harry, romance, and fighting with ron??????

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

who's harry gonna be with (not who you want him to be with)

Poll ended at Sunday 13 June 2004 8:51:35pm

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Total votes : 9

ron and hermione,why i dont get it

Postby velvet-flyer09 » Thursday 1 July 2004 1:17:37am

first of all,i love ron,he is one of my favotite characters,and i love hermione my favorite one,but i just dont understand why people keep insisting that they're meant for each other.Sure,opposites attract,but unless youve been living in a cave,u should of realized by now that they end up in divorce court with 8 kids and the husband probably being a violent drunk.is that what u want for hermione?what will their relationship be built on?their tension?think about it,how would u like 2 end up with someone that never supports u,you are always bickering over the smalest things,imagine what it would be like with real life problems?ron and hermione have nothing but tension, that should be left 2 brother,sister,and bickering friend.just friends.
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Re: ron and hermione,why i dont get it

Postby Alice I » Thursday 1 July 2004 3:37:52am

velvet-flyer09 wrote:think about it,how would u like 2 end up with someone that never supports u,you are always bickering over the smalest things,imagine what it would be like with real life problems?

God you just described my own marrage. :lol:

First of all welcome to B&O :grin:

Marrage is often a game of oppisites. It isn't just hollywood to see people who constantly bicker as a married couple. :roll: In real life you fight a lot with your spouse. (Trust me on this one, my husband and I have just celebrated our 11th year anniversary) :razz:
It does not mean that there isn't love there; rather it often times means that the fighting happens because you are comfortable enough with the other to air what you are really feeling.
There is a saying that we hurt the one we love the most. This is quite true because you say what is on your mind with the people closest to you without fear of reprisal.
When in polite society we find ourselves "holding our tongues" :-? ; yet with our closest loved ones we do not feel the need to do that (usually) and that often times leads to bickering.

I personally think that Hermione and Ron are perfect for each other bickering and all :D
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Postby niki_192 » Saturday 9 July 2005 1:19:17pm

this is what i think
ron likes hermione
hermione like harry
ginny likes harry
cho likes harry
and harry likes cho
its complicated but i hope harry will end up with cho or hermione
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Re: ron

Postby pheonixrising » Monday 1 August 2005 4:12:22am

[quote="foster.sy"]i think harry will end up with ginny.
But ron and hermoine deffinatley have somthing going on in the 3rd film.[/quote] these are my thoughts exactly only it is more pronounced in the books
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Postby pheonixrising » Monday 1 August 2005 4:21:22am

[quote="ADreamAbove"]A couple of people have suggested, in other sections, that Harry will end up with Luna Lovegood... Don't know what to think of that. Any ideas?[/quote] there is just no freakin' way harry will end up with luna lovegood it is unthinkable impossible and a very scarry thought
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Re: ron and hermione,why i dont get it

Postby annachie » Tuesday 16 August 2005 3:26:12pm

Alice I wrote:
velvet-flyer09 wrote:think about it,how would u like 2 end up with someone that never supports u,you are always bickering over the smalest things,imagine what it would be like with real life problems?

God you just described my own marrage. :lol:

First of all welcome to B&O :grin:

Marrage is often a game of oppisites. It isn't just hollywood to see people who constantly bicker as a married couple. :roll: In real life you fight a lot with your spouse. (Trust me on this one, my husband and I have just celebrated our 11th year anniversary) :razz:

That's a hell of a long fight :D
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Postby danemma_4ever » Friday 8 December 2006 4:28:27am

niki_192 wrote:this is what i think
ron likes hermione
hermione like harry
ginny likes harry
cho likes harry
and harry likes cho
its complicated but i hope harry will end up with cho or hermione

i agree i also hope harry will end up with either hermione or cho (but i really hope its hermione in the end)
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Postby Simatra » Friday 8 December 2006 9:08:53pm

Then Hermy w/ Ron.
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