Chess, which Harry lost, as usual, and then everyone decided to go to bed. Harry still felt very strange as he clambered into bed, but he brightened up a little when he thought he would go and see Sirius and Remus in the morning. He clasped his vial, and waited for sleep to overcome him.
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

~* hehe, i quite enjoyed writing this one *~

6: Hogsmeade And Death Eaters Part 1

Harry woke up the next day at around nine o’clock. He quickly rose from bed, wondering whether Sirius was awake at the time. He shook some of the sleep from his eyes and threw on some clothes. He rested for a while and then set off, out of the common room and down Hogwart’s stone corridors, which seemed a little distracted this early in the morning. Finally Harry reached Sirius’ room, and he knocked three times on the portrait of a cheeky gnome, much to its annoyance. After a few seconds the portrait swung open, and Harry grinned up at Sirius.

‘Hiya Harry’ Sirius greeted him ‘Sorry, only just got up’ He yawned. ‘I was wondering, do you want to go to Hogsmeade today? It might be our last chance’ Harry thought that it was a good idea, so he accepted.

‘Can I bring Ron and Hermione?’ He asked, and Sirius nodded.

‘Of course’ he grinned, and then looked at his magical wristwatch. ‘Ok. Meet me by the oak door, at around noon’ Harry nodded. He stayed and chatted with Sirius for a while, and then set off, back to the common room. When he arrived, Ron and Hermione were awake, and already bickering. It seemed that shouting at each other was their favourite hobby. Harry had to separate them to tell them of their trip.

‘OK.’ Hermione said ‘It will probably be our last proper look at Hogsmeade for a while’ Harry nodded. After that Ron and Hermione stopped their bickering, and asked a little more about the night before. Harry told them now, what he had forgotten, about Auburn, Talon and Fletcher. Hermione gasped.

‘Hey! I’ve read of them!’ She said in a hushed voice ‘Talon Stride and Jasmine Weare are legendary figures, And Mundugus Fletcher was the only person to get transferred between two houses, he went from Hufflepuff to Gryffindor.’ she stopped a little to gain breath ‘Talon Stride is a legendary wielder of a blade- Instead of a wand on the battlefield, he uses a sword, and he’s pretty good with it as well’ Again she stopped ‘Jasmine is the last descendant of the ‘Red mages’ She can do really rare and powerful fiery magic!’ Harry and Ron were stunned, for two different reasons.

‘How do you know all of that?!’ Exclaimed Ron, while Harry was amazed at how he had been with some of the most powerful figures, and not really noticed. She shook her head.

‘I’d quite like to meet her at some point’ She said curiously ‘She sounds as if she knows a lot.’

They passed the time by going down to the kitchens again, and getting some food. As always, the house elves were delighted to hand over all the confectionaries. They then proceeded into Mrs Weasleys ‘house’ so Ron could tell her where he was going. As they couldn’t be bothered trekking all the way back up to the common room, they decided to stay there for a while.

In no time at all the clock struck twelve, and the group left Mrs Weasleys place and moved down one set of stairs, and went into the great hall. The sky was very sunny, and Harry knew it was going to be hot outside. Sirius and Remus ushered them out o the doors and Harry found out he was correct. It was boiling outside, and after the short walk to Hogsmeade everyone was sweating. On the way Sirius had been telling them about Harry’s father and the things they did at Hogwarts. Harry had laughed at the sort of pranks they did, and Ron jokingly sighed and said they were even worse than Fred and George.

‘I’d like to meet your brothers sometime’ Sirius said ‘They sound excellent chaps’ Remus grinned

‘I taught them, they were nearly as bad as us, but not quite’ Sirius laughed as they entered Hogsmeade. There wasn’t too much activity going on, only a few people were walking around the streets, but Harry reminded himself that it wasn’t a school trip this time.

‘Where to first?’ Sirius asked.

‘That’s up to you’ Harry said. And they were off, around every single shop in Hogsmeade (it was easy as there was only fifteen) To Honeydukes, then Zonko’s, then Gladrags (Harry wanted to get Dobby some socks) finally they had visited every single one, and were panting slightly.

