Hogwarts Spring Dance

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Postby Sacred Guardian » Wednesday 2 June 2004 3:29:33pm

renters the great hall wow, sorry i stepped outside for a quick breath of fresh air and a garden gnome stole my shoe, i had to chase him down and get it back, but evrything is cool now
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Postby TDM » Wednesday 2 June 2004 5:27:17pm

Maybe the other jewel is to be able to bypass the other one. Therefore, if one person got ahold of both, they would happen to be locked in a never-ending looped battle, in which case, both jewels would collapse upon themselves. I bet that if there is a twin, the main goal is to not gain Lita's, but to destroy it. There's still something behind this that we don't know about... said Xavier.
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Postby Ferrus » Wednesday 2 June 2004 6:54:15pm

There's still A LOT we don't know about Xavier. Anyway, we'd better get going, shouldn't we? it´ll be easier for someone to find us we stay put. Says Orion looking around, wondering in which general direction the rest of the students have been led.
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Postby choki » Thursday 3 June 2004 5:49:11am

50 steps to the south from the point of that tree. We should be pretty close to unravelling this mystery now. says Jasmine. Point me! Following the direction of her wand that is pointing North, Jasmine starts walking in the opposite direction while counting steps.
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Postby Female_alien » Thursday 3 June 2004 2:13:23pm

Alexis follows Jasmine trying not to think what they will find
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Postby TDM » Thursday 3 June 2004 8:20:43pm

As the group walks towards what they fear could be the worst, Xavier cannot help feeling what he did when he was first talking to Lita. Thoughts were racing around in his head again, except they were of the negative nature this time. We're screwed, he thought simply, wand outstretched, as they brushed back some bushes, and fell into a clearing...
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Postby tiggirl » Thursday 3 June 2004 8:24:36pm

Lita rushes forward to walk next to Jasmine. They enter the clearing together. There's nothing here. Hey wait. Do you hear that? Lita walks towards the wispering sound that seems to come from the center of the clearing. As Lita understands the wispers, dread washes over her. She turns to the group. IT A TRAP!!! GET OUT OF HERE!!! Suddenly, there's a flash of green. Lita is hit with a very strong stunning spell. She cries out and falls unconcious. When the strange light fades, the group looks around and realizes that Lita's missing.
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Postby choki » Friday 4 June 2004 5:12:16am

LITA! Jasmine shouts for her friend. Where is she? Where did she disappear to? Ruby...you know right? I mean you have special vision, you can see where Lita is! Jasmine says anxiously. Ruby shakes her head. No? She pauses for a while before continuing. What am I thinking of...how could you possibly know everything... Jasmine speaks in a dejected tone. She has never come so far into realising someone so close to her could be in a perilous situation and she couldn't even do a single thing to help. Tiny droplets of rain begin to fall down from the velvet sky, making the already sad atmosphere worse.
We should split up and look for her! I'll go by myself! Upon finishing her sentence, Jasmine runs into the wood as fast as she could, causing the rest to lose sight of her eventually.
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Postby Won Wheezy » Friday 4 June 2004 8:19:10am

No, Jasmine don't.......shouts Ruby terrified, but Jasmine is gone before anybody can react. We have to find Jasmine before we do anything else! And nobody should go by themselves, this is serious!
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Postby Moonstone » Friday 4 June 2004 8:48:06am

In that case lets team up.. and when we do find her lets send up a Lumos Solarum so that we can find the ones who found Jasmin..
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Postby choki » Friday 4 June 2004 4:18:43pm

The rain gets bigger and bigger as Jasmine ventures deeper into the wood. Running non-stop, in hope to find Lita as quick as possible, Jasmine trips over a bulging tree root and falls into a puddle of mud. Drenched with mud and water Jasmine stands up, but falls back to the same puddle.
Why am I so useless! Jasmine shouts in despair and hits the mud when she realised she had sprained her ankle. Cold and immobile now, Jasmine then notices she is all alone by herself. Remembering the prediction Ruby had, she starts to worry.
What can I do now? I'm at least a few miles away. She begins to have negative thoughts. Who cares about me anyway. I have been alone ever since I was born. No one...not even my parents cared about me. They were always busy. In the end, I was left alone...all by myself...I'm even using past tense to describe myself now!
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Postby TDM » Friday 4 June 2004 5:28:26pm

Xavier sprints after Jasmine, lighting his wand as he goes. Running as fast as he can, Ruby's prediction comes into his mind. He hears someone cry out Why am I so useless? into the dark night. Xavier quickened his pace, and catching up to her in a clearing.

Jasmine, are you alright? We need to get out of here, for something bad is here... Not a moment after he said that, a centaur came out of the forest. Who are you, Xavier asked, eager for any help.

My name is Shukanate. What are the likes of you doing in the forest? Shukanate asked wonderingly.
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Postby Ferrus » Friday 4 June 2004 7:32:47pm

Fenris! Find Lita and make sure she´s all right! Shouts Orion as he runs off in the general direction where Jasmine had gone. Stupid girl... running off like that in the forest! he mutters, running fast as he can through the undergrowth. as soon as it starts raining he says Impervius!. When he hears Jasmine´s voice he runs off in a slightly different direction and soon fonds her. What do you think you where doing!? He shouts at her, walking up to her. Oh great! You´ve managed to twist your ankle into the bargain!
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Postby choki » Saturday 5 June 2004 6:01:58pm

I just sprained it...I didn't break it! says Jasmine angrily as she hurries up onto her feet. Though she is struggling to stand, she gets up nonetheless. You should be out looking for Lita, instead of me! Jasmine appears to be mad at the guys but deep down inside, she's glad she is not alone now. Realising the presence of a third party, she turns around, seeing a centuar. Erm...have you seen anyone else other than the 3 of us in this forest? Jasmine asks politely, not wanting to be disrespectful.
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Postby Female_alien » Saturday 5 June 2004 8:59:20pm

3 of us? ummm... In think there's more of us actually. But I haven't seen anybody else... And we haven't heard a sign of Lita anywhere. she ends sadly But now we'll go looking in pairs! Noone goes alone!
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