Pixies on the Loose!

A home for old scenarios who may have come to an end for RPG playing but whose life and excitement can still be enjoyed in story form.

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Postby Mint » Thursday 8 April 2004 3:22:17pm

Lucia stares blankly at her classmates who are trying to fight off the pixies.
how boring she says to herself. At first the assignment Malfoy gave her seemed to be pretty cool - Open pixie's cage before class starts to cause ultimate chaos - but after couple of giggles she got from watching students try to get their stuff in order she started thinking that all this was part of the bigger plan...
probably...He just wanted to keep everyone preoccupied!! must be..

she noticed couple of classmates turned around and realized she said that aloud.

hmm :angel:
Lucia smiled and opened a mirror to look at her perfect reflection. And started thinking of a beauty contest coming up next week
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Postby Won Wheezy » Thursday 8 April 2004 3:58:13pm

Esme rings her pen from a pixie's claws as she overhears Lucia. Eyeing her suspicously she goes back to her desk and whispers to choki: Did you hear that? What the heck is going on? That spoilt little brat knows something about all this, for sure!She takes another paper strip and fires it at Lucia, then quickly bends over to pretend she's writing something and sniggering to herself.
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Postby choki » Thursday 8 April 2004 5:00:44pm

Definitely! She must have set those pixies free...and now, there are 5 of them residing in my bag Choki says as she points to the bag that is trying to move across to Esme's desk. Hey, I got a better idea to treat that Slytherin girl... Choki digs into her bag and picks out one pixie 1 down, 4 to go and throws in at Lucia's back, before looking really interested in Trunkadore's lesson.
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Postby Mint » Thursday 8 April 2004 7:02:32pm

Lucia closes her mirror just in time to see smth flying at her and has just enough time to cast a fire spell on a paper strip, which burns away in a split second. Not knowing where it came from Lucia just wispers:
whoever did this, u jealous creature, u better stop or else :evil:

She bends down to take a spy mirror out of her super expensive new bag to see who is behind it, and a flying pixie just misses her, flying directly into professor's desk.

Lucia turns around quickly, just in time to notice Choki's grin :evil:

Professor!!!! Professor!!!! Choki is throwing papers strips and pixies at me!!!!!!! :cry:
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Postby paintballdecoy » Friday 9 April 2004 1:00:36am

Sean steps out of the shadows, smiling slightly. Chaos, lovely chaos he thinks to himself. As a student it about to freeze a rampaging pixie he raises his wand and says expelliarmus. Her wand flys out of her hand and he laughs. As a pixie comes zooming at him he merely stares hard at it and the pixie stops and flys away.

He smiles as a pixie throws a bottle of ink, showering a student with ink, he thinks to himself this is getting better by the minute
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Postby Won Wheezy » Friday 9 April 2004 8:06:55am

Esme sticks her tongue out at Lucia. Shallow little git! She'd so need a good bashing. But as I'm a pacifist, well most of the time anyway, I will just try to ignore her. But we are definitely gonna find out what she did and why she did it!she whispers to choki and grins sarcastically.
Then she turns around and watches Sean grinning evilly and seemingly satisfied with this whole situation. And him! He certainly thinks he is the hero, doesn't he? That guy makes me want to throw up, such a disgusting little ******! I never liked his eyes, they are just so...empty and cold, as if there were no emotions in him at all. What do you think, chok?
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Postby Ferrus » Friday 9 April 2004 12:34:15pm

What do all these stupid slytherins think they are doing?
How did this spell work?... ah, yes!
Nathan shouts Waddiwasi!! at the same time as he points his wand at a Pixie and then at Sean. The pixie shoots towards Sean with bullet force. That should teach him not to mess with [i]Expelliarmus. Just as he says Expelliarmus everyones wand (including Nathan´s own one) shoots out of their hands and are quickly collected by the excited pixies. Ooops... sometimes my wand seems to have a mind of its own..
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Postby choki » Friday 9 April 2004 1:54:38pm

