Yuppers, Luna and I have started an RPG of our own. It takes place in 1997, during Harry and the gang's seventh year. And yes, you CAN play Harry or Hermione or Draco, and other various book characters. You can even teach classes if you like, with the teachers in the books or original ones that you come up with. And if you come up with an interesting subject for a possible class, we may make it into a course that students can take on weekends.
It's very simple to sign up for- Just go to the Rules and Regulations forum, fill out the proper application, send it to
dumbleydoreywizard@hotmail.com and wait for us to get back to you.
Right now the school is on summer break, and in a couple of weeks the Welcoming Feast will be held. All the school forums are passworded right now so that students don't post in them. There are forums towards the bottom of the page that you can roleplay in, and also some forums for chatting and other such stuff.
Also, during certain holidays there will be no school, but there will be feasts and balls in the place of classes. Also, there will be three different Hogsmeade weekends throughout the year.
If ya have any more questions, feel free to e-mail us! You've got questions, we've got answers!