‘How about a drink at the three broomsticks?’ Remus said ‘I could do with one’ everyone nodded at this proposal. The pub was the only part of the village that was actually fairly crowded. The group found a vacant table, and quickly sat down, while Sirius and Remus ordered the drinks, the day had been very relaxing, and everyone was beginning to wind down. The pub was rather smoky, as three people at the bar were smoking rather large pipes.

After two drinks, the small group headed out of the pub, aiming to get back to Hogwarts, unfortunately they met a rather unexpected sight.

‘It’s Lucius Malfoy!’ Sirius hissed, indeed, Draco’s father was there, over the road with five other fellow death eaters. However, they were not in their black cloaks or costumes. They were obviously scouting out the area. Everyone dived for cover in the nearby bushes.

‘Can we take them?’ Ron whispered quietly.

‘There’s too many’ Replied Remus quietly. Despite the tenseness of the situation, his voice remained calm.

‘We can’t remain here forever!’ Hissed Hermione. As she spoke three more people who looked a lot like death eaters came wandering to Lucius Malfoy.

‘It looks like the army is arriving already!’ Harry whispered quickly. Sirius nodded, but said nothing. Fortunately, the group of death eaters moved off somewhere else, letting Harry and the others clamber out of the uncomfortable bushes.

‘Well, that was close!’ Ron said. They briskly walked back to the castle, but froze when they heard a shout. Suddenly Harry felt a sizzling bolt of energy fly past his right ear. He spun around, throwing all caution to the wind. The eight death eaters whom they saw earlier were hurling hexes everywhere. Passers by screamed and ran for cover.

Harry had to dive as another, green bolt flew towards him. Whipping out his wand Harry pointed at the nearest death eater and screamed ‘Stupefy!’ And turned and ran after his friends. He heard a thud behind him as the man fell to the ground, stunned. Many curses flew past him as he ran, but he didn’t stop. Soon he caught up with Ron, and encouraged him to keep running. More green bolts of energy flew past them.

‘Just make it to the castle!’ Sirius said through gritted teeth. They dived through the castle borders, and turned around, to see Lucius and his men screech to a halt.

‘What are we waiting for! Lets kill them!’ A death eater growled.

‘Are you mad!’ Snapped Lucius Malfoy. ‘Hogwarts repels evil, although that will soon be changed!’ He grinned evilly at Harry. ‘You will soon be with your mother and father, boy’ Harry felt his pulse rising. It wasn’t fear, it was anger.

‘Oh, I don’t think so’ He said, coolly. He then stalked off, beckoning the others to follow. He didn’t want his anger to kill him at these early stages; He knew that giving in to his anger would be like giving in to Voldemort.

‘We should definitely go and see Dumbledore’ Sirius said as they reached the castle door. They didn’t waste any time, they went straight to his office.
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Postby Shadow » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

That was really good. Would you mind only posting like 1 or 2 chapters at a time? They're just so long that it takes a while to get through all of them.
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Postby Melody Granger » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

please finish and as many chapeters at a time as you want :grin:
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

~*Hey i decided to finally post this one*~

7: Actions And Voices

Harry was still getting over the experience as they stepped into Professor Dumbledore’s office. When Dumbledore beckoned them to sit down they began to recite their story of what had happened, with out any embellishments. To their surprise Dumbledore looked rather impassive.

‘They act sooner than we’d anticipated’ he said calmly ‘That must mean Voldemort knows that Harry’s dreams show what he has been doing’ He lapped into silence a very thoughtful silence, with a pensive look upon his face. Throughout Ron bit his nails while everyone waited for what Dumbledore’s response was.

‘I think there is only one option’ he said, still remaining calm. ‘We will have to call in the order’s army now’ He looked a little distraught at saying this ‘I know a few of the soldiers still aren’t ready, but we need to take the risk’ Everyone nodded. It was still two weeks from the start of term, and it was still relatively sunny outside. Harry gazed out of the window for a while.

‘Sir, We could invite a few clever students early as well, with their parents’ He said, thinking this could be a good idea.

‘Yes, I’ll do that, Harry’ Dumbledore said, smiling. He then dismissed them. ‘I have a lot of work to do’ He said this with a little fatigue in his voice.

