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Postby Athena Appleton » Saturday 27 March 2004 2:47:08pm

And wasn't there something somewhere in one of the books that said Harry was safest at Hogwarts? Maybe it was one of the kids who said that because they are niave. Or maybe I'm just not remembering right.

Hermione says it, working on the basis that Voldemort is scared of only Dumbledore, and Dumbledore's the most powerful wizard, so Harry's safe at Hogwarts while Dumbledore's still around. She doesn't necessarily say he's "safest" at Hogwarts, compared to anywhere else... *shrug*

I don't remember if Dumbledore is around when it all hits the fan in book 3 and 4. Maybe somebody can remind me.

As Alice has pointed out, Voldy doesnt make an appearance in book 3. Dumbledore's at Hogwarts when it gets bad in book 4, but Harry's not (he's been transferred to the graveyard)... Since Harry's only safe at Hogwarts when Dumbledore's around, it's not Hogwarts that's safe, it's Dumbledore. Dumbledore and Harry weren't in the same place in book 4, when Voldemort returns, so Harry was exposed and vulnerable.
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Postby Ferrus » Saturday 27 March 2004 4:12:30pm

As Alice has pointed out, Voldy doesnt make an appearance in book 3. Dumbledore's at Hogwarts when it gets bad in book 4, but Harry's not (he's been transferred to the graveyard)... Since Harry's only safe at Hogwarts when Dumbledore's around, it's not Hogwarts that's safe, it's Dumbledore. Dumbledore and Harry weren't in the same place in book 4, when Voldemort returns, so Harry was exposed and vulnerable.

Not to mention the DoM, in OotP. Voldemort says it himself in GoF, that he cant get to Harry while Dumbledore is looking.

Hmmm... looks like I´ve repeated whats already been said...
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That's right.

Postby hbic3 » Sunday 28 March 2004 3:28:02am

Yeah, I remember now. Book 3 is when he met Sirius.

And I remembered the graveyard thing in book four but I couldn't remember If Dumbledore had to leave Hogwarts.

So, think about that. Harry is safe at Hogwarts as long as Dumbledore is around.

There are two places that Harry is safest... or three if you count Grimauld place, but I think that's just because he's watched so closely there.

Home, where Petunia is, and Hogwarts, where Dumbledore is.

Do you think it's possible that the reason he is safe when Dumbledore is around could have much more to do with just Dumbledore is a powerful wizard?

I mean, maybe DD being so powerful is just a bonus. Could Dumbledore be of Harry's mother's blood? I'm not suggesting a grandfather. But maybe an Ancestral relation? Like Lily and Albus maybe share a common ancestor from like the 1300's?

Anything is possible at this point.
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I'm going back.

Postby hbic3 » Sunday 28 March 2004 3:36:22am

I've only read each book once. You know how you pick up things you didn't notice the first time to read a book?

I'm going to read each one again. See what I can pick out.

Wish me luck?
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Re: I'm going back.

Postby Alice I » Sunday 28 March 2004 4:59:21am

hbic3 wrote:I've only read each book once. You know how you pick up things you didn't notice the first time to read a book?

I'm going to read each one again. See what I can pick out.

Wish me luck?

Keep reading friend because you do notice lots of things on future reads. Also visit a thread called how many times have you read the books. Not sure where it is right now, but you will be suprised how many times some of us have read these things.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Sunday 28 March 2004 8:48:15pm

hbic, I'm not one of the folks who thinks there's necessarily a blood-link between Dumbledore and Lily, but I know there are a lot of folks out there who do believe that, and they generally also tie in the fact that Dumbledore's hair is auburn (mentioned in Tom Riddle's memory) and Lily had reddish hair... then again, I wonder where the Weasleys would fit in, if you link folks with red hair...

I know there are a lot of threads, if you just dig around in the theories section, where the Dumbledore-Lily possibility is mentioned. :grin:
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It would also make sense

Postby hbic3 » Monday 29 March 2004 12:06:21am

This is why I suggest Dumbledore as a possible relative.

It would make sense that Harry is safe at Hogwarts and the Weasley's as well as the Dursley's as per the "mother's blood" prophesy, if the Weasley's and the Evans' are related. However, it's when Dumbledore is absent from Hogwarts that Harry has his run ins with Voldemort.

I also seem to remember that Hagrid is also absent at the same time that Dumbledore is absent. I could be mistaken.

But this still leaves why Harry has not been touched, even threatened while at the Weasley's.

Why would it be so impossible for Harry to be related in some way to Dumbledore, or even Hagrid?

Wouldn't it be more likely that in such a tightly knitted community as the wizarding world is, that a few people have "intermarried"? Yes, I think that very likely.

I wouldn't count out any possibility
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Monday 29 March 2004 12:18:39am

It would make sense that Harry is safe at Hogwarts and the Weasley's as well as the Dursley's as per the "mother's blood" prophesy, if the Weasley's and the Evans' are related. However, it's when Dumbledore is absent from Hogwarts that Harry has his run ins with Voldemort.

Hmm, interesting point. I don't want to close any doors as to who Harry is and isn't related to b/c sure enough in book 6 all my predictions will be wrong and I'll feel very dumb. :lol:

But this still leaves why Harry has not been touched, even threatened while at the Weasley's.

Remember that Harry is still guarded a lot more than he knows. And Voldemort hasn't been really active whenever Harry's been at the Weasleys.