Those Slytherins are just plain nasty...well, they are gonna make enemies with the rest soon enough...Choki whispers to Esme as she stares hard at Lucia and Sean, taking notice of their movements. We got to be careful around here...don't want to lose our wands to Sean's disarming spell At this instant, Esme and Choki's wands fly right out of their hands right into the loose pixies so does everyone else. The whole class turn their heads around to see the person responsible.
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Friday 9 April 2004 2:09:41pm

Nily is still writing something in her notebook,making no atention on the situation around her,when suddenly something disturbes her,her wand flys away.She looks up slowly and sees a pixie holding her wand.Jeez this clasroom is in total messghe says to her best friends Esme&choki,It looks like an evil wizard been here,what's going on?
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Postby Meg Boyd » Friday 9 April 2004 2:22:21pm

Amelie's wand goes soaring across the class room, unnoticed, as she hands the spectacles to the timid Gretel. Turning back to her desk, she notices the absence of her wand, and stands up in fury as she see the little pixie collecting all of the wands as they fly towards him.

This is insane...where the heck is our prof? He should be here to exercise some dicipline, especially when it is the students who are doing this all!

Amelie glares at Lucia and Sean, who don't seem to notice.

I've got to think of some way to get back at them, or at least stop this madness... but I don't even have a wand...

Amelie opens her desk once more, and sees the pixies inside curiously picking at a large slab of Honeydukes chocolate...she suddenly gets an idea as she glances over at the cloak closet in the back of the room...

Eureka! She shouts as she grabs the Honeydukes chocolate and runs to the closet, waving the aromatic chocolate around the room. The pixies perk up their faces and stop doing their terror, as Amelie places the chocolate on the floor of the closet.

Come and get it, kiddos! She laughs, as the pixies run to the closet to devour the chocolate. She shuts the door and puts a heavy oak chair infront of the door.

Well, now we can at least have a lesson...for now she says as she notices the closet door throbbing as the pixies pound furiously to get out
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Postby Mint » Friday 9 April 2004 2:26:51pm

Nathan!!! Malfoy said watch out for him because...cause....oh I forgot....Must not have been important :rolleyes:

Good Morning Sean!!! :angel: I saved you a seat ^.^
Luchia quickly brushes her hair for the 103rd time. She notices Esmeralda sticking her tong out at her and smiles
Aww, u poor thing. Well, everyone can't be beautiful you know :rolleyes:
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Postby choki » Friday 9 April 2004 2:36:34pm

Erm...Amelia??? You just locked all our wands inside the cupboard. Maybe we can do something about it, like open the cupboard, grab our wands and jinx the pixies...
Choki notices Lucia's act of brushing her hair and comments to Esme and Nily. That girl is mental, I tell you.
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Postby Nobby » Friday 9 April 2004 8:59:26pm

Professour Trunkadore stands up and walks among the children looking at everyone's hair!
Well kiddos, what do you think of the pixie's, i like the smallest one with the red eyes, he's soooo cute. Actually! Where are the pixies. You wouldn't be playing tricks on me now kiddos would you! hehehe

*blankly stares at esme for a reply*
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Postby paintballdecoy » Friday 9 April 2004 10:05:56pm

After barely preforming the shield charm and blocking the pixie aiming towards his nose hell hath no fury like a pixie up ones nose he thinks to himself. Now that no one has a wand, I can cause some real distruction. He thinks to himself

now, what should I do? Opening that closet and making that chandelier fall sounds good

He yells the curses and he and Lucia double over in silent laughter, causing her to comb her hair once again.

He then teps himself on the head and dissapears, then seconds later the classroom door opens and closes lightly, hopefully no one notices
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Postby choki » Monday 12 April 2004 9:54:11am

Choki turns her head around just in time to see the chandelier starting to fall. Right below the chandelier sits a couple of students. Holding her hands out, she waits as her wand knocks its way out of the closet by piercing through the wooden door. With the wand in her hands now, she yells a spell which causes the nearby windows to be banged open, creating a great gush of wind to push the falling chandelier away from the students. The chandelier crashes into the classroom door and wrecks it. Ooops, sorry about the door, Sir.
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