Hogwarts Spring Dance

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Postby Won Wheezy » Thursday 10 June 2004 6:05:15pm

Ruby sighs deeply and heads down the right path, Alexis closely behind. Lumos! This is pretty horrible here, yuk! ] shouts Ruby as a big spider crawls past them. They walk down the path for what seems like ages. Suddenly Ruby stops and points at some footsteps on the ground, coming from another path. What do you think? Follow them? she asks Alexis. And without waiting for a reply she starts walking in the direction the footsteps lead.
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Postby choki » Thursday 10 June 2004 6:17:21pm

Keeping their minds set to find Lita as fast as possible, Jasmine and Orion run deeper into the cave. She ignores the constant pain in her ankle as she runs until it becomes a point too painful to bear. Staggering her way to lean against the damp wall, she stops for a rest. Orion, too, stops alongside with Jasmine, taking a short break from all those running. Do you know of any charm to make the pain go away? Jasmine asks. I don't think I can carrying on running...maybe you should go ahead first...I'll catch up with you soon, Jasmine says to Orion.
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Postby Female_alien » Friday 11 June 2004 10:00:27am

Alexis smiles at Ruby's comment and on her will to go further. They follow the footsteps and come to a clearing with two routes. Footsteps went into the left one. But before they continued their search alexis hears something Ruby... can you here that? I think I hear footsteps and they are getting louder sekund by sekund which means it is coming in our direction she wispers
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Postby Won Wheezy » Friday 11 June 2004 11:47:20am

The steps are coming from the path to our right, Al! Hold your wand ready, and when something appears we will try to stun it, ok? Nox! Ruby whispers to put out the light from her wand tip.
They wait in the darkness, with their wands ready, the footsteps coming closer and closer. As a dark figure appears from the right path they shout at the same time: STUPEFY! The dark shape starts swaying and falls on the hard floor with an unpleasant bump. Suddenly they hear a deep growl, similar to a wolves, and another dark shape appears next to the body. LUMOS! shouts Ruby and she walks over to the body, swearing under her breath. Alexis, look what we've done! It's Xavier and Fenris!
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Postby choki » Friday 11 June 2004 5:10:50pm

Just as Orion is about to reply to Jasmine's request, a flash of red sparks shoot past them, inches away from their faces. Surprised by the sudden attack, Orion quickly point his wand to the direction of the spell, shouting the incantation for a disarming spell even though there isn't anyone in sight. Before Orion could finish his incantation, a spell hits him in his chest. Orion! Are you ok? Jasmine asks anxiously, only to be answered by a faint groan. The third spell flies narrowly over Jasmine's head as she drags Orion to a safe corner. In order to help Orion, Jasmine decides to lure the mysterious attacker away. I'm sorry but I have to, Jasmine apologises. Little, go and find the rest and lead them here to Orion and hurry! She let go of her snidget, partially glad that it is one of the fastest magical creatures. Running toward the intruder, Jasmine tightens her grip of her wand, hoping that the little magic she had learnt over the years would come handy, especially tonight.
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Postby Won Wheezy » Friday 11 June 2004 6:14:01pm

Enervate! shouts Ruby, pointing her wand at the unconcious Xavier. Xavier awakes with a groan and opens his eyes. Are you ok? I'm so sorry, but we didn't know who those footsteps belonged to! She helps Xavier to get up and sympathetically pats his shoulder.
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Postby TDM » Friday 11 June 2004 9:21:00pm

Yeah, I'm okay. I still don't see why you had to stun me, though! Xavier gets up, looking at his surroundings. I think we're lost. But there has to be a way to find Lita. Xavier, Alexis, Ruby and Fenris continure down the corridor, and go into a different path, once they had reached the clearing that Xavier and Fenris were at before. It was a very short path, and they eventually come into a clearing, where they see a tied up body in the center of it, bloody and twisted.

Oh no, Xavier says, running towards what he feared to be Lita. However, Fenris bites down hard on his robes, stopping him. What the hell, Fenris? But then they saw it. the image of the body disappeared in front of them, and there was only a cliff laying in front of them now. A cliff that Xavier would've fallen down if it hadn't been for Fenris!

I've got an idea, muttered Xavier, looking at the cliff. He runs, and leaps off, much to the dismay of the girls, who started to shout NOOOO! However, when he landed, it was only five feet below the edge of the cliff. It seemed that he was floating on air. It was bewitched to be made invisible. Fenris caught the first illusion, but not the second. Let's go... And they continued on to the other side of the "ravine," where there was an opening on the other side.
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Postby Ferrus » Saturday 12 June 2004 10:48:02am

Orion stirs, but does not wake.
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Postby choki » Saturday 12 June 2004 5:02:33pm

