Remember my Last Petunia

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Postby Emma'I'm a real witch' » Tuesday 16 March 2004 2:30:12am

I've just re-read the part of the chapter 'The Lost Prophecy' where DD tells Harry about how his first concern was to protect him from LV followers who were still "angry, desparate and violent."
He says that when his mother died to save him she left a lingering protection he [LV] never expected. So he turned to Harry's only remaining living relative. When Harry flies off the handle and says "She doesn't love me, she doesn't give a damn-" DD says that although she took him grudgingly the fact that she took him means that she sealed the charm HE placed upon him.

I think this means that DD came up with a charm after the Potters were killed, to keep Harry safe, and Lily and James wouldn't have known about it.
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Postby Alice I » Tuesday 16 March 2004 3:25:40am

Emma'I'm a real witch' wrote:I've just re-read the part of the chapter 'The Lost Prophecy' where DD tells Harry about how his first concern was to protect him from LV followers who were still "angry, desparate and violent."
He says that when his mother died to save him she left a lingering protection he [LV] never expected. So he turned to Harry's only remaining living relative. When Harry flies off the handle and says "She doesn't love me, she doesn't give a damn-" DD says that although she took him grudgingly the fact that she took him means that she sealed the charm HE placed upon him.

I think this means that DD came up with a charm after the Potters were killed, to keep Harry safe, and Lily and James wouldn't have known about it.

Emma, are you saying that this charm is what DD is refering to when he say's remember my last?
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Postby Emma'I'm a real witch' » Tuesday 16 March 2004 11:08:26pm

I think so, I mean in the letter he left with the Dursleys he must have explained what them taking him in meant. (Which I assume means they[possibly only Petunia] have more knowledge of the wizarding world than they are letting on, but that's another subject)
And although we don't like the Dursleys very much Petunia must have felt something for her sister, enough to not want to leave her child in danger. And DD is just reminding her of what she agreed to.

I wonder how long this lasts, I mean we all know it has got to come to a head in book 7, but what if it didn't? Would Harry have to live at number 4 Privet Drive forever????????

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Postby Alice I » Tuesday 16 March 2004 11:12:30pm

Well technecially he doesn't have to live there or anywhere else he dosen't want to after the age of seventeen. He will then be of age and be allowed to make his own decisions as to where he lives wether he continues with school etc...
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Postby Emma'I'm a real witch' » Tuesday 16 March 2004 11:35:32pm

Who says he doesn't have to live there after the age of seventeen?
And what happens to his protection then? DD even said himself in PS that he knew LV would be back he just didn't know when, it could be 10, 15 or even 20 years. Did DD build this into the charm or does the charm just switch off when he becomes a legal adult??
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Postby Alice I » Tuesday 16 March 2004 11:41:37pm

Well I guess the way I see it is DD has now told Harry why he was placed with his Aunt and Uncle to begin with and he has come a long way with his magical education.
Harry will know that it is safest to stay with the Dursleys but since when does a seventeen year old do what is safest?
DD and everyone else can encourage, beg or cojole him to stay put but ultimately when he turns 17 the choice is no longer anyone elses but his.

In an interview with JKR she stated that the summer after year five will be his shortest stay with the muggles so far. It seems to me that she might be working in that direction.
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Postby Emma'I'm a real witch' » Tuesday 16 March 2004 11:49:54pm

Maybe as long as he visits at least once a year then he is okay. Cos i think the original charm has something to do with him residing where his mothers blood flows.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 17 March 2004 1:52:01am

I still think that the "my last" Dumbledore wanted Petunia to remember is a letter sent at the end of GoF, reminding her about how Harry has to stay put for his own (and, really, everyone else's) protection...
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 17 March 2004 2:09:30am

I'm gonna go with Athena on this one...can we create a poll? or would it have to be on another thread?
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Postby menotyoo » Wednesday 17 March 2004 2:19:33am

The thing is, the howler seems to be reminding Petunia of a threat that DD had previously made (either when he left Harry with the Dursleys or after GoF), it isn't merely reminding Petunia that if Harry leaves, then he will be in danger. I think DD must have threatened the Dursleys at some point, but then again, I could be very wrong.

Also, I am confused about the whole "wandering around" part of this magical protection. As long as Harry considers Privet Drive his home, then he is safe WHEN HE IS THERE. I suppose this means that he could be standing in the kitchen while considering, say Grimmald Place, his home, and he would not be safe. At least that is my understanding. AND he is in no way safe when he wanders around nearby the house, even if he considers it his home. This is clear because otherwise, why would he need Guards while standing outside on the front lawn.
I guess the charm only ensures that LV won't sneak up and do him in while he sleeps in Privet Drive, but outside, he's gotta fend for himself. (plus he has people secretly watching and guarding him, remember...
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 17 March 2004 4:29:12am

I'm not to sure it was a threat though. I really think it was just his last letter. I also think that Harry has never considered Privet drive his home since he went off to school (that's an opinion) but as long as he is welcome(well as welcome as in, they allow him to live there) he is protected...dunno,

Athena, any comments :P
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Postby highsorcerer » Wednesday 17 March 2004 6:10:50am

I suspect the ancient magic needs two components - Harry and Petunia - in order to work. The truth of the world is that evil people don't just go after a target, they go after the relatives of the target (it's most often seen in totalitarian regimes). The Dursley's were targets as either hostages or spite killings. Harry can't be protected if he doesn't live at #4 Privot Drive, but the Dursley's also would lose their protection if they remove to allow him to call it home.
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Postby Alice I » Wednesday 17 March 2004 1:47:03pm

highsorcerer wrote:Harry can't be protected if he doesn't live at #4 Privot Drive, but the Dursley's also would lose their protection if they remove to allow him to call it home.

This is a very good point that I had not thought of. Perhaps Petunia isn't so much softening toward Harry but protecting her own. Hmmm
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 17 March 2004 7:38:53pm

Amon, I think we'd need to start a whole new thread, but maybe a theories moderator could do it... I don't know. :-)

I personally don't think it was a threat, so to speak, but I do think it was a VERY FIRM letter Dumbledore had sent Petunia (not "give him extra hugs 'cause he's had a rough year" kinda thing...). Dumbledore could, I guess, have put her on some sort of threat, but he could also have just given her a warning...

Which brings me to Aberforth's idea... I love it. I think it's brilliant. Petunia got a warning about the safety of Harry and the safety of her own family, so she would understand the importance of not only keeping safe the nephew she can barely stand, but also herself and her family...
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Postby menotyoo » Thursday 18 March 2004 5:02:14pm

yes, I like this idea as well, because it is what I was thinking of, but more realistic. highsorcerer, i agree with you that DD probably pointed this out to Petunia, whereas I had thought he himself had threatened her families safety,etc,. Definately your idea of DD pointing out this important fact makes more sense than DD threatening the Dursleys.
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