Well as we know all the "Death Eaters" that were at the Department of Mysteries at the end of OoTP, got caught, captured and were sent to Azkaban (except Bellatrix.) Also we know that the dementors have been removed from Azkaban. How long to you think it will take for the DEs to escape from Azkaban? And do you think we will find out how they do it? Or maybe it will just come up with an announcement in the Daily Prophet "Death Eaters Escape from Azkaban." Also, who will be guarding them. If it's Aurors, then how many aurors will be left to fight the other evil.
And, do you think Draco Malfoy will remain at Hogwarts? And of course Nott & Crabbe & Goyle as well? One of the chapters is called
Draco's Detour isn't it?
So many questions, so little time lol.
(Well another 139 days actually, but you know what I mean