As Harry, Ron and Hermione walked back to the Gryffindor common room, Harry finally realised what it was like back in the times when Voldemort had been around before. You didn’t know who to trust, where to go, or what to do. This gave Harry a cold determination in his heart to get rid of Voldemort once and for all.

Terrible, isn’t it? Said a voice in his head.

‘What?!’ Harry exclaimed out loud, Ron and Hermione gave him a startled look.

‘What, Harry?’ Hermione asked.

‘Nothing’ Harry muttered ‘I thought I heard something’ they continued to walk.

Yes, you did hear something. The voice said again. Harry listened well to the voice, and almost fainted. The voice was his fathers; he had heard it so many times when close to Dementors…

Dad? He replied, putting shocked emotion into his thoughts.

Yes son? The voice replied. Harry couldn’t believe it, He paid no attention to Ron and Hermione’s bickering beside him.

How the heck did you get into my thoughts? He asked his father.

We just kind of wandered in came Harry’s mothers voice Spirits often wander into peoples minds, a lot of the people go mad, though. Thankfully your mind is made of stronger stuff Harry smiled

Now listen carefully His Dad said we can’t do this often, it takes up too much energy, but we want you to do this. In the morning go to Dumbledore and tell him what happened. Tell him to look in the book of legendary artefacts, page one hundred and fifty. He will know what to do then. Also please tell Sirius that it wasn’t his fault, and that we forgive him for everything. Remember Harry- The voice was beginning to fade out We will always be with you.Wwithout his mother and father in his head, anymore, Harry felt rather hollow. As they entered the common room Ron and Hermione stopped shouting at each other and looked at Harry.

‘Are you alright, mate?’ Asked Ron ‘you’re as white as a ghost’ Harry sighed.

‘I don’t know whether you’ll believe me about this’ Harry said. He told them about his mother and father.

A Few minutes later, Ron and Hermione were still gaping at Harry in amazement. Harry was not surprised, it was extremely extraordinary, and he still could hardly believe it himself.

‘I have to go and see Sirius’ He said, suddenly, remembering what his father had said about Sirius, and how he should forgive him. He said a brief goodbye to Hermione and Ron and briskly walked out of the common room.

He arrived at Sirius’ room after a few minutes, and knocked on the portrait. The door swung open, And Sirius greeted Harry, but stopped halfway through.

‘Are you alright?’ He asked anxiously. Harry nodded, and stepped into the room.

‘Something amazing just happened’ Harry said, quickly, and to the point. ‘Mum and Dad just spoke to me’ Sirius’ jaw dropped like Ron and Hermione’s

‘What- How?’ Harry sighed, and repeated everything he had told Ron and Hermione. At the end, he saw a small tear in Sirius’ eyes. He felt sorry for him, James and Lily Potter had been his best friends at Hogwarts, and Harry knew his parents were as close to Sirius as they were to him.

‘Thanks Harry’ Sirius said hoarsely. ‘This is truly unbelievable, will you go to Dumbledore now?’ Harry shook his head ‘No, I don’t feel up to it at the moment’ Suddenly Sirius’ expression suddenly brightened, and he grinned rather childishly.

‘Harry’ He said laughing ‘Your mentioning of your parents reminds me of an incident’ He told Harry a rather funny story of how James had managed to turn Lily’s hair blue, and how she didn’t notice for hours. He was in hysterics by the end.

Harry left a few hours later, feeling ready to go back to Dumbledore. He felt he had been in the old man’s office more than he’d ever been in his life. However, this didn’t deter him from climbing the revolving staircase and speaking with him again. He knocked on the door, and was instantly told to enter. Professor Dumbledore was sat at his desk, by the silvery pensive, looking rather thoughtful.

‘Yes Harry?’ He asked, looking up and smiling. Harry, for the third time today explained about his parent’s voices, while Dumbledore listened patiently, Harry noted that he was the only person whose jaw hadn’t dropped. When Harry had finished speaking, Dumbledore leapt up and almost ran to one of his clean and neatly kept bookcases. He withdrew a fairly small book, although it made up for its height with its thickness.

‘The book of legendary artefacts’ said Dumbledore ‘Or the Book of legends for short’ He opened the book and flicked to page one hundred and fifty, and his eyes studied the page. There was a lot writing upon the page, Harry estimated about 2 000 words, however, Dumbledore seemed to read it in thirty seconds. His features snapped into a beaming smile.

