How will Voldemort die?

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Mistress Siana » Wednesday 23 February 2005 4:38:56pm

I strongly have to disagree with that. It seems rather like an Anime style of fighting a battle, but not like the way JKR writes. It will not be a matter of who's the stronger or of who has the better plan. There is absolutely no way that JKR will end the series with the impression that rage and whatever consequences rage might have is the solution against threats. That's not the massage a woman like her would want to leave behind.

The key to defeating Voldemort has to be something that only Harry posesses, and it will have to do with love. I don't think Harry will kill Voldemort, if killing means purposely taking his life. I believe the scene in which he failed to cast the Cruciatus curse was more significant than it might seem at first sight. It shows that, no matter who the victim is or what he's done to you, killing is not easy, even if you know you have to. Harry's barely more than a child, I don't think he has in him to kill. Just look at his actions in PoA. He said more than once that he wanted to face Black, that he wished for a chance to avange his parents. But when he was face to face with the actual traitor, he asked for his mercy.
Really, I wanna know: What would happen if he spared Voldemort? What happens if a wizard tries to kill the one he's indebted to? According to DD, this bond is also a piece of ancient magic, just the kind Voldemort underestimated. Couldn't it be that a curse you cast on somebody who's saved your life also backfires, especially as we know that this time, Voldemort isn't immortal.
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 23 February 2005 5:13:44pm

lol, I probably do draw a lot of writing from anime; but those fight are so dynamic and philosophical. Besides, you really feel it when they limp out.

You're right though, Harry has to use love (which is a ridiculously common theme in anime too). I'ts not about who's stronger; but at the same time, Voldermort is going to be playing with Harry's mind, and it's really hard to feel love in that situation. I personally think Harry has to be growing literally inside that fight, his mind being taken beyond all it's natural bounderies and just when you think he's already lost, then the love will break through. Remember, his fight with the dementors in the fifth book. Remember how Ron and Hermy broke through then. I think we can expect that on a grand scale. It won't be love for the enemy that beats Voldy, it'll the love he has for his friends, and I think it'll be his heart tha does it, not a specific spell. It'll be something close to being just so good that Voldermort can't exist in the same space with him and this just wiping him out
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Thursday 24 February 2005 6:37:44pm

heres an idea:

LV posses harry. but, his way out is barred. maybe his new body is destroyed or somthing. so, he's stuck in harrys head. i reckon that DD wont be able to attack harry at that time, and LV knos that his old tactic wont work, so he'll just try to destroy harry. then, the thing u lot are mentioning about ron and hermione and all his friends will come into play. he will be thinkin about sacrificing himself to kill LV, because he loves them so much. and that will destroy LV. he survived the power of love when harry was a kid because of an old percaution he took, he survived in OotP because he escaped just in time. but now, he has nowhere to escape to. his old experiments disappeared with his old body. now, he feels the power of love, and that will undo him. not kill, vanquish.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Thursday 24 February 2005 10:23:22pm

Wow, that makes sense! Actually, it's the best theory I've heard so far. When Voldemort possessed Harry in OotP, Harry felt as though he was dying, no, not felt, it said he was dying. It could be that Voldemort felt the same at that moment. It would most certainly also mean Harry's death, wouldn't it?
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Postby Tanuki » Friday 25 February 2005 2:32:38am

Ooh, that works loads better than anything I've seen, plus it hasn't been done. H'e put himself in Harry's mind, but he's never tried to posess him and I bet he wont walk out of an experience like that unscathed. I like it! Plus, a battle inside the mind will ensure that Harry walks away without both of them dying
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Postby Mistress Siana » Saturday 26 February 2005 9:24:57pm

Hm, I'd rather say the opposite would be the case. If Voldie possessing Harry hurts both of them, Harry will possibly have to fight to keep him inside in order to kill him, thus also killing himself in self-sacrifice.
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Saturday 26 February 2005 11:02:20pm

this is interesting. i dunno what to say here...

i think u have a point siana. voldie havin a battle with harry in harry's head would end up with both of them dying. harry feels pain, voldie feels pain. at the very least, harry would end up in a coma. he would probably have his mind wiped, like with a person who lost their soul. however, that would be a really sad ending, with harry being like that. i just dont kno.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Saturday 26 February 2005 11:25:19pm

Yeah, a coma would be hard. But death...I dunnao, I've always had this slight feeling Harry would die in the end, and JKR's comments rather add to it, but I haven't come across a plausible theory...until now, that is.
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Postby Tanuki » Sunday 27 February 2005 12:22:01am

If they're in one body, then there is nothing to attack or be attacked by; the whole fight would be taking place inside his mind. Literally, only one can have the body, so I think its more like Harry's body standing stock still while this fierce battle is going on inside for who gets to keep the body.
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Monday 28 February 2005 10:40:21pm

im sorry, but i have to agree with siana. death seems kinda inevitable, with a fight inside the mind. doing mental damage to somone can be deadly, and the battle inside harry's mind would be devastating, and would really destroy him. plus, hurting LV hurts harry. it will have to be a sacrifice.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 1 March 2005 4:59:51am

I think if Harry found out that Voldemort was dying inside of his body, just like he himself felt in OotP, it wouldn't be a fight over the body, rather a fight if Voldemort leaves the body or not. Harry would try to keep him in, thus killing both of them.
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 1 March 2005 4:57:45pm

I don't think it'd quite work out like that. Voldermort won't be sharing a body with Harry he'll be posessing him, and anything that can be possessed can be exorsized. Harry wont sacrifice himself, especially since the propecy never said anything about a sacrifice, it said one had to be murdered and one murderer. You guys keep talking about how you don't want these characters to die and how the books are the triumph of good over evil and that stuff, but you're so ready to see Harry die. Lovely frame of mind
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Tuesday 1 March 2005 6:29:48pm

we dont want harry to die, tanuki. we r just pessimists :grin: . anyway, good can triumph with death still playing a part.

im not sure about the murder thing. why should we assume harry will murder LV? i think it will be something deeper than that. the prophecy mentions vanquising, and i reckon that is different from just plain murder. murder sounds more like AK than anything else, and harry wont be using AK to do his job. it will be deeper than that. and, a fight inside the mind is deeper than that. it is completely different from that. the prophecy says nothing against sacrifice, and while i dont want it to be that way, i just dont kno. it seems more likely, and more heroic.
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 2 March 2005 3:26:28pm

If your such pessimists, where has this entire tirade of JKR's books are about the triumph of good over evil and love over hate. You can't imagine Neville taking revenge, but you can kill off the main character so easily?. That's a bit contradictory.
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Wednesday 2 March 2005 5:57:47pm

no, its just that neville isnt that kinda person, i dont think. but when did i say that? it just depends who hes takin revenge on. i dont think he will do an AK tho. if he does, its a bit of a disapointment.

just because we r pessimists doesnt mean we dont see trends. lots of trends are obvious, adn good and evil is one of them. love is another. this is that kind of novel, i think. plus, if you just stay a pessimist, but dont take in things from the other side of the argument, you are in a bad postion. the best place is straddling the fence between the sides. then, u can see all the good ideas.
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