Escape from Azkaban

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How long will it take the Death Eaters to escape from Azkaban?

Before the Half-Blood Prince begins, but after OoTP finishes.
In the first chapter of HBP, in a Prologue format. As was the LV scene in the beginning of GOF.
Mid-way through HBP.
Right at the end of HBP, acting as the climax. (Remembering the 6th and 7th are said to be sort of the same story, so the 6th might have a bit of an anti-climax leading up to the finale.)
In between Half-Blood Prince and HP7
No votes
Somewhere in HP7
Total votes : 22

Escape from Azkaban

Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 27 February 2005 4:18:29am

Well as we know all the "Death Eaters" that were at the Department of Mysteries at the end of OoTP, got caught, captured and were sent to Azkaban (except Bellatrix.) Also we know that the dementors have been removed from Azkaban. How long to you think it will take for the DEs to escape from Azkaban? And do you think we will find out how they do it? Or maybe it will just come up with an announcement in the Daily Prophet "Death Eaters Escape from Azkaban." Also, who will be guarding them. If it's Aurors, then how many aurors will be left to fight the other evil.
And, do you think Draco Malfoy will remain at Hogwarts? And of course Nott & Crabbe & Goyle as well? One of the chapters is called Draco's Detour isn't it?
So many questions, so little time lol.
(Well another 139 days actually, but you know what I mean :grin: )
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 27 February 2005 4:23:20am

I forgot to include the Poll option:
"Somewhere in Harry Potter 7."
If you wish to vote for that, just say so on a post.
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Postby Lexi_potter » Sunday 27 February 2005 4:37:38am

I think they will escape fairly early in the book. With the dementors gone they ministry will not be able to spare enough aurors to guard azkaban.

As to weather Malfoy and his gang will stay, I think they will be allowed to stay but will leave before the last book, most likely around the end of HBP.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 27 February 2005 7:53:15pm

midway through, i don't know exactly why though... just seems like a good spot. :razz:
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 28 February 2005 2:26:54am

I'd say at the beginning of book 6, but not as a kind of prologue (JKR said the beginning of book 6 will have to do with Voldemort killing Harry's parents). Maybe chapter two or three...anyway, I'd say pretty early, Voldemort couldn't start another war without his Death Eaters, could he?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 28 February 2005 9:45:07am

JKR said that the beginning of Bk6 had something to do with Voldemort killing Harry's parents?? When?? Ohh this could open up a whole new thread lol!!!! Ahhhh I can't wait for these books!!!!!
I'm sure if Voldemort wanted to start another war lol, he probably could.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 1 March 2005 3:27:44am

JKR said that she had written a kind of flash back chapter about Voldemort killing Lily and James for SS/PS but decided it was not the right place, then wanted it to use in CoS, but it wouldn't fit either. Now, it's the beginning of HBP, unless she's decided otherwise again.
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Postby carsten » Tuesday 1 March 2005 5:09:27pm

What I don't understand: All these guys are sent to Azkaban prison, right? But why doesn't anybody care about Umbridge? She escaped easily. But she, too, has messed around with forbidden curses. The system of justice is quite unclear to me.

My expectation: She will voluntarily join LV, because she lost all other options.

Nice idea for a poll by the way.
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 1 March 2005 5:11:36pm

Remember Sirius... the world isn't seperated into good people and Death Eaters. I suspect she'll just fade away with her precious Fudge into obscurity when their credibility is completely lost
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Tuesday 1 March 2005 6:11:14pm

i reckon that LV will realise them early on. however, how useful will lucius be to voldie now? his main purpose was a man-behind-the-lines role, imperiusing people, getting information, decieving fudge. but now, everyone knos he is a death eater. plus, hes getting quite old now. would LV care about rescuing him? if Lucius was rescued, Draco would probably be taken in for questioning. mayb he would be anyway... ah, i dunno. confusing.
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 2 March 2005 3:19:38pm

Do you really think age matters in the wizarding world. Remember, DD is ancient. Voldy is 50 plus. Age brings experience. And experience is power
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 3 March 2005 6:58:01am

Old men can make mistakes though, as DD proved in OoTP.
I think I voted the "in the prologue" thing, but that was before Siana told me about what JKR had said. So I'm now changing my opinion to somewhere in the first few chapters. OR before the story begins, you know what I mean.
I don't think Voldemort will abandon Lucius. Remember, in the old days people thought he was a DE, but he wormed his way out of it. And that was when he was using Imperius a lot. He's still a powerful wizard, and DE, and I really don't think LV will have to rescue them, they'll escape by themselves.
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Postby carsten » Thursday 3 March 2005 10:58:36am

Phoenix in the Ashes wrote:I don't think Voldemort will abandon Lucius.
Nobody seems to expect the prisioners to stay in Azkaban. :grin:

With Lucius, a new story unfolds. His days of secret operations are over. He will have to hide, but be openly known as a DE. Now he can pursue his interests in a more direct manner.
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Thursday 3 March 2005 10:18:42pm

i just think that Lucius will have his usefullness cut down drastically. he was a brilliant spy, but now he has been busted. on the other hand, the other death eaters would be useful to have around, and lucius is still a good fighter and leader. i reckon halfway thru
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 4 March 2005 7:56:47am

Lucius only had a brief time to be a spy remember, the time between when LV returned, & the end of OoTP. It's not what he joined the ministry to do! In the first reign of LV, everybody knew he was a DE, and that didn't make a difference. So I don't think he's really "destined" to be a spy at all, and quite frankly, I don't think it will cut his usefullness at all. He just happened to have a job at the ministry, and Voldemort thought it would be wise to put him to use straight away.
Besides, spying on the ministry, when everyone there is denying LVs return, wouldn't be too hard. Sounds a little like grunt work to me. Lucius was only doing it because he happened to have some friends in high places, and a good job at the Ministry.
And carsten, do you think they will stay in Azkaban lol?
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