Mint, choki and anime!!!

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Postby choki » Sunday 14 March 2004 7:50:54am

Happy belated b-day, Mint!
:happy birthday:
I'm lonely without you around :lol:

Hmmm, it is a bit confusing eh?
The national language of Singapore is Malay, since it used to be a small malay fishing community before it was founded. That's why the national anthem is in Malay.

Our 1st language is English and the 2nd language is our own mother tongue (native language-meaning if you are a chinese, you learn chinese as your 2nd lang and if you are an indian, you learn tamil)

So basically, everyone in Singapore speak english. As for chinese, most of the youngs have poor command of the spoken and the written form...and mainly the written form and so it would kill them to read comics written in chinese characters.
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 16 March 2004 5:21:54pm

Thanks choki :) aww, im glad to be missed.

wah, so complicated u have to learn 3 languages >_< well, i had to learn 2 in my country (ukranian and russian) and then english when I got here...

Anyway :) What r u watching now Choki??? I made fanart for Mermaid Melody anime (in the "CG" post) go see, may be u will want to see the anime itself ^-^ *silence* or not o_o

Oh well....Here the craze about Full Moon is just spreading. On the Art website that I go to there are sooo many fanarts dedicated to it. That and Tokyo Mew Mew.
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Postby choki » Tuesday 16 March 2004 6:10:13pm

Arghhhhhhhh! I opened two BaO windows and after typing this 'supposed post' I went to the CG thread and replied and then...I pressed submit...and it doesn't work because we can't post immediately after the last post....Argghhhhh I typed such a long post and it's gone...
Enough of my ranting
*goes back typing at super fast speed*
Ok, actually I learn 2 languages (english and chinese), well as for my national language, malay, let's just say I only know how the words in the anthem :razz:

As for anime, I'm waiting for the arrival of my End of Evangelion (movie) DVD. Currently, there isn't much anime for me to see partly due to...
1. AXN Asia channel didn't change their anime
2. ANIMAX channel is still not available in S'pore
So I'm just waiting for the cable provider to change that...
*marches down with banners*

So it is back to Manga for me!
No sign of Mermaid Melody anime anywhere in S'pore. Not even manga.
Is Tokyo Mew Mew a mid-90s manga series? I've seen the cover and it seems like the style came from the Sailormoon era.

Heard of Sakura Taisen (Sakura Wars)? There was an anime version but I won't recommend that because I'm rendered speechless when I saw that (and I can't believe I actually seen the whole series)
*goes silent*
Oh, but the manga is better. At least it is not so depends on individuals I guess :lol:
Sakura Taisen is about a team of all-girls and a young man as the leader protecting the Imperial Capital...( might not suit your taste, Mint :lol: )

There is a new manga I intend on buying - Tokko Devil's Awaken. It's about an elite police team that catch and destroy demonic beings that dwell in human. It is more shounen than shoujo but I guess it is interesting.

There is also a mange/anime that is almost similar to Tokko and that is Yami no Matsuei (Darker Descendent). It's the dead fighting against the demons/evil. And what do you has yaoi implications hehe...seen a few episodes of it and oh my...
And there is a joke on this anime. (forget about the manga since it is still not completed...apparently un-updated for a yr or so)
It took Yuuki Miaka 52 episodes to summon Suzaku while the lead character just one!
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 16 March 2004 7:37:41pm

Oh too bad about the responce :(

Sakura Taisen - yup, I know about it. When the first movie came out long time ago - I wanted to buy it cause I saw Sakura girl on it - and she looked cool. But then I read the description, and when i got to "mecha" - nuuuh, no robots for me >-<

End of Evangelion - i think we have it on Anime-on-Demand. But I never watched the series, so I figured I won't get it, cause the series is soo deep and everything.

