Why did Moody bewitch the triwizard cup into a portkey?

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Postby choki » Saturday 17 April 2004 5:08:36pm

The floo network is not very accessible in Hogwarts. Not every fireplace connects to it. There is a networking system in Ministry of Magic and to alter that, it do need time and careful planning. Snape and Karkaroff didn't know anything about the portkey.
Snape, Karkaroff and Crouch Jr. were present at the Quidditch field at that time. And it would be extremely suspicious if they disappeared without a trace and Harry ends up dead later.

Nobby and highsorcerer made excellent points about the reason for Crouch careful planning from the start;
1. getting Harry into Triwizard tourament
2. making sure Harry could be the first to reach the portkey
3. making sure no one else does...but Cedric did

All these to make sure no one suspect Voldemort is responsible for Harry's death.
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Postby Groo » Saturday 17 April 2004 7:10:06pm

i dont think snape disapparated immediately on sensing the dark mark burning because of 2 main reasons:

1 The endless discussions we have had about who the cowardly and traitorous deatheaters were. snape was probably missing from the graveyard

2 As it has been said before, it would arouse suspicion and Voldemort would certainly not like his wellplaced spy to be in trouble. he would have readily swallowed snape's excuse that he was with DD at that time.

btw, if Voldy is the smartest guy to have graduated from Hogwarts, and Snape blatantly fools him and is a part of his inner circle, then snape is a bit smarter isnt he? :D lol
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 19 April 2004 5:52:04am

did someone say Snape showed up immediately? sorry, I missed it, I think it's quite obvious he didn't...

I was only saying that if things had gone the way Crouch Moody intended them to, would he have assumed Snape would immediately be going to Voldy's side to find out what was going on? I mean, even if things went according to plan, and Harry disappeared with the portkey, Dumbledore would have immediately had some idea what was going on. If Snape had told Dumbledore right around that time that his Dark Mark was burning, and that Voldy may be back, I have a feeling Snape could have gone with full support from Dumbledore to find out what was happening. Therefore, I think it's not out of line to think that, if things had gone according to plan, Dumbledore would have taken Snape to his office to use the floo network from there. I don't think Crouch Moody knew that Snape was a former Death Eater.
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Postby Alice I » Monday 19 April 2004 12:48:36pm

Athena Appleton wrote:I don't think Crouch Moody knew that Snape was a former Death Eater.

I have to disagree with you here Athena. When Harry was stuck in the step and Moody/Crouch helped him out he told Harry that the thing he hates the most is a DE that has gone free.
And he reiterated that sentiment in his office after the Triwizard tournament when he was ranting about all the unfaithful DE's.

Also it is a possibility that Snape did make an apperance in the graveyard. He could have been one of the DE that Voldemort did not directly address.
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Postby Groo » Monday 19 April 2004 1:18:31pm

Alice I wrote:I have to disagree with you here Athena. When Harry was stuck in the step and Moody/Crouch helped him out he told Harry that the thing he hates the most is a DE that has gone free.
And he reiterated that sentiment in his office after the Triwizard tournament when he was ranting about all the unfaithful DE's.

lol :D

like minds eh Alice? i made a similar post in another thread :lol:

but i disagree that snape made an appearance in the graveyard. he would have not gone immediately.
supposing he was there, what choice would he have made? not to compromise on his position as a spy, or be a mute spectator of Harry's death knowing fully that Harry is the only chance of LV dying?

or maybe he didnt know the prophecy. would DD have told the Order about the prophecy? or would he not risk it being leaked to LV with the possibility of another Wormtail being there in it?

hey! i am asking too many questions!
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Postby Alice I » Wednesday 21 April 2004 2:23:25am

Oh I'm not saying that I think that Snape was in the Graveyard.
I was only pointing out the possibility that he could have been.

Getting to a position to appriate should not have been that difficult for him after things went awry in the maze.

The maze had stuff happening but what were all the spectators doing while the champions were inside? Were they just sitting there looking at a large hedge?
The risers are above the field, and I suspect that the spectators were aware of things happening or else why sit there for goodness knows how long?
I think that when Harry and Cedric took hold of the Triwizard cup and were transported off the school grounds that DD and everyone else was aware of it, only they couldn't do anything about it.
When Harry came back there was general pandimodium going on while he lay there at the edge of the field. If no one knew that they had left why would everyone be running around all upset? They would just be startled and confused at seeing Harry and Cedric suddenly turn up at the edge of the maze.

OK I'm ranting now, but I really do think that DD knew when they left and that gave Snape plenty of time to get to hogsmead (where he could appriate) or back to the castle (where he could use floo powder to get somewhere else)
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Postby tiggirl » Wednesday 28 April 2004 6:00:53pm

Groo wrote:btw, if Voldy is the smartest guy to have graduated from Hogwarts, and Snape blatantly fools him and is a part of his inner circle, then snape is a bit smarter isnt he? :D lol

I think that just means that Snape's a better occlumens.

Also, about Crouch/Moody knowning whether Snape was a DE, I'm not sure he did know for sure. I mean, if he knew that Snape was working with the Order then Voldimort would know that Snape betrayed him and I'm not sure that he does. Crouch/Moody was just neurotic and hated all death eaters because so many of them got away without any consequense, betraying Voldimort. I'm sure he felt the same way towards the Malfoy's for example.
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Postby Eol » Thursday 3 June 2004 10:12:44pm

As for Crouch moody getting Harry early on, Voldy wouldn't have been ready yet. His strength was still very low and he hadn't put all of the pieces of his plan together.

It would have been very difficult for Snape to get to the graveyard at the same time as the rest, as he couldn't disapparate from Hogwarts, whose grounds seem to be quite vast.
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Postby Gower » Thursday 3 June 2004 10:21:11pm

I think the Crouch/Moody did know that Snape was a death eater, because at some point in the book he said to him that, "there are spots that don't come off Snape". Snape then clutches his arm and I think Crouch/Moody knew exactly what that meant.
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Postby Eol » Friday 4 June 2004 10:54:08pm

Crouch/Moody definately knew about Snape. It was his pretence for searching his office
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Postby imc130d » Saturday 5 June 2004 8:22:24pm

I've been thinking about this for a while, and I think Eol's right. Voldy needed time to gather his strength. If I remember correctly, there's a point at which Karkaroff says something to Snape about the mark getting clearer, and I think that's a good indicator here... Voldy knew it would take a while (8 months or so, even) for his strength to return to a point where he could actually kill Potter. So he spent most of the year building up his strength, knowing that he had an agent inside Hogwarts preparing to deliver Potter to a specific place at a specific time.
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Postby Eol » Sunday 6 June 2004 9:30:02pm

Wow imc130d I didn't think about that until you mentioned it. The dark mark getting clearer and clearer as voldy's power increased. I was referring to his chat with wormtail at the start of the book, where he was talking about him dying without constant care
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