As you know, I have the world's worst person as my sister-in-law, and whenever she comes to visit, she has to be entertained at all times, and that's no easy job. First of all, she's thirteen, she should be able to occupy herself for a few hours without my help. Second of all, if it doesn't plug into the wall, it's not fun, so going swimming, going to the zoo (zoos are cool for taking my two kids, she could go with us), having a picnic, taking a walk, reading a book... all of that is no fun. Third of all, the WHOLE FREAKING TIME she's here she's bored, and makes me feel like dirt because we live in a small country town (she's from Memphis). So I hear a refrain of "There's nothing to do here!!!" over and over again, which is particularly fun to deal with when I'm changing diapers and thinking to myself, "I could think of something for you to do!"
Anyway, there was a point to this.

I would have to agree with what pallas said, minus any swear words (any therapist would tell you that using swear words in that kind of situation will only make the other person worse). Last time the devil was here, I woke her up at 8:30 (she was sleeping on the couch) because I wasn't about to tiptoe around my own house and try to have my 1- and 2-year-olds be quiet so Miss Queen could sleep until noon. She had a few swear words to say to me about it, but oh well... Anyway, after I didn't back down for a few days, things actually got a little better, then she left, and things got a LOT better