Yami no Matsuei - I heared about it...many times in fact. But I never knew what its all about xcept that is was yaoi :) hehehe - choki's fav. Kidding!!!!! :grin: Is manga interesting though? I think it just came out here (or going to, cause I saw posters for it in Newtype magazine)

Tokko - I will look for it. :)

Right now I really want to get Zodiac P.I. (its Really good), Pita-ten(cute comedy) and DiGiCharat(just because) ^-^ But u know, everytime I think that its gonna be $10 per book, and then with my luck the series are gonna be 10 books - eeek ;_; But Im gonna get one anyway :)

Tokyo Mew Mew - actually its very recent! The manga was being published in 2002,begining of 2003 (I had Nakayosi subscription at that time), and then the Anime came after that. And u r right - it is exactly like Smoon. I wached it because I missed Smoon ^^' I still do... Mermaid Melody is like Smoon also.

So The Suzaku manga is over?
Have u heared of Angelic Layer?
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Postby choki » Wednesday 17 March 2004 9:25:12am

Yami no Matsuei is about shinigami (gods of death)...hmm some kind of spirits that returned to the world of the living to bring the soul of the dead to trial (judgement of their lives). They have division classifications (kinda like a corporation). The lead character is Tsuzuki Asato who has the ability to summon 12 guardian beasts (including Suzaku) I don't know what you meant by Suzaku manga?
The manga is out till bk 11 I guess...but the creator hasn't been continuing the series for quite sometimes. I am not so sure about the yaoi part but since most of the characters are bishounen... :lol: I like Hisoka!!!

Well Sakura Taisen isn't that mecha, it is more of a shoujo than shounen. Guys wouldn't read that. The mecha looks like round mini robots instead of the cool ones you see in Gundam.

Tokyo Mew Mew and Mermaid Melody...I have a mentality that these are for 13-nish

I betta go check out the manga shop for all those titles you've mentioned...but there are so many manga in the shop...(from Taiwan, HK, and even the original copy from Japan)
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 17 March 2004 7:41:50pm

choki wrote:Tokyo Mew Mew and Mermaid Melody...I have a mentality that these are for 13-nish

^^' I like it T_T

Well, Right now I am watching Angelic Layer and FFU. Those two anime's are reeally interesting. I cant stop watching them!!! Out of all the titles we have On Demand - these 2 are the best! Action packed and well done plot. Angelic is more light and FFU is darker.

Well, from free stuff....since u didnt like TMM and MMelody - check out Princess Tutu. Im pretty sure I told u about it before...It has a very kiddy art but a really dark and twisted plot. It reminds me of Utena alot.

Yeah, look for Zodiac PI!!! (pita-ten is ultra cute comedy, so u might not like it)

ANd I will look for ur titles next time Im in the store. :)
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Postby choki » Thursday 18 March 2004 4:40:55pm

So Full Moon is about a young girl who has 1 yr to live due to tumour but the gods of death grant her wish to become a pop star...sounds sad to me :cry:
Did the girl die in the end? I guess I am going to look out for this one. The anime is a recent one, isn't it? Judging from its visual arts.

Lol, guess I have to look at the manga more carefully since the titles are translated into chinese directly from japanese and not english to chinese so there might be some differences in the titles.

What is Zodiac P.I about? To tell you honestly, I prefer comedy than tragedy. I hate seeing my fav character dying :-?

Angelic Layer is by CLAMP (=nice drawings) so what is the story about?
FFU? What is that? Final fantasy unlimited? I guess it is...the story seems confusing hehe
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Postby Mint » Monday 29 March 2004 10:03:19pm

Full Moon is Very recent. I dont know if the character dies....but I truthfully doubt it. Many people say they were crying by the second half of the series, I only saw 3 eps - they were funny and sad but not "crying" sad. Or may be im just a selfish unsensitive person... :o :lol:

Zodiac PI is a mystery.

*looks at the time* aaaah!!! I must go >_< I will post more later ;_; life is not fair....^-^ i need more time...
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Postby choki » Tuesday 30 March 2004 9:47:30am

Finally found the japanese title of Full Moon - Full moon o sagashite, meaning searching for full moon. Seems like it is very touching since most felt sad :o She must have died in the end of 52 episodes :eek:
I found the manga though. Still on the lookout for its DVD/VCD.

