by Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 10 March 2005 9:01:38am
OoTP by a mile.
I just love the teenage sarcasm and wit that JK has portrayed in Harry (a particular favourite being his taunting of Dudley in the first chapter.) Plus the magnificent departure of Fred & George would have to be one of my favourite parts.
The thing with Prisoner of Azkaban, is that it's very very very very good, but doesn't last as long as GoF and OoTP, whereas GoF is just very good, but it is very good for a long long time.
CoS, I enjoy when I'm reading it, because it is a good book, but for some reason, I just like the other ones so much more. Though I still love CoS. PS/SS, is very short, and Harry doesn't really act an amazing character. But what can you expect, it's only the first book, and he's only 11...