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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 3 March 2004 4:50:08pm

Although, Malfoy is about to hit rebelious male teenager age isn't he.....Harry's mood and temper has certainly deteriorated very fast in the space of two books.....Rons is not as bad but definately more moody than before.....

and how much can Malfoy take of having friends as thick as crabbe and goyle and melicent(sp??) bullstrode....I hate to say it but malfoy is reasonably intelligent, what we see of slytherin is that its full of mindless thugs really....and somebody said previously somewhere that Malfoy admires Snape alot too, Snape is a good guy or seems to be......

if all else fails you'd think puberty would kick in and Malfoy would change purely to get a girl more attractive than milicent (sp??) bullstrode...shes supposed to be pretty ugly and stupid isn't she....more a crabbe and goyle type match......lol
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 3 March 2004 5:05:52pm

hmmm... well, in my opinion, the difference in Harry's attitude change and the possibility of Malfoy's attitude change is that Harry was still a good guy going through a regular teenage phase of thinking you know it all, etc (and to anyone who wants to argue with me on that, I know, I was one of the worst! :grin:). Malfoy wouldn't do a complete turnaround just to rebel against his dad. I just don't believe it.

Ummm, Malfoy seems pretty cozy with Pansy Parkinson, who, depsite the little references to her looking like a pug, Malfoy seems to be quite satisfied with. I think it shows something of Malfoy's character that he keeps company with big thugs like Crabbe and Goyle. I doubt he'll let them go (except when he does this impossible about-face to become a good guy) because my guess is they've been friends since they were babies. Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Crabbe, and Mr. Goyle were all Death Eaters, and most likely friends, so their kids would hang around each other.

Snape is a good guy, yes, and Malfoy does respect him, but MALFOY DOESN'T KNOW HE'S A GOOD GUY!!! My guess is, he actually thinks Snape is still a Death Eater. And Snape is anything but nice, so that's why Malfoy likes him.

Closest I'll come to saying Malfoy could in some way not be as bad as I think he is is to say that there could come a time when Harry and Co. are faced with a decision to let him be harmed or rescue him, and because of who they are, they'll rescue him, and he'll be indebted to them, but very very grudgingly.
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 3 March 2004 11:23:44pm

Yeah, but there is always a chance i mean Snape managed the complete turn around and he got as far as becoming a death eater before he did that...unless he was always good and became a death eater only to spy for Dumbledore...but I think it highly unlikely Draco would turn around.....but its always possible....
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 3 March 2004 11:39:00pm

Maybe you're right... I don't think Draco will ever turn good, but the thing to remember is that we'll most likely only follow him through Hogwarts, so anything he does after he's 18 won't be covered. I think there is a chance that as an adult, after going to the bad side (and, by the way, enjoying it) he could see the terrible things Voldemort does and turn good. But the fact is, most likely, Voldemort won't be around after book 7 (I don't really think Harry will be the one to die), so the death eaters won't be prominent after book 7, which is right before Draco would become one... :lol: I'm not making sense to myself, but I know what I'm thinking. I think the only way Draco would ever turn good is as an adult, long after the books are over, but we'll never see him be a good guy.

Snape really didn't make a FULL turnaround... yes, he went to Dumbledore's side and turned spy, and he is a "good" guy, but while he doesn't side with Voldemort anymore, he certainly doesn't have warm fuzzies for Harry...
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Postby Gower » Wednesday 3 March 2004 11:46:01pm

I do wonder what qualities Percy had to make the sorting hat put him in gryfindor. He isn't especially brave or loyal, and he always follows the rules. Gryfindor is the last place I would have put him.
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Thursday 4 March 2004 3:45:40pm

Athena wrote:No, honey, at the age of twelve, he really wanted to be the one opening up the Chamber of Secrets, killing muggle-borns. He admires his father, and he wants to be just like him. I just can't see Rowling making him do a COMPLETE about-face in the next two books to make him go from looking forward to the day he's old enough to be a Death Eater to hating what his father does.

I think he only said that,cause he was with Crabbe and Goyle.I mean it's stupid if he doesn't tell that,it would be like if I came here joined HP fan forum and said I hate HP,it's the worst book I ever read???It would be stupid to say that?

Athena wrote:Snape is a good guy, yes, and Malfoy does respect him, but MALFOY DOESN'T KNOW HE'S A GOOD GUY!!! My guess is, he actually thinks Snape is still a Death Eater. And Snape is anything but nice, so that's why Malfoy likes him.

It's very stupid how they(DE-s,LV,Slytherin...) don't know he's a good guy,and what kind of spy job even does Snape?I don't think he does anything near LV and DE-s cause LV is not stupid he knows that Snape isn't loyal to him,and when they were on the graveyard LV while was talking who should stand in empty places,he said one has left them forever(Snape,of course)and that he will be murded!

Gower wrote:I do wonder what qualities Percy had to make the sorting hat put him in gryfindor. He isn't especially brave or loyal, and he always follows the rules. Gryfindor is the last place I would have put him.

Me too.And he's not very bright either,as he could betray whole family!
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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 4 March 2004 8:53:48pm

Fluffy bear wrote:he said one has left them forever(Snape,of course)and that he will be murdered!

Tell ya what, I'm not gonna touch anything else you're saying, because you believe one thing and I believe another, and as their both just theories anyway, there's no way to prove the other right or wrong. :-)

I just wanna throw one thing in to get on your nerves. :grin: You say that Snape, of course, is the Death Eater who has left forever and must be killed... I don't know if you're right or you're wrong, and I don't know about you, but almost every time I've made an assumption (which is really what that is, since Snape isn't mentioned specifically by name), J.K. Rowling has used that assumption that seemed so clear to me and used it as a cover.