Jasmine stops abruptly after seeing a shadow lurking in front of her. Reducto, Jasmine whispers as she blasts a stone in another direction, hoping to distract the attention of the attacker. Hiding behind a large stone, she starts planning her next move as the footsteps get louder and nearer. She tries to keep very still and quiet as she strains her ears to listen to the footsteps. However her heart, refusing to obey, beats faster and faster, almost drowning the footsteps. Then suddenly, the footstep stops. That's it! Move now...and attack him...at least you have a chance of survival than to sit and wait for him to attack! Deciding to act, Jasmine jumps up from her hiding place, pointing her wand. Stupe- Jasmine stops, ....what the...there's...there's no one? She stutters after realising no one is at sight. All of a sudden, she hears a hissing sound. Almost jumping in fright, Jasmine turns her attention to the source, a snake. Just a snake passing by...oh well... She mutters, breathing heavily and relieved, Enough fright for today! Paying no attention to the harmless snake, she turns her back on the snake without knowing that the harmless snake is, in fact, an animagus.
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Postby tiggirl » Saturday 12 June 2004 6:11:28pm

Lita, finally begins to get some feeling back in her legs and arms. She pulls herself weakly into a sitting position and looks around. Ok, think. Where did he put my wand. She pulls herself to a stand and looks around the cave until she spots her wand. She staggers towards it, vaguely aware of the pain in her ankle. Lita grabs her wand and starts towards the exit. She stops walking as she notices a small trunk on the far side of the cave. I wonder what that is? . . . No, this is no time to be curious. But if there's something useful there . . . She stands there, undecided for a minute and then walks towards the trunk. She kneels in front of it and looks inside. She reads the scroll sitting on top and her eyes widen in understanding.There's three . . . She sets the scroll aside and digs through the trunk. She pulls out a small box and opens it. Inside there's a beautiful jade necklace. So that leaves the topaz necklace. But if he has the jade necklace, why isn't he wearing it? She looks through the trunk again and finds a piece of parchment with a letter. The letter looks pretty old, and its addressed to a witch named Claudia Hapburn. So, he intercepted the delivery. Either way, I've stayed her for too long. It's time to go. Lita gets up and limps out of the cave.
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Postby choki » Wednesday 16 June 2004 8:30:16am

Jasmine continues her search for the mysterious attacker, keeping her senses alert for any sudden movement. This whole place is a maze...and what's with that snake? Turning back, she finds the snake she encountered previously, following her wherever she goes. At this moment, she hears a distant staggering sound. Heading towards the source, she spots a familiar shadow just around the corner. Lita! Is that you?
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Postby Female_alien » Wednesday 16 June 2004 2:26:40pm

Alexis looks around. Is that? I think it is, or, better say, I hope it's her. Lita, is that you? Alexis walks towards the figure she saw. Oh, Jasmine... I thought you were Lita. Glad to see you. I feel it's been ages since we entered this wicked cave Something touched her leg for a second. Alexis jumps feeling scared again I just felt something touched my leg before Jasmine could say anything, a snake bites Alexis's leg. She falls down trembling and feeling enormous pain that was spreading through her whole body. The snake creeps onto Alexis who was slowly stopping to breath. Snake bites her again, this time in her stomach and than creeps towards Jasmine. While Alexis was scarcely taking her last breath, the snake transformed to human shape.
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Postby choki » Wednesday 16 June 2004 5:15:57pm

Alexis?...Are you alright?...Answer me! Jasmine asks as she kneels down, shaking Alexis hard. Receiving no reply, she grabs Alexis's hand, in an attempt to find her pulse. It is a weak pulse, but at least it is present. You're going to survive this...I'll get you back to the castle...Madam Pomfrey will treat you. Jasmine then notices the dark shadow looming over them as it grows. She looks up, only to see a man pointing his wand at her.


Jasmine's wand flies up from her hand and lands a few feet away. Feeling a hatred she never felt since her last trip into the Forbidden Forest three years ago, Jasmine clenches her fist so tightly it turns white. You're nothing but a coward...if it was a full moon tonight, I swear I will rip you apart...
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Postby Won Wheezy » Wednesday 16 June 2004 6:25:40pm

Ruby runs over to Alexis, clutching her in her arms tightly. Nooooooo! Alexis, please you'll be fine, we won't just let you die here.She looks at the stranger with a mad look in her eyes and, pointing her wand at him, she shouts "Expelliarmus!"
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Postby Ferrus » Wednesday 16 June 2004 7:43:18pm

Orion slowly comes round to conciousness and suddenly the last few minutes came back to him in a rush. He suddenly feels very awake and alert. Picking his wand from the ground he looks around for any sign of Jasmine. When he sees several bright flashes down the tunnel he walks towards them carefully, with his wand out. Carefully he looks round a corner and sees Alexis on the floor with Jasmine and Ruby kneeling next to her and a person he supposed to be the one who had knocked him out uncouncious on the tunnels floor. Alexis! what happened? He says anxiously, running up to her and taking her hand, which seemed unnaturally hot. His eyes stinging Orion only thinks one thing. Someone is going to pay for this.
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