by Meg Boyd » Thursday 1 July 2004 1:55:58am
*walks in covered in mussie bites and a farmer tan, but gazes around the LC and smiles at the sight and sound of Zledy and Marcus jamming around with the Jazz Great*
It's been ages since I've been in here, which is really sad since it I own this has everything been going around here? PP, i really like what you have been doing with the place, very sharp...and the music is great! Zledy, Marcus, long time no see, seriously!
It is so great to be back...
*walks behind the bar and helps her self to a classic Dr. Pepper Butterbeer*
mmm...this is great compared to little boxes of milk or kool-aide!
*notices the robe rack*
Man, you are indeed welcome at the LC anytime at any position!
Umm, and Zledy you knew that if I came in while you were playing jazz I'd ask for this, so how about a little bit of Tuxedo Junction when you have time? Please??? Thanks pal!!!