my poa website

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my poa website

Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 29 March 2004 9:28:51pm

hey, I'm making a prisoner of azkaban website... go see it! It's still under construction, but I have up a bunch of PoA pics that are hard to find (including a close-up or two of Lupin!)

Waiting 4 Azkaban

[edited to make link clickable - Paul :-) ]
[edited again - errr did something go wrong or does that just point to aol's hometown index page? - Paul]
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Postby sea-plunder » Monday 29 March 2004 9:47:10pm

your site is really good athena was it hard to make? all your pictures were intresting as i had only seen about 2 of them . great site keep working on it :grin:
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Postby fierce » Tuesday 30 March 2004 10:11:07am

Great site Athena, I hadn't even seen some of those pics! Yippee!
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Postby Alice I » Tuesday 30 March 2004 11:37:12am

Cool site Athena
Great Pics. :grin:
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Postby Nobby » Tuesday 30 March 2004 5:03:08pm

[edited again - errr did something go wrong or does that just point to aol's hometown index page? - Paul]

that's what i get- errrrr!

i really wanna see it! if its by athena its bound to be worth while :grin:
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Postby Won Wheezy » Tuesday 30 March 2004 5:35:42pm

I couldn't see it either!? :???: Strange though if some people can. :o
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Postby Nobby » Tuesday 30 March 2004 6:00:57pm

help please athena! :grin:
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Postby Amon Rê » Tuesday 30 March 2004 7:04:12pm

I got the same thing too :'(
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 30 March 2004 8:40:04pm

k, lemme try again...

that should work...

yeah... ummm. Paul? You have to actually put in the aol member's name when you're typing up the url for it. :-)

I'm going to spend the afternoon finishing up the main part of the webpage, so by tonight it should be almost completed...
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Postby Nobby » Wednesday 31 March 2004 9:49:23am

that's better i can see it now!

it's really good athena! :grin:

now i've seen dementor pics- not have i imagined them i've got to say!
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 31 March 2004 5:58:23pm

Thanks! :-) I updated it last night (added a few more PoA pics... probably in the next few days I'll add the rest of the stuff on there)
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Postby Alice I » Wednesday 31 March 2004 6:34:48pm

I don't think that the pics on page two are dementors. In the trailer their heads are covered with a cloth.

What is Snape shielding the threesome from?
I have seen that pic several times and I can't think of anywhere in the book that they would be shielded by him.

Nice site btw. Comming along splendidly (?sp)
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 31 March 2004 9:00:39pm

like I said, I don't know if those are dementors or not... someone posted them on another website, along with a lot of question marks... *shrug*

With the Snape picture, I've about decided it's just a promo picture (not actually a screenshot). I think it's meant to stand for the scene when Snape is "protecting" Harry, Ron and Hermione from Sirius, and also Lupin.

The website is kinda slow-going, since I'm having to balance working on it with taking care of the kiddos, cleaning house, and some hefty yard work (we don't have grass... we have weeds... and I'm trying to pull them all up)
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Postby Female_alien » Thursday 1 April 2004 9:38:38pm

I really like your site. The background is cool and the pictures are great too! Continue the good work! :grin:
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Thursday 1 April 2004 10:01:18pm

Your site is fantactic...I'm making one too :grin: ,and I have whole lot of pics,but you have some I've never seen!
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