I think Narcissa is not a Death Eater
yet. Now, when Lucius is in prison, she might want to save him and take his place among the raided ranks of the Death Eaters.

But it would be difficult because some people think Lucius & Bella are the leaders of the DE. Do you think they are? I do, because he gives orders (at the Ministry) and because she was the obvious leader of her gang, Rabastan, Rodolphus and Barty Crouch Jr. 8) It's sad to admit, but still I think Bella is born to obey (Voldie) and not only to command.
Even if Narcissa didn't want to help Lucius, she would have to obey Voldie's orders, not to mention his curses

. She didn't have much choice but I think she liked to help the Dark Arts.
In my opinion she wanted Draco to go to Hogwarts, not to Durmstrang because she wanted to keep the family image clear (no Dark wizards chez nous!)
But other reasons of loving mummy are not as rational

as this one - of course she wanted to have her only child close to her - I mean, closer than Durmstrang!
Phinea, your ''Lucius' jewel''

made me laugh & think at the same time ... I like your sarcasm
But don't you think there is a possibility for bad thoughts and intentions under glamourous cover?

Well, I think Narcissa is even darker than she seems - caused such a trouble without even showing up, without a single line - wow! I don't only admire Dark troublemakers, Weasley twins rule, Peeves rules too --> offtopic, sorry, but I try to make my post less pro-death-eater:)
Narfcissa ... There are 2 options: we may see lots of her in future books. Or she won't show up at all, she'll play and lead her game from the background ... it would be interesting too, but I want to read about her!