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MarganaLaFey wrote:1) Do wizards wear muggle clothing under theri robes? For example, Harry was wearing a T-shirt under his robes when he went to change into his quidditch robes in POA.
I think that the young folks do but maybe not the older folks. Ie: Archie from the Quidditch World Cup who says that he likes a healthy breeze around his privates.
MarganaLaFey wrote:2) Do electronics work at Hogwarts? I distinctly recall that Harry had an alarm clock in POA....
I do not remember an alarm clock in POA but never the less Hermione points out very clearly that eletronics don't work around Hogwarts because of all the magic.
MarganaLaFey wrote:3) How did Harry know hot to use his quill when he first got to Hogwarts? Growing up as a muggle, he presumably used ink pens, yet the day after the train ride he's in class using a quil.
Well I would guess that he figured that out when he bought all his new school supplies in Diagon Alley nearly a whole month before school started. He even started reading his spell books right away because Hedwig is named after someone he read about in one of his books.
MarganaLaFey wrote:4) Exactly how far is Hogsmead from the castle. Harry had to walk for an hour in the secret passage in POA....
Well it's not terribly far and that passage that Harry followed was windy and went under the lake so it also went down a fair piece. The HP Lexicon has a map showing Hogwatrs grounds and the Village of Hogsmead that might help.
MarganaLaFey wrote:5) Why do most of the wizards in training appear to be English, even though Hogwarts is in Scotland?
Well I don't know how many are strickly speaking English. Seamus is Irish, Padma and Parvati are Indian, Cho Chang is chinise, Dean is african etc... The school is simply in the northern aspect of Great Brittan which is of couse Scotland.
Hope that helps.
well, that's it for now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.[/quote]