Keep the possibility open that maybe Snape is not the Death Eater who has left... *shrug* Could be, could very well be, but we don't know for positive, do we, that he's the one Voldemort was referring to.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 4 March 2004 8:56:44pm

Fluffy bear wrote:he said one has left them forever(Snape,of course)and that he will be murdered!

Tell ya what, I'm not gonna touch anything else you're saying, because you believe one thing and I believe another, and as their both just theories anyway, there's no way to prove the other right or wrong. :-)

I just wanna throw one thing in to get on your nerves. :grin: You say that Snape, of course, is the Death Eater who has left forever and must be killed... I don't know if you're right or you're wrong, and I don't know about you, but almost every time I've made an assumption (which is really what that is, since Snape isn't mentioned specifically by name), J.K. Rowling has used that assumption that seemed so clear to me and used it as a cover.

Keep the possibility open that maybe Snape is not the Death Eater who has left... *shrug* Could be, could very well be, but we don't know for positive, do we, that he's the one Voldemort was referring to.
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Thursday 4 March 2004 11:02:58pm

Athena wrote:Tell ya what, I'm not gonna touch anything else you're saying, because you believe one thing and I believe another, and as their both just theories anyway, there's no way to prove the other right or wrong.

That's truth...

About Snape:Not a bad theory...But still I think when he sad one is to courd(sp??)(chicken,scared,etc) to join them I don't think he referd to Snape :???: I hope not!
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Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 5 March 2004 2:21:41pm

He could have, after all, he didn't show up...

I had heard a theory (don't know if it's true, though) that Crouch, Jr. wasn't technically a Death Eater, just a follower of Voldemort. Which could mean that Snape is the faithful one, Karkaroff is the scared one, and there's someone else we don't know about at Hogwarts who has turned away forever... after all, apparently all summer, Snape has been spying (he comes and gives secret reports at meetings)... if Voldemort knew or thought that Snape had turned spy, wouldn't he have gotton rid of him already, instead of allowing him to spy and tell for a year?
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Postby pandora315 » Tuesday 9 March 2004 1:58:00pm

Alot of characters seem like they would have done well in other houses, but maybe the reason they were placed where they were is an indication of what is to come. I mean take Percy- ambitious, using any means to reach an end, cunning, a perfect Slytherin, but maybe what made him a griffyndor will be clear at the end. Lavender, we don't really know too much about her but she is brave enough to join a secret society right? Luna is a ravenclaw but why? I betting she knows alot but isn't telling-YET. THe other thing is that everyone is giving poor Neville a bad wrap. Neville is the perfect gryffindor! He's really very brave, he fight goyle and crabbe a few times throughout the book, he stands up to Harry, Hermione, and Ron, and the older he gets the braver he gets. Not onlt that but look at what he's been though with his parents. I think Neville is the bravest of the lot.

As a side note when they are all sorted a few names are mentioned- Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Terry Boot, Mandy Brocklehurst, Lavender Brown, Millicent Bulstrode, Justin Finch-Fletchly,Morag MacDougal, Moon, Nott, Parkinson, the Patil twins, Sally-Anne Perks, and Zabini Blaise. All these character were named and sorted. Some of them we met first year, some not until second year and third year, some not until fifth year, and then there are characters we havn't yet met- Mandy, Morag, Moon, Sally-Anne, and Blaise. I don't think they were thrown in without thought. So any ideas on the parts they will play?
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 9 March 2004 5:01:14pm

I do agree with you about what you said about how the sorting of houses goes almost more on potential, what they will be in the end...

Percy is a character that gives me the most trouble... I suppose, yeah, he could do something to redeem himself, but he'll never really be a likeable good guy...

Neville... know what, I think J.K. Rowling has been trying to get Neville a bad wrap, because, even though he does some wonderfully brave things in the books, overall, she wants us to think of him as a bumbling idiot... in a way, it makes the brave things he does seem braver (after all, we think nothing of it when Ron stands up against Hermione, they fight all the time)

Lavender and Parvati... I agree, surely something will happen that will show that there's more to them than perfect hair and pretty robes.

Luna... Luna's another character that I think J.K. Rowling did a very clever job of giving us one impression of her, but showing another... like everyone only thinks of the ditsiness of Luna, but she, Harry, and Neville are the only ones who keep their heads about them in the Ministry of Magic, and she can apparently do tricky magic (she wears a lion on her head, for cryin out loud :grin:)... I think J.K. Rowling is purposely trying to get us to not take her, like Neville, seriously....

I do agree with you that the names of the other kids sorted will have a bigger part... No ideas what, though...

I find it hard to believe that there are roughly 28 students dedicated to doing the right thing, and the bad guys haven't got a little league going on their own...
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Postby pandora315 » Thursday 11 March 2004 12:47:30pm

If they didn't before I'm sure they will now since Harry named alot of their parents/relatives/friends as death eaters.
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Saturday 20 March 2004 3:26:59am

OK heres something that has been bothering me...Malfoy loves Snape. So if LV knows that Snape is the DE that has left him forever and that he will be killed, wouldnt LV tell Lucius and he would tell Draco not to be so fond of Snape b/c hes a traitor? Anyone else find this odd?
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Postby Athena Appleton » Saturday 20 March 2004 4:30:40pm

I personally don't think Voldy knows Snape is the traitor, because I don't think he would have let him live this long, being a spy... I think the one he thinks is the traitor hasn't come back to him, so at least he or she isn't sharing all their secrets...

However, I also don't think Voldy would share that information with Lucius who would share it with Draco, just because secrecy is the way the Death Eaters work... Lucius can't even positively say out loud that he's a Death Eater, just that he's a Voldy sympathizer... Lucius wouldn't be sharing any Death Eater secrets with Draco, it just wouldn't be safe, and it's not the way things are done...
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