Will Elfs make the difference in war?

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Postby pallas artemis » Monday 26 April 2004 9:11:19pm

But we also know that Dobby mixes words and is not the most prolific (sp) character in the books. :-?
As for house elfs in general during the war, most will probably serve their masters during the war and therefore be on which ever side their masters are on ( this does not bode well because if house elfs come with big mansions of wizarding families, many of which seem to be the very ones with strong wizarding ties and pure blood sentiments). :???:
however some elfs, like Dobby, may find this war as their release from evil masters, but i think they will be few and far between.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 26 April 2004 10:24:30pm

House-elves are bound to families, usually families who are old enough and rich enough to own the large houses... the confusion comes in when you refer to the House of Black... the "house" in that phrase isn't talking about the brick residence at 12 Grimmauld Place, but the family of Black. That's why Kreacher managed to find a way to twist the meanings of what he was told to do and went to take orders from Narcissa.

Alice, I hope you're right, and Kreacher doesn't go over to Narcissa. But I think it's the most likely possibility.

However, I think the Order will have been protected by something Sirius put into place as soon as the Order was started. I think Sirius told Kreacher to NEVER under ANY circumstances tell what he knew about the Order. Since Kreacher was never set free, really, he would just be kinda transferred, that order is still in effect, so the Order, for now, is safe.
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