Why would it be so impossible for Harry to be related in some way to Dumbledore, or even Hagrid?

I wouldn't be surprised if Harry and DD are related somehow, but I don't think Hagrid.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 29 March 2004 2:24:55am

I agree with ya, I'm not counting it out... just not counting on it, ya know? I don't think it that likely, but I could very easily be wrong (I see the possibility)

If Dumbledore and Harry are related, I think it's very distantly.

With the Weasleys and Harry being related, I think it's a somewhat far-fetched possibility, but still a possibility. In the "Molly's Second Cousin" thread, Krio mentions the possibility that second-cousin-the-accountant is Lily's father.

It would make sense that Harry is safe at Hogwarts and the Weasley's as well as the Dursley's as per the "mother's blood" prophesy, if the Weasley's and the Evans' are related. However, it's when Dumbledore is absent from Hogwarts that Harry has his run ins with Voldemort.

Keep in mind, though, that Dumbledore doesn't allow Harry to go directly to the Weasleys, or to stay with him, over the summer holidays. I don't really think that the "protection" he receives while at the Weasleys is anything more than Arthur and Molly's very observant eyes. They generally don't encourage the kids to go outside of the Burrow, and, lucky for Harry, he has no desire to. When he's with the Weasleys at Grimmauld Place, he's surrounded by very talented wizards (Mr and Mrs. Weasley, Bill, George and Fred, Sirius, Lupin) all the time, with other powerful wizards dropping in (Moody, Shacklebolt, Snape, even though he doesn't like him).

I don't think that it's ONLY the blood relative thing that keeps him safe, but I think that's a great protection he can have that no one else can, so it's important, and that's why he'd have to go to Privet Drive every summer for a little while. I still don't think, though, that he would have to be inside the house at Privet Drive, for no other reason than I think Dumbledore would have told him to stay inside, whether he did it or not is another story.

So, when he's away from "home" (Privet Drive) in the Muggle world, he's still supposedly safe (the dementor thing was a fluke, since they were most likely sent by the ministry, not Voldemort... the blood-relative thing protects him from Voldy). When he's away from Privet Drive at the Burrow or Grimmauld Place, he's safe because the Weasleys are keeping an eye on him and are very talented and powerful. When he's at Hogwarts, as long as Dumbledore is around, he's safe. When Dumbledore leaves, that's when we know to start worrying.
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Postby highsorcerer » Monday 29 March 2004 5:52:47am

As it stands, since Voldemort's return in GoF, Harry has been under a very heavy guard no matter where he's at. Blood-charm at the Dursley's - but with Arabella Figg watching over him; secure HQ of the OOTP after that, guarded to Platform 9 3/4, guarded at Hogwarts by the professors, guarded at Hogsmeade... etc. The only time he got away from his guard was during the battle of the Department of Mysteries - and once the OOTP got wind, they immediately went to defend him - except he held his own in battle because he can outthink wizards trained in the dark arts.

The Death Eaters now know he's a match for them - so they have to go for numbers and surprise (and even that isn't working). He could probably teach DADA better than any of the five he's studied under (maybe not Lupin... then again, maybe he's now a match for him) - indeed he taught a much better DADA class than Umbridge.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 29 March 2004 7:09:54am

you know, it's kinda funny... probably the best DADA teacher Harry's had (well, Lupin might be, too) was "Moody", but he was the most dangerous and really a horrible guy... :lol: but Harry learned his most important stuff there...
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Postby Alice I » Monday 29 March 2004 2:06:19pm

I have always thought that as well Athena even if it is probably not a popular thing to say on a HP fan site
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Postby Violet » Monday 29 March 2004 2:41:03pm

i do think that harry needed elements of both moody's and lupin's teachings tho... i mean you cant do the more advanced stuff without learning the basics.
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Postby pandora315 » Thursday 1 April 2004 2:51:24pm

Moody taught them some interesting things, I've always wondered if an imperious curse may have carried on though. I've sometimes wondered if DD was a relative of Harry's since he seems to care for him so much and I guess one way to prove it for yes or no would be to figure out exactly how the protective blood charm works. If its confined to a house or a general area then its a possibility, if its also the person themselves then its a difinite no. What I mean is, remember when Vernon takes off to get away from the letters? Is Harry protected because he's with Petunia? Because if he is, then in the DoM in OotP if he is related to DD then he should have been protected from Voldy while in th presence of DD, Wait! But Voldy doen't try to kill Harry after DD arrives, he posseses Harry trying to get DD to kill him....I don't know now it could go either way. :D
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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 1 April 2004 5:52:56pm

I've always felt like the blood charm works on a gradient basis... this also opens the door for possible other more distant relatives (like Mark Evans). What I mean is, the only person to have the same exact blood line as Lily is Petunia. So, ideally, Harry would stay there, because he gets the most protection with Petunia. However, there could be other more distant relatives (the Weasleys included), but the more distant, and the less of an exact blood line match, the less protection is available. I don't think the charm works on a location basis (like, I don't think Harry's only safe inside the house, because I think Dumbledore would have told him to stay inside, especially after Goblet of Fire). I don't think Dumbledore and Harry are related, because I just don't see any real evidence of it. I think there's a tiny possibility that Harry is a distant cousin of Molly's, and therefore, a VERY distant cousin of Sirius.

I don't think Moody's imperius curse followed through, just because there doesn't seem to be any sign of it later in the story
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