Draco's end?

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How will Draco Malfoy end up?

He will die
He will go to Azkaban
He will survive
Total votes : 25

Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 12 May 2004 3:57:09am

I agree with you on a few, and really disagree with you on a few.

I really really don't think Harry would die. I don't think Rowling is writing books with a lot of warm fuzzies and happy endings, but I don't think she'd kill off the title character at any point.

I definately agree with you about Hermione, but disagree about Ron. I think it is obvious they will end up together.

*wipes a tear from my eye* Dumbledore is almost for sure going to die.

I am going to be TICKED OFF if Voldy lives at the end of the seventh book.

The Weasleys: agreed about Molly and Arthur, and most likely the twins, Bill and Charlie. I almost disagree about Ginny. I think she'll be more in danger of being the bait.

Neville: well, I do think he'll live. I do think he'll discover the truth about his parents. However, the prophesy and the events that happened after the prophesy meant that Neville won't be the one to kill Voldemort.

Cho: nope. I don't like her character, really never did, and she won't be missed if she does die. But Harry's over her, I think. I think there's lots of evidence that Harry and Ginny will eventually wind up together, so if anyone is bait, it would be her.
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Postby Groo » Wednesday 12 May 2004 6:00:28am

i somehow dont see Cho in the next books apart from an odd mention here or there. i think if the DA continue, she will leave it as i think she joined it only to be close to Harry and not so much as to fight against evil

she was a brief episode in Harry's life and now Harry has matured to understand that adolescent crushes arent love (brilliance of JKR there again!) so i think we are all over her

and , oh yeah, she is a pain and a prick :-)
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Postby Alice I » Wednesday 12 May 2004 2:10:20pm

I agree with your assesment of Cho but you can't write that on these boards!.

If you want to use a swear word you need to do this:

and , oh yeah, she is a pain and a pr***
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 12 May 2004 4:53:31pm

:lol: talk to paul about it... he's the one who set up the censoring thingy... if it's a word he'd consider inappropriate, he has it where it'll insert the astrisks on its own... so, apparently, calling Cho a pr*ck is okay with him, unless it didn't occur to him that that would be a swear word...

anyway, back on subject... I kinda agree with you, Groo, but I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say she'd drop out of the DA... I think the only reason she would is to avoid being around Harry, but I do think her heart was in the right place when she joined... her boyfriend had just been killed by Voldy, and she really has good intentions, i think... she's just a typical sixteen-year-old girl who is overly emotional (and rightly so, i think) and boy crazy

about what I said earlier about Ginny being the bait... well, I'm starting to have a new idea of what will happen at the end...

Ginny's already been the bait. But she's very talented (Fred and George say so in OotP) and she's a little spitfire.

Rowling has said in interviews that she's suprised more people aren't worried about Hermione. I think this could be a hint that maybe we should worry about Hermione. Plus, I think it's obvious that if Ron and Hermione aren't already dating (yup, I think they're secretly dating in OotP), they will eventually.

Ron's character is really shaping up to be capable of a lot more than he seemed like he would in the beginning.

Therefore: I think Voldy or the Death Eaters will somehow get ahold of Hermione, and Harry, Ron and possibly Ginny will go after her. Ron will do something heroic, and *cue the romantic music* Ron and Hermione realize that they're actually in love. Harry squares off with Voldemort. Having shared some harrowing experiences, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione are closer than ever. Harry and Ginny get together (think about it... Harry's the only guy Ron's willing to accept Ginny liking, and Rowling has said that Harry will have more romance before the series is over) and Ron and Hermione are together. :grin:
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Postby Groo » Wednesday 12 May 2004 7:29:43pm

i honestly didnt know that pr*** was a swear word. i thought it meant being an irritating person.

hmm, cedric's death must have been a factor for joining the DA but i am not sure Cho had that much good intentions. her defending Marietta was uncalled for. she didnt seem too worried about DD leaving.

If JKR has said that Harry will have romance, then i think the obvious choice has to be Ginny. introducing a new character so late and making Harry fall in love with her would be boring. but i dont see why she made Ginny get over Harry and then make her again fall in love with Harry? maybe just to show her coolness in OotP?
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Postby Alice I » Wednesday 12 May 2004 8:31:34pm

Groo wrote:i honestly didnt know that pr*** was a swear word. i thought it meant being an irritating person.

Sorry if I sounded like an old maid with that it's just that I grew up viewing that as a swear word and I would definatly have a problem with my kids using it.

Groo wrote:but i dont see why she made Ginny get over Harry and then make her again fall in love with Harry? maybe just to show her coolness in OotP?

Well my take on that is Ginny had a crush on Harry.
Crushes and Love are totally different and now that Ginny is maturing and coming into her own she will start having really deep feelings for him.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 18 May 2004 2:28:33am

at the risk of turning this into a romance thread....

Rowling said in the World Book Day chat in March (or it might have been in April, time kinda all runs together for me) that Harry will have more romance.

I think it's quite obvious that Ginny and Harry will eventually wind up together. Yes, she had the sweet 11-year-old girl crush thing going on, and only just starting getting past that, but it's only been since she's been past that that Harry's taken her seriously as a person, as a witch, and as a friend, and that he's even gotton to get to know her at all. It's a little difficult for true love to develop when one person blushes everytime the other walks in the room. :-) Also, in OotP, yeah, she's cool, but she's very like Harry - talented, sarcastic and rule-breaking.

Ron has a problem with his little sister dating anyone but Harry. That's implied when he completely freaks out when he finds out she's dating what's-his-face, and said that he thought she liked Harry (he never freaked out while he was thinking she was in love with Harry). I think it's sweet, and I think it's a hint that they will wind up together.
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