Welcome to the very first (trial-)debate!
The topic for this debate will be:
No Smoking Law. It's now illegal to smoke inside any building in NY State including bars, resturants, sports clubs and arenas.
This poll will close in seven days, and then the debate will start! After the debate you are supposed to give your opinion again in the post-poll and then we can decide who the winner is!
As i said, this is a trial debate, so it's not 'official' yet, since we still need to sort a few things out.
Well what are you waiting for? tell us what you think!
[edit] This debate will be between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw
[edit2] Since we had some minor problems, the debate is now delayed for one week, so it will probably start around the 4th of April.
You also might have seen the polls in your common rooms. That will be the way that future debates will be arranged, there will only be polls in the houses that are not participating....so it won't be done with one poll in the debates section like this one...(