‘Trust James’ He muttered. ‘This is brilliant, this could turn the tides in our favour.’ He passed Harry the book. The picture upon the page was a painting; it was of a gigantic sword that was radiating a white aura. Harry read a little of the text.

Little is known of the four legendary weapons, which could destroy evil with one touch. Apparently these ‘weapons’ are based upon Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw. All of these people founded Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To build the weapons you need the three artefacts of the weapon we know for sure that Gryffindor’s Sword (shown in the picture above) needed the hilt, the blade and the stone. However none of these artefacts have been found, and it is disputable whether they really exist.

Harry looked up at Dumbledore, who nodded.

‘Yes Harry, I think this could be the key to slaying Voldemort once and for all’ he frowned ‘However, only one innocent and pure enough can touch the three artefacts, and once the blade has been forged only Gryffindor’s heir…’ He looked at Harry for a while.

‘What?’ Harry asked. If Dumbledore was implying that he was Gryffindor’s heir…

‘I think it’s about time I showed you the text’ Dumbledore said.

‘Text?’ Harry asked ‘What is that?’

‘There is no other word for it’ Dumbledore replied. He handed Harry a piece of ancient parchment, which was rather worn and weathered.

‘This is the one about artefacts, I think’ Dumbledore said ‘It should tell you all you need to know’ Harry read the text carefully.

So then, Gryffindor’s heir the boy that lived shall move on further. With his child companion he shall seek out the three artefacts of Gryffindor and shall forge a power that could destroy the reign of terror once and for all. However the heir to Slytherin, the dark lord, shall also seek out the artefacts, and the race of weapons will start. The outcome is unknown.

Harry carefully put the text down, and looked back up at Professor Dumbledore.

‘Your saying that I’m Gryffindor’s heir?’ Harry exclaimed, and Dumbledore merely nodded, Harry paused for a minute, taking it in. For some reason strange findings like this didn’t really rock him anymore.

‘I’m guessing’ Dumbledore said ‘That Beran is your child companion’ Harry nodded.

So it’s finally out in the open Came Harry’s mother’s voice the quest for the artefacts has begun Her voice faded out again. Shortly after Dumbledore dismissed Harry, he left for the Gryffindor common room. He felt strangely fatigued after all that had happened.
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

~*Okie, I'm kinda bored so i'll post this chappy*~

<b>8: Preparations for war</B>

When Harry, Ron and Hermione trooped down to the great hall the next day, it was rather noisy and loud. Many Hogwarts students had entered, along with their parents. Harry recognised them as the people Dumbledore had invited to wage way against Voldemort. He left on and Hermione alone, and went over to Arabella, who was eating with Beran, and Talon Stride.

‘Hi Harry’ She said ‘Want some toast?’ Harry took the toast from her, and after thanking her he said.

‘Has Dumbledore told you?’ He said, rather grimly. Arabella nodded, and Talon didn’t look surprised either.

‘Yes, although I think Beran is a little too young for this’ Harry nodded ‘Yes, I didn’t really want to include him in this, but there is no other way’ Beran smiled at him.

‘Don’t worry, Harry, Me and you will make an excellent team!’ Harry laughed at his comment, and turned to Talon.

‘Talon, could you please teach me how to use a sword, I’m afraid apart from the sorting hats blade I’ve never come in contact with one before’ The swordsman smiled at him, nodding.

‘Of course, Harry, I love to teach people sword play, it’s just that many people can’t see any uses for it now a days’ Harry thanked him, and went back over to Ron And Hermione, and told him about his sword lessons. Ron said he would go with him as well, so he could use a blade in the upcoming war. They sat down; Harry still munching on the toast Bella had given him. After a few minutes, Dumbledore stood up, and the room fell silent.

‘Now’ He started, looking around the hall seriously ‘I’m sure you all know that the dark lord has risen again’ He paused for a second, and the room stayed deadly silent ‘Severus Snape has contacted us, and he says Voldemort is to strike at Hogsmeade tomorrow. You have been brought here to defend it’ He looked at the students shocked faces ‘don’t worry, there will be back up from members of the order of phoenix’ Harry leant over to Ron and whispered

‘They still haven’t arrived’ Ron nodded. Dumbledore continue.

