Harry's Love

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Harry's Love

Postby carsten » Thursday 13 May 2004 11:13:47am

It was a high form of love that saved Harry from LV when he was a baby and it is very likely that this will make the difference in the final showdown between them. What I wonder is, whether Luna Lovegood will be the one who sparks this love in Harry. JKR often gives hints in names. This is an obvious one: "love good."

Opinions please.

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Postby Groo » Thursday 13 May 2004 1:03:37pm

i am sure that Luna will have a big role to play in the future but i dont see her as Harry's love interest. the last scene between them showed us that Harry sympathised and identified himself with her but i think thats about it regarding Harry's feelings for her.
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Love interest

Postby carsten » Thursday 13 May 2004 1:08:14pm

Groo wrote:i am sure that Luna will have a big role to play in the future but i dont see her as Harry's love interest. the last scene between them showed us that Harry sympathised and identified himself with her but i think thats about it regarding Harry's feelings for her.

To some extend I agree with you, but the last scene in a book is not the proper point to introduce a love affair. It would be a nice starting point for the next one, if Harry thought more intensely about Luna during holidays. Her last name is a strong hint.

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Postby Alice I » Thursday 13 May 2004 1:33:50pm

I have to agree with Groo on this one.
I simply do not see Harry and Luna as a couple.
To be honest I didn't really have a lot of interest in Luna's character. I know that most folks on this site will think I am nuts for saying that but she was just a little wierd for me.
Since most people seem to really like Luna's character and think that she will be pivotal in the story I have decided to write her into the FF that I am writing but I still do not see her as dating material for Harry.
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Postby carsten » Thursday 13 May 2004 1:47:40pm

Alice I wrote:I simply do not see Harry and Luna as a couple.

Maybe it is a thing about myself: I like weird women!('8)')

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Postby Phinea Rogue » Thursday 13 May 2004 2:19:25pm

Maybe Harry likes more exotic girls - like Cho. During OWLs he was quite interested in Parvati's hair (or Padma's? I often can't distinguish between them), but maybe he was just tired and she was sitting before him...
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Friday 14 May 2004 4:29:15pm

Sorry but Voldie said "I now have the same personal protection as harry does" (or somthing along those lines) so love won`t have that much to do with it. I don`t really see Luna being very involved in the next books because she wasn`t that much involved in book 5. She only really said things with nothing to do with the story (don`t point out the transport and other obvious things as I have taken them into account and all she did was say how to get there) although the "Lovegood" thing may be a little involved.
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Saturday 15 May 2004 5:57:05pm

I think this 'love-thing' doesn't necessarily mean just love for one girl, but love generally. While Voldemort probably doesn't love anyone or he isn't capable of such feelings, Harry loves his friends, girls, some other people... At the end of OotP, after Sirius's death when Dumbledore and Voldemort fight, Voldie possesses Harry, but lets go of him when Harry starts thinking about Sirius, that if he dies, they'll be together. And then Dumbledore says something like 'your heart saved you'. But I can't imagine how this love would come useful in a battle. :???:
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Postby Groo » Saturday 15 May 2004 6:26:28pm

i personally think that it is this love-factor which will be crucial at the climax. i agree with Phinea that it wont actually be useful in a battle like a counter curse or something, but it is the only strength that Harry has over Voldy, spells being quite useless (umm..i am not sure but i think this point has been raised before somewhere)

still i would say it is a very tough ask for Rowling to make Voldy's end plausible for the readers.
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LV mistaken

Postby carsten » Monday 17 May 2004 8:40:52am

Dumbledores Master wrote:Sorry but Voldie said "I now have the same personal protection as harry does" (or somthing along those lines) so love won`t have that much to do with it.

Since LV has a deficit in this regard, as DD has pointed out several times, he may be wrong this time, too.

What kind of love? Warm love for his fellows? Detached love for all life? It will make a difference in the showdown between LV and Harry. My idea was, that strong personal love, like the one Harry's mother had for him, might protect or help him again. That would bring the story back in a great circle to the very beginning.

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Postby Groo » Monday 17 May 2004 11:41:03am

well, if intense love can protect Harry, then why cant intense hate protect Voldemort or say intense loyalty protect Bella? just because it apparently isnt some ancient magic?
i think JKR shouldnt overstress the emotions-thing. otherwise, as i repeat, it wont be plausible for the readers.
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About Love

Postby carsten » Monday 17 May 2004 2:32:15pm

Groo wrote:well, if intense love can protect Harry, then why cant intense hate protect Voldemort ...?

Because love is different. For Harry and for us. It is not just emotion. You cannot over-estimate the spiritual side of love.

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Re: About Love

Postby Nightcrawler » Monday 17 May 2004 3:33:56pm

carsten wrote:
Groo wrote:well, if intense love can protect Harry, then why cant intense hate protect Voldemort ...?

Because love is different. For Harry and for us. It is not just emotion. You cannot over-estimate the spiritual side of love.

I'm gonna have to agree with Groo here. Hate is just the flip-side of love. If we accept that love can protect Harry, then logiclly, hate should have the same effect on Lord Voldermort.

"cannot over-estimate the spiritual side of love" .... I'm sorry, but I don't see how that would help in a fight. The exact same could be said about hatred.

And whatever effect Lily's spell had on baby Harry has now rubbed off on Voldermort ever since the graveyard scene. Harry has always had part of Voldermort inside him, thus giving him the advantage, but now Voldermort has part of Harry inside him. Now that I think about it, the Harry/Voldermort relationship is a lot like the Neo/Smith relationship.

IMO, Voldermort will be a victim of his own arrogance. He will underestimate Harry's determination and skill, and that will be his downfall. Much like how Luke convinced Vader to throw Palpatine down the Death Star core :lol:
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Re: About Love

Postby carsten » Monday 17 May 2004 3:54:57pm

Nightcrawler wrote:Hate is just the flip-side of love. If we accept that love can protect Harry, then logiclly, hate should have the same effect on Lord Voldermort.

Love goes way beyond emotions. It is not the flip side of anything. So your logic has a flaw in my eyes. LV will think, that power rules the world, but he will be wrong again. There is a higher law: the law of love.

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Postby Nightcrawler » Monday 17 May 2004 4:40:33pm

Actually, look up the antonym for "love" in a thesaurus and you will see "hatred" or "hate". My logic is flawed? How so? Please elaborate.

Hate is the flip-side of love by definition. My logic is good so far. You say that love goes beyond emotions... I could say the exact same about hate. Loyalty is a powerful feeling too, but that won't protect Bella. What about fear? Is there hidden powers in fear?

Please define the words "love", "hate" and "emotion".

If you are talking about the magical, "physicall" effects of Lilly's love of Harry; those do zilch to Voldermort. The spell Lilly cast over baby Harry is now inside Voldermort as well. He is immune. And he has all the darkside powers that stem from his hatered.
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