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Postby Paul » Thursday 18 March 2004 9:51:41pm

Please post new ones that occur here. I can't directly reply to PMs at the moment due to these problems. :cry:
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Postby Paul » Friday 19 March 2004 1:43:15am

Okies, everything should be back to normal now (crosses fingers in hope) :-) . Sorry for having to close the forum for an hour or two earlier but I checked on the phpBB site and they have released an upgrade during the last few days which fixes some potential problems with the previous version of the board. I've therefore updated BaO to the new version (2.0.7). I'm not sure if these are the same problems we've been experiencing here but we'll find out soon depending on whether we get any more errors. :)
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Postby Alice I » Friday 19 March 2004 3:49:09am

Paul the times I have come across that error it was only with topics thathad a poll on them.
All the other topics opened up fine.
Does that make sense?
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Postby Gwared » Saturday 20 March 2004 1:44:29am

I can't get into the Three Broomsticks at the moment!
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Postby gecko » Saturday 20 March 2004 1:58:15am

Paul wrote:Sorry for having to close the forum for an hour or two

I wasn't the only one - Joto and Won couldn't get here either - but I couldn't get to BaO at all today (until now that is).
Everything gave an error. Don't know if that was you busy with the forum, or maybe the new upgrade not working correctly yet?

Gwared wrote:I can't get into the Three Broomsticks at the moment!

Strange, I can acces it!
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Postby Alice I » Saturday 20 March 2004 3:51:57am

I started trying to get onto the forum at 7:40 am and still couldn't get on when I left for work at 5:00 PM
What happened?
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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 20 March 2004 3:27:30pm

lol yeah, I couldn't access the forum at all yesterday...
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Postby choki » Saturday 20 March 2004 3:45:46pm

ya, me too. And I went to watch tv instead :-?
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Postby Alice I » Saturday 20 March 2004 4:00:27pm

choki wrote:ya, me too. And I went to watch tv instead :-?

From one screen to another eh Choki ;)
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Saturday 20 March 2004 7:12:41pm

Sonkem wrote:lol yeah, I couldn't access the forum at all yesterday...

Yeah,me too...

And I still have that problem I've told you about in RPG forum-mods problem thread.I cannot open index,I have to go through the forum over IE's history!Text is a bit different now,it's:

"Query failed: Table 'broomsnowls.rpgscenarios' doesn't exist"

Does anyone else has this problem?
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Postby Paul » Saturday 20 March 2004 8:36:46pm

Sorry, Fluffy bear and all the RPG Moderators. The error you got was entirely my fault. I had to delete one of the RPG tables in the database and with everything else that was going wrong I forgot to restore the table. I'm manually having to restore it bit by bit at the moment.

I'm getting more and more convinced that the other problems are server related. I've visited the forum of the server company that BaO uses and someone else seems to be having exactly the same problems (although it looks like they're getting it to a lesser extent than we are). I'll be raising out problems in that forum too. I'm also increasng the priority of getting another alternative server set up in case the problems continue to persist. Really sorry about this at the moment.
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Sunday 21 March 2004 10:27:31am

Paul wrote:Sorry, Fluffy bear and all the RPG Moderators. The error you got was entirely my fault. I had to delete one of the RPG tables in the database and with everything else that was going wrong I forgot to restore the table. I'm manually having to restore it bit by bit at the moment.

*starts singing 'I told you so'*just kidding :lol: No problems now,thanks Paul :D ...I know that I'm a big pain in the ass,(is that how you say when you've bored somebody to the death?)my father tells me that all the time :-? Even though there is a lot of problems,I know you'll get them fixed soon,cause we have best admin in the world :grin: ...Don't be sorry for something that is not your fault
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Postby Nobby » Sunday 21 March 2004 7:51:53pm

i couldn't get in on the 19th either!
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Postby Plep » Friday 26 March 2004 7:47:55pm

I couldn't access the forum yesterday evening and today the entire day :( ...was there some maintenance going on or something?
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Postby Female_alien » Friday 26 March 2004 8:26:19pm

Yeah, me too. Today I couldn't enter the site at all. Usually I don't have problms with entering some sections (like 3 bromstick or something like that) only entering the site was a problem 3 times
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