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Athena wrote:No, honey, at the age of twelve, he really wanted to be the one opening up the Chamber of Secrets, killing muggle-borns. He admires his father, and he wants to be just like him. I just can't see Rowling making him do a COMPLETE about-face in the next two books to make him go from looking forward to the day he's old enough to be a Death Eater to hating what his father does.
Athena wrote:Snape is a good guy, yes, and Malfoy does respect him, but MALFOY DOESN'T KNOW HE'S A GOOD GUY!!! My guess is, he actually thinks Snape is still a Death Eater. And Snape is anything but nice, so that's why Malfoy likes him.
Gower wrote:I do wonder what qualities Percy had to make the sorting hat put him in gryfindor. He isn't especially brave or loyal, and he always follows the rules. Gryfindor is the last place I would have put him.
Fluffy bear wrote:he said one has left them forever(Snape,of course)and that he will be murdered!
Fluffy bear wrote:he said one has left them forever(Snape,of course)and that he will be murdered!
Athena wrote:Tell ya what, I'm not gonna touch anything else you're saying, because you believe one thing and I believe another, and as their both just theories anyway, there's no way to prove the other right or wrong.
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