Hogwarts Spring Dance

A home for old scenarios who may have come to an end for RPG playing but whose life and excitement can still be enjoyed in story form.

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Postby tiggirl » Friday 21 May 2004 5:27:04am

Lita's eyes widen in horror. Ok, think . . . That's not Jasmine, but who ever it is will kill me if I don't do somehting. She looks around fearfully. I don't think help is gonna come in time. As she begins to accept the certainty of her death, Lita reaches for the jewel hanging from her neck. As her hand touches the stone, a feeling of calm washes over her. She hears a voice talking to her. Nana? She listens as the voice wispers soothing, comforting words, helping her to relax and think clearly. Then, suddenly, Lita drops to the ground, grabs a rock at her feet and throws it at Jasmine, just as she was aiming her wand. Without waiting for impact, Lita darts for her wand a few feet away. A split second later Jasmine cries out, the rock made contact. Lita's hand closes around her wand as she turnes to face her best friend. Jasmine is holding her wrist and seems distracted at the moment. Someone get help!!!
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Postby choki » Friday 21 May 2004 5:15:02pm

Holding her injured wrist caused by the rock, Jasmine quickly surveys the ground for the wand she dropped when the rock hit her. She spots it and bends to retrieve it. This little distraction proves to be a mistake when she hears Lita yells out the incantation of the stunning spell. Unable to evade in time, the spell hits her on the right shoulder. Feeling the effect of the stunning spell, Jasmine struggles to stand up but fails miserably. Lita approaches slowly but with caution. Not wanting to lose, Jasmine tries raising the wand and aims it at Lita who responds with the same action. The two cast at the same time.
But Lita finishes her incantation before Jasmine as she was slower due to the first stunning spell. This time, the second stunning spell hits Jasmine, knocking her out of cold immediately.
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Postby Ferrus » Saturday 22 May 2004 1:04:44pm

Oww... Orion gets up slightly hurt and helps Anna up before running towards Jasmine, Xavier and Lita. Fenris! Orion kneels next to him. Enervate! Once Fenris recovers conciousness Orion stands up and asks Right, what was all THIS about?
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Postby TDM » Sunday 23 May 2004 3:05:10am

Accio wand! Xavier recanted, and the wand that Jasmine was using flew to his hand and he caught it easily. He then turned to Lita. Are you alright? Maybe we should get you to the hospital wing. Mobiliocoprus! Jasmine's unconscious body drifted up into the air, while Xavier pocketed the other wand. Perhaps we should have her checked out, too.
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Postby tiggirl » Sunday 23 May 2004 5:07:07am

No, no. I'm fine. Its Jasmine I'm worried about. Lita turns to Orion. That's your dog? He tried to help me. She kneals down to Fenris and pats his head. Thank you. I'm glad to see you're alright. She stands and looks at Orion. Someone's been controlling my friend. Whoever it is, forced her to attack me. She was about to use the cru . . . Lita's voice trailed off. As the reality of the last few minutes hit her, she began to tremble violently. She would have killed me. I could have died. She walks over to Xavier. Maybe I should go to the hospial wing with you.
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Postby TDM » Sunday 23 May 2004 9:34:08pm

Okay, Lita, we can go to the hospital wing. We'll take Jasmine, too. Everyone else just go back to the party. Hopefully, we don't want to get the teachers alarmed about this and we can keep it quiet from them. C'mon, Lita. Xavier, Lita, and the unconscious Jasmine move through the Hogwarts grounds, dark as they may be. They continued to walk, until Xavier realized something. Lights flashing in the forest...Lita, do you see that? Lita only nodded, and suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream is let out from the forest. Xavier and Lita look at each other, while Jasmine's eyes slowly open...
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Postby Won Wheezy » Sunday 23 May 2004 10:00:26pm

Suddenly Alexis and Ruby see a flashing green light in the forest, and look at each other, terrified to their bones. Ruby searches for her wand inside her dress. If you want to go back, I understand, but I can't come with you. I have to go there, Ruby says with a hoarse voice.
Suddenly she sees some people coming towards them and pulls Alexis behind a bush. Who are they, can you recognize anybody? she whispers.
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Postby Moonstone » Monday 24 May 2004 9:13:39am

