well, I have to admit... I met my husband online.
However, I only posted this because there are certain steps you should take to keep yourself safe. Agreeing to meet a person you met online
can be very dangerous. Giving your schedual can be dangerous.
I don't think protecting yourself from some very real dangers is the same thing as hiding in a closet and not living life.
About how anyone can kidnap, r*pe, murder, etc. Well, why make it easy for them? The internet is becoming more and more a wonderful tool for child molesters, kidnappers, rapists and murderers. They are able to associate with others for the first time ever. To pretend that they don't do this is ridiculous.
When I was in high school, I was completely not-smart about what information I gave to whom. Because of this, a 25-year-old tracked me down at school and wouldn't leave until I got a teacher to tell him to go away. He waited for me in the parking lot. It scared me to death. Luckily, I told my parents that I had been dumb enough to give this guy information, and my dad threatened to call the police if he didn't leave me alone.
The information? A picture, my name, the town I lived in (he was in the next town) and the fact that I was in a school play. He showed up at the school during rehearsal.
I know when you're a teenager, it doesn't really cross most people's minds to think of the dangers out there, but it's a lot smarter to be very very cautious than to be reckless so you can have fun.