And I finally bought Zettai Kareshi (Absolute boyfriend) by Watase Yuu! :lol: It is hilarious :lol:
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 30 March 2004 1:57:39pm

I wanna read that one too!!! we dont have it. (absolute boyfriend) ;_;

Guess what, remember u mentioned Fruit Basket? and I said I saw 1 eps and didnt really like it? Well - I won the 1st manga from the series ^^' (from the Newtype magazine I get) guess Im gonna be reading that now :)

I wish I could read japanese, cause I wanna read manga for Full Moon too! Manga is always better then anime.

Oh, Angelic Layer - I dont know how to expain it. They have these dolls and they battle each other. ^^' lol, now that I said that u prob. gonna think of Pockemon or smth -_-'

Final Fantasy Unlimited - veeeery hard to explain. Its really unique.
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Postby choki » Tuesday 30 March 2004 4:27:13pm

My friend's sister recommend me FFU as well. But my friend actually told me not to buy the DVD first cos her sis will buy it (even though she watched the show already) Well...I'll wait for that haha

As for Fruit Basket, I haven't seen a single episode (those saturday classes again) and I think there are 11 vol. translated. But my friend told me it was quite funny and sad. :-?

Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden is really taking a long time, I heard the manga is published by a magazine (collection of manga) and it takes about 6 months for a volume worth of it to be published...God knows how long it will take for the rest of the series to come out :o

Have you heard of Tennis no ojisama (Prince of Tennis)?
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 31 March 2004 2:31:21pm

no, what is that about? Cause I've heared about it and I thought that its prob. about tennis :grin: and I figured it can't be that interesting.

Its funny, yesterday I decided to view random shows that I dont know about on anime channel.

I watched Chobits - really a guy show, but it was actually funny...I laughed couple of times. It was cute and now the oppening song is stuck in my head! It was really catchy.

And I also checked out Steel Angel Karume (sp?) cause I knew from DVD coveres that the Angel girl looks sort of pretty - OMG. >:( Never watch that show.... Um...first of all this girl-angel has a master, and he is like 9 or smth, seriously... and the sister is into her >_< sooo disgusting!!! How can anyone watch that?!
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Postby Seraphine » Wednesday 31 March 2004 6:24:02pm

natasha wrote:sailor moon, and cardcaptors are my fav anime

Speaking of "Sailor Moon" - is there anyone eager to pm me and tell what it was really all about, I'm not a big fan of manga or anime, don't even know the difference, but lately I've become kinda... nostalgic and searched the Web looking for SM pics... I've found a site, read a little and found myself hardly remembering anything(watched it with pleasure, but it was aired 'bout 8 years ago in Poland, so...). And I'm still very curious. Please, answer my request!

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Postby choki » Thursday 1 April 2004 6:53:45am

Prince of Tennis sounds a lot like Slam Dunk. It's funny I guess...a lot of ppl in an anime forum I visit, discuss a lot on that.

Never heard anything about the Steel Angel thingy. Sounds weird to me. :lol: Talking about angels, there is one really silly anime - Galaxy Angels which is about a groups of 'angels' (female special force team) "protecting" the galaxy. It is just one crazy anime with no plot but full of short funny stories. (2 short stories in 1 episode)

Seraphine, Sailormoon is about a bunch of girls protecting Earth from baddies that come from outer space. With a simple storyline, this anime lasted for 200 episodes and 3 movies. And of course, 'some' characters are changed in the non-jap version to suit the market. (for eg, the relation between Uranus and Neptune)
Well, I could go on and on about SM (not sure if you wanted the full story :razz: ) so you still want me to continue? :lol:
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Postby Mint » Thursday 1 April 2004 5:04:38pm

Choki, u saw Galaxy Angel series??? Cool, tell me - is it like really guy oriented? Cause most characters are very cute it seems and they sell the first volume in this package with stickers and all (i love extras) BUT - everytime I see that "dominatrix" type (i personally think she is um ugly) woman >_< - i dont wanna see it at all.

Also, did u ever watch Escawlone movie? :)

Seraphine - u should just get a DVD or two of Sailor Moon. The story is very long (its 5 seasons after all).

hehe - Choki if Seraphine wants to hear it though, u can take up a page of the thread :grin: I dont mind i love SMoon. And noone reads this xcept for us anyway :evilgrin:
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