‘So be prepared for tomorrow, and may luck be on our side’ He sat back down, and started to converse quietly with a blonde man, who was looking rather worried.

Harry sat quietly, he didn’t tell anyone, but his scar was burning savagely at his head, like a rod hot poker.

Harry and Ron’s first lesson with Talon was at three o’clock, they went down to the dungeons, and into a stone cellar, which was extremely cold, unfortunately, it was place that was quiet, and was not home to a ghost or portrait. Talon first gave them a practice sword, it was long, and blunt, however Talon told them it felt exactly like a proper long sword. They started with the basics, how to grip the blade, and then went on to defensive moves and tricks. It may have been because he was Gryffindor’s heir, but Harry picked up on the manoeuvres very quickly, Talon was startled at his progress. Ron was still learning how to block an attack properly, when Harry could block and parry all of Talons attacks. Ron seemed a little jealous of this, so Harry started to scale down his learning curve. After a few more minutes, the tall man looked at his watch.

‘We still have a couple of hours left. Lets focus now on some more offensive manoeuvres’ Harry nodded, after his defence success he was confident enough to astonish Talon again in how fast he learned the slashes and hacks. Ron was also having much more success this time, his blows were very powerful, and well aimed, however some of these blows left him vulnerable in other spots. The lesson finally came to an end, and they finished with a spar against Talon, Ron went first. He demonstrated his high attacking skill, but because of this, Talon had him on the floor within the first two minutes. Harry stepped up.

‘See how well I do against Gryffindor’s heir’ Talon grinned, but Harry shrugged

‘I’ve only just started, go easy on me’ He thrusted forward, trying to catch Talon off guard, but the blow was parried to the side, and Harry had to hastily dodge a lightening counter attack.

Harry blocked another blow aimed at his stomach and lashed out savagely with his blade, causing Talon to wheel around, The tall man started another attack, but Harry dodged to the side, he Slashed downward, putting all of his weight into the swing. Talon’s blade was forced down, and Harry continued by slicing at his stomach. The grey haired man only barely leapt out of the way. What Harry experienced next came as a complete surprise to him, as Talon swung again, the world seemed to move slower, he knew exactly what the man was going to do. He brought up his sword and blocked the attack easily. He then calmly brought his blade down to block another attack; Talon’s sword seemed to be moving too slowly to be a challenge. He feigned a quick attack at Talon’s forehead, but then shifted the attack down to his legs.

As Talon fell to the ground the world seemed to revert to its proper speed.

Talon and Ron were gaping at him. Harry started to blush, he didn’t really know what had happened, but to beat the best swordsman in the world first time was quite an achievement.

‘I think I can expect great things from you, Harry’ Talon complimented him Harry nodded vaguely.

What happened? He asked his parents, who he sensed were smiling at his achievement.

It’s a sign of your Gryffindor heritage James replied you’ll find you have many other surprises ahead of you. Harry sighed as they walked back up to the Gryffindor common room. As they opened the portrait, Neville, Seamus and Dean came running up to them. Harry smiled at his fellow Gryffindors.

‘Harry, is what Hermione told us true?’ Harry frowned.

‘What?’ He asked. They gaped at him.

‘That your Gryffindor’s heir’ Harry nodded calmly, but didn’t tell them anything else, he didn’t really feel up to it. Hermione strolled up to them, and they got way from the other three, sitting in a corner of the fairly crowded common room- it was rather crowded as parents were put in the same houses as the children.

‘Why did you tell them’ Harry asked, through clenched teeth. Hermione just shrugged, but was interested in their lesson with Talon Stride.

‘Harry was brilliant, he beat Talon’ Ron said, Hermione was amazing, and she explained that he had been classed the best swordsman in the world. This fact wasn’t exactly new to Harry, but he nodded. He wasn’t exactly listening to anything, he was thinking forward to the battle ahead of them. Could Harry do as well in that battle? Maybe he could defeat Voldemort there and then…

Don’t even try his mothers voice came from the back of his head you can only slay him with Gryffindor’s blade. Harry nodded to himself. These words seemed to press the fact into him- the quest for Gryffindor’s blade would be a long and hard one, but if Voldemort was to be slain, he had to do what was necessary, and right now, Harry felt prepared to do anything, I it meant the downfall of the dark lord.

