Half Blood Prince

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Postby Phinea Rogue » Tuesday 6 July 2004 8:06:10pm

Someone here suggested Hagrid or someone like that for the HBP. But isn't Hagrid a half-bred? I've got a bit of difficulties distinguishing it as I've read most of the books in translation only - does she make a difference between a half blood and a half bred?
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Postby hoopsmaster88 » Tuesday 6 July 2004 10:17:16pm

well, that pretty much throws all the mark evans' theories out the window.

and dudley wouldn't really be considered a halfblood would he? unless of course petunia also has some magical powers that we don't know about, which would then make dudley a halfblood.

i think this will all come down to how jkr defines prince. does she mean royalty or does she mean figuratively or does she mean something else? this is the key piece of info. imo.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 6 July 2004 11:06:53pm


Okay, thanks a bunch for that! My computer is so pitiful that I'm not able to run the flash on Rowling's website, so I kinda rely on everyone else to help me out...

That's suprising to me about Mark Evans... it seemed so much like something she would do (introduce a character with the same last name in a seemingly non-important way, only to bring him back later. But I guess this is one instance when she doesn't do that... It's almost a little disappointing. :lol:

Reminds me of a story I heard about the Beatles. They were writing these songs and when they found out some teacher was having his students try to "figure out" the deep meanings of the songs, they started purposely writing totally oddball stuff, just to throw people like that off-track. :grin: I mean, even if he was a nobody, she must have realized that by that time, people are picking a part every single word (literally) for hidden meanings and clues...

That's mean of her...

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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 6 July 2004 11:15:51pm

hoopsmaster88 wrote:well, that pretty much throws all the mark evans' theories out the window.

and dudley wouldn't really be considered a halfblood would he? unless of course petunia also has some magical powers that we don't know about, which would then make dudley a halfblood.

i think this will all come down to how jkr defines prince. does she mean royalty or does she mean figuratively or does she mean something else? this is the key piece of info. imo.

Sorry bout the weird triple post... (deleted double post: Groo)

I kinda think you're right hoops... at this time, we just don't have enough information to come to a conclusion because there's too much we don't know... How does she define "half-blood"? How does she define "prince"? Is it someone we're already familiar with, or someone new? Is it a friend or foe? Without having a few answers to these questions, all names can be considered, but none can be decided on yet. Not until she specifies some (and I think she most likely will... if I'm not mistaken, she does offer several little tidbits to tantalize us before the book is released...)[/i]
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Postby Mistress Siana » Saturday 10 July 2004 2:03:52am

Someone mentioned that the half blood prince in the comeing book might not be the same person as the one that title was usually meant for...but as far as I remember, JKR said that she took one certain piece of information out of book 2 because she felt it fitted better in book 6. So that means that the person the title refers to has most certainly already shown up in book 2.
My guesses are:

Godric Gryffindor. Whereas Salazar Slytherin played a major role in CoS, his counterpart has remained quite mysterious. But who would be better to fight a pure blood fanatic than a half blood prince? I think he's definitely one to bear in mind.

Or maybe Salazar Slytherin himself? Voldie would burst in tears *lol*

James Potter-we know nothing about his background, except for the fact that he left Harry a lot of money.

Dumbledore or Snape could also be options...although I really cannot figure out how an important revelation about them could have fitted into CoS...

The Malfoys, the Blacks and the Lestranges have been confirmed as pure bloods by the Blacks' tapestry...but maybe the tiltle means a "prince of half bloods" and not necessarily a prince who is a half blood himself?
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Postby TDM » Saturday 10 July 2004 3:56:59am

ooh...never thought of dear old Godric. because he did pull out the sword, and they have mentioned it every time that harry was in DD's office. perhaps you're onto something, Siana. hmm...and he was delved into a lil more in CoS, the potential HBP book. hmm...now i don't know what to think, because jewels and riches (the gold sword and rubies the size of eggs) are often associated with royalty. perhaps old GG was actually part of the Muggle royal family long ago (if they had one then), and then a member of the royal family had GG with a wizard/witch, providing the HBP! i've done it! lol, actually, it's probably way off, and i was even the one who figured out the possibilty of GG.
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Postby Nobby » Saturday 10 July 2004 6:17:51pm

i like the james potter suggestions, however unlikely it might seem :grin:
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Postby *Lily* » Saturday 10 July 2004 7:33:01pm

