My life's story can be wrapped up in poems...
I feel that this would fit in around page the 162nd poem would be this..It's not as bad as it sounds either...I think I've found someone

as long as we don't just turn into friends...AGAIN
Nice Guys Finish Last
If you need a shoulder to cry on,
I’ll always be here, I always have.
It’s not like I stand a chance,
Life was not meant for me.
Life was meant for the bad guys,
It is for guys with tattoos and motorcycles.
My heart is unbreakable,
It is no longer in one piece.
I have been told countless times,
You’re my best friend,
You’re like a brother to me.
No longer will life treat me bad,
I have accepted my mission.
I am the best friend you’ve ever had,
When he leaves you, I’ll be there.
If you leave him and don’t know why, I will know.
One day I will find someone,
Not for a sister, not for a best friend.
I hope that day will come, because
I now know, that nice guys finish last.