* dumps all the razors and scissors away, and puts an Unshavable charm on the precious moustache *
* goes to sleep with a contented smile *
* opens his eyes to find himself in a dark alley. can hear sinister howling and owls hooting in the background . a mysterious fog blurs his vision. suddenly sees a dark shadow approaching...
what is it? Dementors?? Voldemort?? no .... its the MOM!! with a giant razor in her hand!!!
starts running in the opposite direction. hears running footsteps behind him. panting, he turns around for a better look. CRASH! trips over a boulder and falls heavily to the ground.
the MOM approaches slowly. there is a decisiveness in her expression that leaves his hairs standing on their ends! slowly she brandishes the monstrous razor... with a sudden slash , the moustache disappears into nothingness *
whoa! what a nightmare!!!