~*Grr i'm having a little trouble with chappy 11, but. Oh well*~
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

~*I enjoyed writing this chappy, loads of battles!*~

9: The war

Everyone woke early the next day. The upcoming war was fast approaching, and Harry knew it wasn’t like a Quidditch match, or a task in the tri wizard tournament- this war would involve a lot of deaths. But Harry wasn’t feeling nervous this time; instead he tried to squash down his anger with Voldemort. The Gryffindors all went down to the great hall together, where Talon Stride was handing out deadly long swords, saying they were just for ‘Backup’ Harry grinned at him. He was grateful for the sword, as he could revert to something that he was good at in battle.

Dumbledore beckoned Harry to him. And talked to him quietly.

‘Listen Harry, you’ll be in charge of the fifth year students, as this is your first battle in the order of phoenix. We would put you in charge of a bigger group, but we need to see your ability’ Harry nodded, in fact, he was grateful for a small group. He walked over to where all of the fifth years were gathered. Surprisingly, the only Slytherin there was Draco Malfoy.

‘Listen up people’ Harry said loudly, and every fifth year focused their attention on him. ‘I’ll be leading this regiment today, so please listen to me on the battle field’ Draco Malfoy coughed.

‘Why should we listen to you, Potter?’ He drawled. Harry remained calm.

‘Because of this’ He said, withdrawing the amulet of phoenix, which had been a present when he joined the order. There were a few gasps, and Draco looked a little crestfallen.

‘When the battle starts, we will wait outside Hogsmeade, until the other groups need back up’ Harry continued ‘So you will wait on the other side of the hill until I say to charge. When we do join the fray, We’ll need to stick together’ That concluded his speech, and Harry moved to Draco Malfoy, he felt a little sorry for him, as he was with no friends.

‘What is it Potter?’ Draco snapped. This didn’t deter Harry.

‘Draco why are you going to war against people who you grew up with, and were taught to follow?’ Draco shivered.

‘The things they do to people. I’m made to watch the most gruesome ones, it’s- it’s terrible’ He shivered again. Harry felt pity towards him, but refrained from talking any more, he gave Draco a reassuring smile, and went and joined Ron and Hermione.

Only a few people managed to eat breakfast that morning, Harry was one of them. Even some of the teachers were incredibly nervous, but Dumbledore of course remained calm. At seven o’clock the Students and Adults marched down to Hogsmeade. The fifth and sixth years stayed out of sight, and stayed behind a massive hill.

Finally it seemed that the orders army had arrived, hundreds of red and gold clad figures were apparating into Hogsmeade. It seemed Dumbledore was in charge of these people. Harry ordered his fifth years to stay low, so they were not seen.

The whole world around them seemed to have gone silent, there were no birds in the sky, the trees had stopped swaying, and the wind had stopped blowing. Nature seemed to have noticed the importance of this war, and kept quiet. The silence was a crescendo of thoughts and feelings. Everyone was thinking their last thoughts before the battle, about their parents and family.

Suddenly there was a shifting in the air, and sounds of wands shooting hexes and curses filled the sky. Harry whispered for his regiment to keep quiet and low. It was very difficult. Hearing the cries and shouts below it was hard not to just run in and help.

Now his father said

‘NOW!’ Screamed Harry, charging up the hill, accompanied by dozens and dozens of his school friends. Harry immediately saw why his father has suggested this time, all the death eaters had their backs to them. He immediately shot a Stunning spell at the nearest death eater, as other people did as well. Around sixteen of the death eaters fell from their first attack. Many of the others turned around and shot quick killing curses at them. Harry dived out of the way as a green bolt of energy was shot his way. Rolling out of his fall, he drew his long sword, and leapt towards the nearest death eater. Again the world seemed to slow, and began to feel comfortable with his blade.