In the bushesbehind Ruby and Alexis, Stands Moonstone with her Ozelot Kitten. she bends down and wispers to her cat
This aint right a green light.. it can only be..
She then runs forward to Alexis and Ruby who still are staring into the dark forrest.
She carfully lays her hand on Alexis shoulder.
Excuse me but what was that green light??
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Postby Female_alien » Monday 24 May 2004 11:17:00am

No... It's too dark. We'll just have to see when they come nearer... And I'm staying! No mather how much my pants are shaking - I'm not leaving you I AHHH! Alexis felt a hand on her shoulder which scared the sh** out of her. She turns and whispers misses Nyborg? Hide! Quick! I have no idea what that light was but it has something to do with... Looks at Ruby waiting for her to finish if she wants. The dark shadowed humans were coming nearer and nearer.
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Postby Moonstone » Monday 24 May 2004 11:29:17am

Just Call me Moonstone she wispers back is it now we run?? Moonstone asks and looks nervesly at the group that appers in front of them...
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Postby TDM » Monday 24 May 2004 4:55:42pm

Blasted back by the green light of explosion, Xavier's magical hold over Jasmine was lost, but he didn't care about that right now. What he did care about was if Lita was alright. C'mon, Lita, wake up! You have to! Ennervate! Lita slowly stirred, and Xavier went back to face the problem at hand. He saw Jasmine standing there, a somewhat green aura around her. Her eyes were opened, broken of the curse. Hiceliva!, Xavier shouted, making up a charm as he went. Electricity flew out of his wand, striking Jasmine. She fell back for a moment, but she didn't stop. It seemed as if nothing could stop her.
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Postby choki » Monday 24 May 2004 6:24:55pm

Just give me the girl, says Jasmine coldly. I want the girl to die and if anyone comes between us, he must pay for his life! With that sentence, she charges toward Lita and Xavier at an amazing speed, leaving them little time to react. Xavier stops Jasmine by standing between her and Lita and yells for the girl to run. In a blink of an eye, Jasmine punches Xavier right in his nose with such a force that renders him bleeding. Lita, who is both shocked and surprised as she had never seen such strength in her friend, could not do anything when Jasmine approaches her. Images of the previous encounter keep flashing in her mind. The scene at the garden...her best friend trying to strangle her...her best friend trying to hurt her...and her best friend trying to kill her...the world she once knew is breaking apart. On the verge of a mental breakdown, neither did she notice that Jasmine is in front of her, nor did she feel a pair of hands closing on her neck. When she realised it, it was too late. Her life is being squeezed out of her and she could only stare blankly into Jasmine's pair of green eyes. Tears start flowing freely. Upon seeing Lita's tears, Jasmine's mind starts to run wild. What am I doing? Why isn't my hands listening to my command? I said stop...stop!Instead of stopping, Jasmine strengthens her grip on Lita's neck. No...I said stop.Stop.Stop.Stop. STOP! This time, Jasmine finally breaks the Impercius Curse control over her and stops just in time. Releasing her grip, Jasmine and Lita fall onto the ground, breathing heavily and relieved.
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Postby Ferrus » Monday 24 May 2004 7:22:01pm

Stunned by the turn of events Orion was about to body-lock Jasmine just when she managed collapsed all by herself. Fenris, keep an eye on her He says, pointing at Jasmine. Then he goes up to Lita and helps her up. Are you alright?
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Postby TDM » Monday 24 May 2004 11:10:11pm

Flazulexe, Xavier muttered, creating another charm that fixed his nose. If you don't mind telling us, Jasmine...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!?!?! Jasmine just looked at him, still not knowing who he was really, as they had been only introduced as she was under a spell. What kind of magic were you under? And who wants Lita dead? Xavier then walked over to Lita, who was being helped up by Orion.
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Postby Ferrus » Tuesday 25 May 2004 9:10:29pm

Yeah, right. We´re not going anywhere untill we all know whats going on! Says Orion determinedly.
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