Your Animagus form....what are you?

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Enis Reilly » Wednesday 14 April 2004 11:16:33pm

I would like to become a type of cat... Any of them! :grin:
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Postby Moonstone » Thursday 15 April 2004 9:58:41am

All times a cat or a Wolf or an owl.. i just cant deside.. can i mix them??
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Postby Nobby » Thursday 15 April 2004 10:48:22am

hehe :grin: that'll be an interesting creature :grin:
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Postby Moonstone » Thursday 15 April 2004 11:38:50am

Wouldent it :grin: only hope my parents dont mind me flying around chasing cars and purring :cat: :angel:
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Postby Deedra Malfoy » Wednesday 21 April 2004 11:41:38pm

i think I would would like to be either a raven or a black panther.

my magical creature would probably be a basilisk or a sea serpent

and my inanimate object would be a jock strap(way just joking!)
no, it would probably be a statue.
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Postby Alice I » Thursday 22 April 2004 1:20:23pm

My anamagus animal would probably be a large cat like a tiger or a lion but I would want it to be an eagle. JKR said you don't get to pick your animal, it's like a wand it picks you.
he reason I think that my animal would probably be a large cat is because I can be very Lion like when provoked. I have always viewed cats as moody and having their moods swing quickly and unpredictably, and when they are angry "Watch Out".

I want to be an Eagle because I would love the free feeling of being able to fly high above all of the cares and worries of the world but still have keen sight so that I could see what was happening and not miss anything.
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Postby ganymede » Saturday 24 April 2004 11:51:57am

i'd be a leopard - or tiger - or wolf - or just about any animal - i LOVE all types of animals!!! i have 4 cats :grin:
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Postby Seraphine » Saturday 24 April 2004 12:41:58pm

Does it have to be an animal? Don't remember... :oops:
But if not, mine would be an angel - pure and flawless.
If an animal - maybe a white pigeon?

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Postby choki » Saturday 24 April 2004 5:06:10pm

Animagi, the root word is animal so I guess it has to be in animal form.
Messenger pigeons were used as well, messenger, in the early days as they have superb sense of direction (I guess all birds have that) and can be trained to fly a certain route. There were plenty of them that one flock consists of millions of bird. But they were hunted down because they tasted good in pies. Well, to tell you honestly, I have eaten roasted pigeons before
*hides under the desk before anyone throw anything at her*
but they were reared ones, not wild ones. And yes, it tasted sweet and good...perhaps due to the seasonings???

Back to the topic, I would like to be a snow wolf.
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Postby pallas artemis » Saturday 1 May 2004 10:21:18pm

My Animagus form would probably be some kind of hawk.

My Magical creature would be a dragon :eek:

and my inanimate object would either be a computer or a book ( all that knowledge and power in ME) :eek: :lol:
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Postby Seraphine » Saturday 22 May 2004 9:39:41pm

OK! So pigeon...
Guess what happened? I had my confirmation - my third name is Seraphine now!

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Postby Female_alien » Sunday 23 May 2004 8:58:31pm

That's really cool Seraphine! Glad you did it! :grin:
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Postby Nightcrawler » Monday 24 May 2004 3:35:25pm

I'd be a Godzilla.

Mwuhahahaha! the world shall crumble before my mighty feet, I shall breathe radiation on all who stand in my way and when it is all done, I shall have a mighty victory dance! (I am talking, of course, about the original 50's Godzilla. I mean, what other gigantic monster dances after a victory? See Godzilla vs Monster Zero, hehehe...)

Then again, I would have ping-pong ball eyes and latex skin...

Has anyone seen a real life Tasmanian Devil? Those things are viscious. I think I'd like to be one of those. They would be just small enough to squeese under the Womping Willow, they would deffinitly be fast enough... and they can chew through solid bone.

Yep, that's me; a Godzilla or a Tasmanian Devil.
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Postby Female_alien » Monday 24 May 2004 7:59:59pm

:lol: :lol: Nightcrawler - you're funny :lol: :lol: and have a dangerous will to rule the world and destroy (ever thought of being a new Voldermort? :grin: )
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Postby Stucko Queen » Tuesday 25 May 2004 1:48:07am

I would have to be a cat because I am a leo and a lion is always associated with that. But a lion was too big so i choose a cat cause I can be stealthy 8) ...a little clumsy at times, but that's okay :)
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