A few minutes later, Harry still had his blade drawn. He was the only one. The rest of the school students were shooting stunning spells like mad. Harry fought his way to Talon, who was surrounded by death eaters and look as if he needed a bit of help. Harry swung at one of the death eaters and decapitated him instantly. He blocked another spell with his sword, and glanced the attacker with his sword. Suddenly the village of Hogsmeade was filled with more black figures. It was obvious that the defenders were out numbered. Harry saw Dumbledore’s army start to retreat and he ordered the same thing himself, shouting over all the battle noise.

‘But what about you!’ Ron yelled back. Harry and Talon were now completely surrounded by death eaters, and were forced entirely to defend themselves.

‘Never mind!’ Harry yelled ‘Just get out of here!’ Ron didn’t need telling again, he turned and ran back towards the castle, Hermione beside him. Harry suddenly took a chance; he swirled around, and stabbed a death eater quickly with his now incredibly bloody blade, This meant Harry could have been unprotected but he was too quick, he wheeled round an swung at another death eater. The only ‘good’ people left in the fight now was Harry and Talon. Suddenly a voice boomed over the crowd of Death Eaters, Harry saw that there were also werewolves and vampires.

‘Leave them!’ The death eaters left Harry and Talon alone at once.

‘I’ll get help’ Talon whispered. With that he apparated away. Harry felt quite alone. He suddenly felt a little strange, and was transported upon the rooftop of Honeydukes, the wizarding sweet shop.

‘Ah. Mr Potter’ It was Voldemort, yet Harry didn’t need to hear his voice. The splitting pain in his scar told him that Lord Voldemort was standing right behind him. Harry turned around on the roof slowly, fear slowly settled in his stomach, but then was replaced with anger; he turned his slow circle into a quick spin. The thoughts of his dead parents, and all the people Voldemort had killed filled his head, as he leapt towards the Dark Lord. However, he was blasted back as his sword went flying, and Voldemort grabbed it.

‘I wouldn’t try anything rash in front of me’ He whispered in his cruel, cold voice. It seemed to pierce through Harry like a dagger. Harry slowly got to his feet, glaring at Voldemort. The dark lords eyes glowed red, with pure evil. The death eaters below cheered, as Harry was knocked down again.

As Harry clambered to his feet again, and this time was ready. He leapt away as a orange bolt flew from Voldemort’s wand, it sizzled as it touched the rooftop. He pulled out his wand, and as Voldemort muttered another spell, Harry muttered ‘Reflectus’ and the blue bolt of electricity Voldemort had sent bounced back, catching him in the leg. He barely flinched as it hit him.

‘I think play time is now over’ The Dark lord muttered cruelly. Suddenly the green light of the killing curse was sizzling towards Harry, and he barely ducked out of the way. However th next spell was too quick for Harry to dodge.

‘Crucio’ Harry felt the burning start. He wrenched back helplessly as pain consumed him; he barely managed not to scream, and he began to feel incredibly weak, the curse was going on for too long, surely Lord Voldemort would have some mercy. Harry felt himself slipping into a welcome, painless unconsciousness. But the curse stopped. Harry struggled to pull himself up, but failed, he fell back to the ground panting. The Dark Lord stood over him, laughing softly.

‘Again, Harry you are beaten. I’m sure you will like it back with your parents’ that did it. Harry felt a burning anger rise up with in him. The anger swelled even more, and felt as if it would explode Harry completely. Feeling his strength returned he somersaulted to his feet, and pointed his wand at Voldemort. Even without saying anything, the wand knew exactly what Harry wanted. A red beam streaked through the air, this one had specks of gold trailing form it. The streak hit the unprepared Dark Lord, and he was blasted of his feet, landing near the edge of the rooftop. Harry watched this with pleasure. He ran up to Voldemort, who was now prepared, He kicked Harry out of the way.

Harry it is not the time to do this His parents voices chorused, in a worried tone You will meet him, but now is not the time. Channel your energy and focus on Hogwarts.

Harry did what they said, and he began to shift, he felt himself, land on the Hogwarts grass, but heard the satisfying roar of an angry Voldemort, as he disappeared.

Harry fell to his knees. His power was again failing, And the world around him began to slip away, he willed himself to fall into a bout of unconsciousness, as he ell on the warm fluffy grass. He vaguely felt someone pick him up, and didn’t say, nor do anything for the next two days
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