Do you have any suggestions for this board or for the Broomsticks And Owls site?

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Postby Cougie » Sunday 29 December 2002 2:43:57am

Were suppose to be studing witchcraft here after all. Why aren't we given any homework. Write an essy about the pointlessness of witch burning in the 14th century for example. Answer questions and compose poems. Points taken from house for not completing on time and points awarded for brilliant work.
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 29 December 2002 2:03:18pm

hmm....excellent idea untill u consider most people have enough real homework/work to do without adding in essays for forums...i dont think id have time to do any of that.....
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Postby Gabrielle » Sunday 29 December 2002 4:36:26pm

me neither.....besides, it would be a lot more work to make homework and get all the members deliver it...
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Postby Cougie » Sunday 29 December 2002 11:42:34pm

Well, doesn't have to be everyday. Once a month? Once a term? once a year even?
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 30 December 2002 12:19:26am

i personally still dont like the sound of it at all but that may just be cos u mentioned essay.....evil foul word


and also...compose poems??!!!

*has a nervous breakdown*

what subject is that for!!! wizards dont do english...i thought id be safe being a wizard.....err...i mean witch.....
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 31 December 2002 10:51:54pm

Definately the idea of something for House Points is excellent. Not sure about the essay idea after the reactions above this post, but I've got a very-long-term plan for a different House-Point scoring thingy. I can't say any more about what it is at the moment as it's going to take a whole lot of work and it's something I'm not sure I can actually manage to do, but something I want to try when I've got the time to devote to it.
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Postby Hermione » Thursday 6 March 2003 3:55:16pm

No more work, please! I'm already dying as it is with all the real schoolwork I handle.

And Sonkem is right . . . wizards don't take English . . . we'd be drawing up our own horoscopes or mixing potions or something like that, something that I imagine is very difficult to do via the internet.
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Postby azn wizard » Thursday 6 March 2003 8:18:40pm

yeah....ive got enough hw....
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Postby MikeT » Thursday 6 March 2003 8:32:53pm

me too

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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 24 May 2003 9:19:27am

And praytell, how would we get info to do them...

I've never seen any textooks on witch-burning in the 14th cent in my uni library???

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Postby Neo » Sunday 25 May 2003 5:51:25am

Actually I have Holly; but I don't want to be lloking for things to write essays, I do not even do it for school.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 25 May 2003 7:59:35am

Tell me about it..

I only even pick up my text books the day an assingment is due in to check if they've taken any qns straight out of them!!! ;)
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Postby harrylover » Friday 25 June 2004 11:11:44am

What about giving out tasks to do?? I mean: You have the subject arithmancy...the task is: write something about archimedes. You can earn let´s say 5 housepoints if you do it well. it doesn´t have to be an essay just 100 or 150 words or something like that...nobody has to do this but if you do it you´ll be able to earn points for your´s just a suggestion.

What do you think about that??
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Friday 2 July 2004 1:51:30pm

Arrrgh, the homework, it burns AAARRRGGGHHH

Although the gnnngh small paragraphs gnngh would work gnnngh

*he says through the homework smothering his face*
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 5 November 2005 6:42:47am

Perhaps, it could be like extra-credit. You might get an extra house point for completing an assignment. You can probably pick from a list of essays and such.
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