My theory is the halfblood prince is Dumbledore. Firstly if you rearange the letters in his name it spells "Mudbleedor" and secondly he's mentioned his brother Aberforth isn't that good at magic. So perhaps his brother is a muggle.
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Postby Groo » Saturday 10 July 2004 8:14:10pm

umm... mudbleedor is not really mudblood :) but good observation anyways

somehow i cant imagine Dumbledore as a "prince". he is a godlike figure...maybe a king but the word prince doesnt suit him.

the Godric theory was really nice Siana..i wont be surprised if that turns out to be the truth
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Postby hoopsmaster88 » Sunday 11 July 2004 3:23:13am

let the record show that if the hbp is godric that i said it first. lol i'm kidding of course. great minds think alike siana, nice one :grin:

hoopsmaster88 wrote:another possibility is that it isn't even someone who is alive, but someone from the past who was a half blood prince. godric gryffindor maybe?? it never says that he is a pureblood, but also never states that he isn't either. was this another reason that salazar slytherin left the school, b/c he didn't want to share it with a half blood?

i keep going back and forth on who i think the prince could be. one part of me says that jkr wouldn't introduce such an important new character this late in the series, but then it also seems unlikely that someone we already know has such a big secret that we don't know about. the godric gryffindor theory is kind of a compromise between the two, so for now that's my guess. :D
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Monday 12 July 2004 12:15:54am

Something tells me that the HBP is going to be someone new, and the information surrounding him will be new also. Because..... In PS/SS-we never heard of the Sorcerer's Stone before(well how could we :lol: ) In CoS-We hadn't heard of the CoS in SS. In PoA we hadn't heard of Sirius Black before, and the same for GoF and OoTP. Although I'd hate for it to be a new character, I think it could be. Also, the information about the HBP that JKR will probably provide throughout 6 will be something ancient, either evil or good, I haven't made up my mind yet.
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Postby TDM » Monday 12 July 2004 4:29:41am

well, it has to be someone that we've heard of during or before CoS. why? because HBP was the temp title for book two. but, according to her "It didn't fit," along with some parts that she knew that belonged in book six (how she could plan that far ahead is beyond me). my guess is that she took something out in the final talk with DD in CoS, to put somewhere in HBP. which, actually is making me more and more leaning toward Godric Gryfindor as the HBP. because, if my above theory is right, how he is the product of the Muggle royal family, and a magic person, then he could very well have been the first half-blood! which i say would make him prince-worthy, not only being a member of the royal family. and if Voldy is a decendant of dear old Salazar, then why couldn't James (and now Harry) be decsendants of Godric? anyone agree? disagree? because i'm sure i can find some more clues in CoS.
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 12 July 2004 9:22:40pm

Hmmm, some good theories here. If Godric Gryffindor is the Half Blooded Prince, and if Harry is related to him, maybe hes a Half-Blooded prince as well. I dont think Mark Evans has anything to do with it, since his mothers side of the family are muggles, and even if he was Harry's second cousin or something, the chances of him being a wizzard is very slim. I agree with DM, maybe Harry is Godric Gryffindor's heir. He did pull the sword out of the hat, and no one can be full of bravery than the heir. And also, when the sorting hat did try to place him into a house, I think he would of said slytheren since Voldemort is part of him and it would weigh more than his bravery, but if he did have part of the heir of Slytheren and Gryffindor, it could add to the confusion of the sorting hat. So maybe DM is right
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Postby hoopsmaster88 » Wednesday 14 July 2004 12:25:30am

i don't know why, but i'm not a big fan of harry being godric gryffindor's heir. it just doesn't seem right to me. if he is, though, how many people know about it? and wouldn't someone have told him by now? i may be proven wrong with the next book, but i don't think harry is related to gg.
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Postby Alice I » Wednesday 14 July 2004 4:07:25am

hoopsmaster88 wrote:i don't know why, but i'm not a big fan of harry being godric gryffindor's heir. it just doesn't seem right to me. if he is, though, how many people know about it? and wouldn't someone have told him by now? i may be proven wrong with the next book, but i don't think harry is related to gg.

OK first of all I am a supporter of Harry being the long lost heir of Godrick Gryffindor so I am admittedly biased, but lets put that aside for right now.

Why do you feel, in your gut, that Harry is of no relation to the original owner of the old tattered sorting hat?
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