Malfoy matters

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Malfoy matters

Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 6 January 2004 2:53:07am

I have a few questions about the Malfoys:

1) Is it mentioned somewhere that Lucius Malfoy was a Slytherin or something? As far as I know, there's no sign he was in Hogwarts at all, I think he could as well have been in Durmstrang. Actually, I think that's even more likely, because Durmstrang teaches the dark arts, which Lucius certainly is into. After all, he wanted Draco to attend Durmstrang, it was Narcissa that insisted on Hogwarts.

2) Why did Narcissa persuade Lucius to let Draco attend Hogwarts? She said she didn't want her son to be so far away from her, but what sense does that make? They're wizards after all, if you apparate or use floo powder, the distance doesn't really matter. And she doesn't seem to visit Draco during Hogsmeade days or why have Draco attend the school under the control of that "old, muggle-loving fool" DD, as Lucius puts it? Maybe Narcissa is not quite the dark witch she seems to be?
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Postby highsorcerer » Tuesday 6 January 2004 5:26:43am

1) PS / SS provides the best answer, and it comes from the lips of Draco Malfoy. He indicates all his family has been in Slytherin.

2) It's possible that Narcissa wants nothing to do with the Dark Arts, and his trapped in a marriage she wishes she could get out of. Narcissa isn't a death eater, and even if she knew Lucious was one, and wanted Draco to follow along the dark arts path, she hoped to put some restraints on it by sending him to Hogwarts where there is some control over the whole matter.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 6 January 2004 12:37:19pm

1) was just an idea...but maybe if every other member of his family was in Slytherin, except for Lucius, who would have been a Slytherin if he hadn't been something even better :), Draco would have said the same. If he has been a Slytherin, I wonder how old he is. He's never been mentioned by Snape, the marauders etc, and I guess he must have been a top ranking student, good at Quidditch and at least a prefect or something.

2) That's exactly what I thought of Narcissa
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Postby Loony_4_Snape » Friday 12 March 2004 2:30:29pm

but wasn't it through Narcissa that Kreacher informrd the rest of the Death Eaters???
correct me if I am wrong..
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Postby Ferrus » Friday 12 March 2004 7:46:16pm

I think so, but then narcissa is the only living relative of Sirius.
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Friday 12 March 2004 8:06:13pm

The_Giant_Squid wrote:I think so, but then narcissa is the only living relative of Sirius.

Well, Sirius has other living relatives than Narcissa. There're Narcissa's sisters Bellatrix and Andromeda, as well as Tonks and Draco. Anyway, I wonder about Narcissa too, but I usually come to a conclusion that she's something like Lucius's jewel, for decoration, if you understand me.
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Postby sea-plunder » Tuesday 30 March 2004 10:07:07pm

maybe lucius' wife didn't want him to go to durmstrang because everyone knows they teach the dark arts more and therfore might think lucius wanted his son to be part of the dark side....dunno if i am makin sense but :rolleyes:
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Postby fairyangel85 » Friday 9 April 2004 7:00:15am

narcissa is a reletive of sirius?
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Postby Alice I » Friday 9 April 2004 9:09:02am

In CoS it is stated that Lucius went to Hogwarts because Harry, and co. think that Malfoy opened the chamber of secrets like his father before him.

And in GoF Malfoy tells his friends that he didn't go to Drumstrang bercaue his mother didn't want him so far away.
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Postby Groo » Friday 9 April 2004 1:24:59pm

If Narcissa was married under pressure to Lucius she wouldnt inform her husband what Kreacher told her. she must be fully aware that her husband was a death eater and helping him.

i think you dont necessarily have to be a death eater to be a voldemort supporter. Lucius may have prevented her from being one as he doesnt want to risk her life and of course she might not be great with magic.
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Narcissa in the Dark Arts

Postby Reverie Revenge » Thursday 29 April 2004 11:48:46am

I think Narcissa is not a Death Eater yet. Now, when Lucius is in prison, she might want to save him and take his place among the raided ranks of the Death Eaters. :-? :???: :-? But it would be difficult because some people think Lucius & Bella are the leaders of the DE. Do you think they are? I do, because he gives orders (at the Ministry) and because she was the obvious leader of her gang, Rabastan, Rodolphus and Barty Crouch Jr. 8) It's sad to admit, but still I think Bella is born to obey (Voldie) and not only to command. :(

Even if Narcissa didn't want to help Lucius, she would have to obey Voldie's orders, not to mention his curses :cry: . She didn't have much choice but I think she liked to help the Dark Arts.
In my opinion she wanted Draco to go to Hogwarts, not to Durmstrang because she wanted to keep the family image clear (no Dark wizards chez nous!) :P
But other reasons of loving mummy are not as rational :lol: as this one - of course she wanted to have her only child close to her - I mean, closer than Durmstrang! :lol:

Phinea, your ''Lucius' jewel'' :lol: made me laugh & think at the same time ... I like your sarcasm :grin:
But don't you think there is a possibility for bad thoughts and intentions under glamourous cover? :-? Well, I think Narcissa is even darker than she seems - caused such a trouble without even showing up, without a single line - wow! I don't only admire Dark troublemakers, Weasley twins rule, Peeves rules too --> offtopic, sorry, but I try to make my post less pro-death-eater:)
Narfcissa ... There are 2 options: we may see lots of her in future books. Or she won't show up at all, she'll play and lead her game from the background ... it would be interesting too, but I want to read about her!
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Postby Groo » Thursday 29 April 2004 2:21:59pm

Good point you made about maintaining a clear non-DE image
i personally dont see her playing a major role in the future
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Postby Ferrus » Thursday 29 April 2004 8:33:04pm

I agree with Groo, I think she is more of a "background bad guy". She doesn´t to any action, but that doesn´t stop her doing nasty things.
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Postby pallas artemis » Thursday 29 April 2004 11:46:42pm

Narsissa rather reminds me of Voldemort. She herself, like Voldemort dosen't have to be seen much to still be a major player. They are like chess masters moving their peices around and only making cameo appearences when necessary. :o
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Postby Alice I » Friday 30 April 2004 3:05:57am

pallas artemis wrote:Narsissa rather reminds me of Voldemort. She herself, like Voldemort dosen't have to be seen much to still be a major player. They are like chess masters moving their peices around and only making cameo appearences when necessary. :o

I'm sorry did I miss something rather major?

When has Narcissa ever directed any of the plots or subplots in the story?
Their are some short but reveling statements about this woman but nothing to suggest that she is a major director of fates. I do believe that she will have a larger role in book 6 and 7 but I still don't get the chess masters bit. :???:
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