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Postby Groo » Monday 26 April 2004 1:16:37pm

hmm..thats correct. and since Snape was also in the Order, he should have told DD(and thus the Ministry) about the Dark Marks and thus all those DEs who were let free would have been arrested.
i think the Dark Mark disappeared after Voldemort was destroyed and as he was coming back, it slowly started resurfacing.

btw, why isnt there Death Penalty in the wizarding community? that would have solved most of the problems
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Postby Alice I » Monday 26 April 2004 2:49:55pm

Ferrus wrote:I think that is an excellent point Alice, otherwise it would be too easy to lock up all the death eaters (just look at their arm). What bugs me is that Sirius didn´t know about the Dark Mark on the Death Eater´s arms, one would think that after being in the Order he would know about it...

Thanks Ferrus

I don't think that Sirius was in the Order the first time round though. We know that James was as well as Lily but remember Sirius saying to Harry
"What ever else you might think Harry, James really hated the Dark Arts"
I don't think Sirius was in the Order himself, maybe they didn't really want him because of his family hystory or maybe he felt uncomfortable because of that.
*Shrugs who knows because it is nevr really stated one way or the other. Sirius was not in the picture Moody showed Harry.*

Groo wrote:btw, why isnt there Death Penalty in the wizarding community? that would have solved most of the problems

Does Great Brittan have a death penalty?
I am thinking that since JKR is English and if England does not have a death penalty that the Brittish Wizarding community would not have one.
Anyway that is the explanation I come up with.
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Postby Nobby » Monday 26 April 2004 3:20:03pm

no we don't have the death penalty! but technically you could be hanged for treason!
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Postby Alice I » Monday 26 April 2004 3:23:40pm

OK but isn't hanging pretty much a death penalty?
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Postby Nobby » Monday 26 April 2004 3:27:45pm

yeah i mean't that there is only one way you can technically be killed in britain
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Postby imc130d » Monday 26 April 2004 5:28:46pm

Groo wrote:btw, why isnt there Death Penalty in the wizarding community? that would have solved most of the problems

I thought the dementor's kiss essentially WAS the death penalty. Death of the mind rather than death of the body, but still. Maybe it's my bloodthirsty American upbringing...
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Monday 26 April 2004 5:50:14pm

I agree it is probably bcse of where we are.

Another thing, what about polyjuice potion? It could be used by sprout easily enough, since she is a teacher and could get in and say she was making up a special fertilizer or something.
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Postby Nobby » Monday 26 April 2004 6:06:51pm

:lol: hehe- i can seehere your coming from though! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Monday 26 April 2004 9:32:26pm

About the death penalty thing, I always figured Azkaban was a death sentence. That's the way most of the wizards have talked about it. I mean, alot of people die or go nuts in there.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 26 April 2004 10:51:30pm

Does Snape rollup his sleeves often though? Also, going back to SS/PS: why doesn't Snape's DM burn when Voldy is actually on Quirrel's head?

I think this is touched on in "Snape's cover should be blown" thread...

I believe that the dark mark burns only when Voldy is purposely calling the Death Eaters, or at the very least trying to get their attention. It is the same charm that Hermione uses on the fake Galleons, and those are just like normal galleons until she wants to use them to tell the other members of the DA about the next meeting.

Alice wrote:I don't think that Sirius was in the Order the first time round though. We know that James was as well as Lily but remember Sirius saying to Harry
"What ever else you might think Harry, James really hated the Dark Arts"
I don't think Sirius was in the Order himself, maybe they didn't really want him because of his family hystory or maybe he felt uncomfortable because of that.
*Shrugs who knows because it is nevr really stated one way or the other. Sirius was not in the picture Moody showed Harry.*

yes he was. taken from OotP, page 176:

"That's Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, only time I ever met him, strange bloke... That's Dorcas Meadowes, Voldemort killed her personally... Sirius, when he still had short hair... and... there you go, thought that would interest you!"
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Postby Alice I » Monday 26 April 2004 10:54:55pm

oopps :oops:
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