Languages Thread

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Postby AngelicS_89 » Friday 27 February 2004 5:50:57pm

Joto wrote:And there's a difference between đ and dž? I'd say John and Goerge both begin with the same sound...

Anyway, Portuguese alphabet is very similar to the english: we don't have k, w and y and we have ç (just like the freanch one, sounds like s in sunday...) and have three accents: ´, `, ^... they are used in a very peculiar way and are used for both stress and height of the vowel...
finally, we have the ~, which is used to nasalize (sp) the vowel, which means that irmã sounds like irman and João (me me me) sounds like Joo - an - oo...[/i]

It's hard to explain difference...đ is softer and dž is rougher(do you understand what I mean?)

I think we have same accentes(I don't know accents) :oops: cause we never use them( actually only when we have test from accents :-? )

So,that's have we say your name!I always wondered...
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Friday 27 February 2004 5:51:15pm

Joto wrote:And there's a difference between đ and dž? I'd say John and Goerge both begin with the same sound...

Anyway, Portuguese alphabet is very similar to the english: we don't have k, w and y and we have ç (just like the freanch one, sounds like s in sunday...) and have three accents: ´, `, ^... they are used in a very peculiar way and are used for both stress and height of the vowel...
finally, we have the ~, which is used to nasalize (sp) the vowel, which means that irmã sounds like irman and João (me me me) sounds like Joo - an - oo...[/i]

It's hard to explain difference...đ is softer and dž is rougher(do you understand what I mean?)

I think we have same accentes(I don't know accents) :oops: cause we never use them( actually only when we have test from accents :-? )

So,that's have we say your name!I always wondered...
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Postby Jotomicron » Friday 27 February 2004 8:34:12pm

I saw this page and it helped me a little... I think I know what you wanted to say between dž and đ.

I also think I've understood the difference between č and ć...

Beluka wrote:Wow! I love this thread! Muito obrigada, Jotomicron, gosto de aprender coisas noutras linguas.

It's perfect... I know Galician is way too similar to Portuguese, maybe even more than to Spanish! (I don't know Galician, though... because if I go there, I'll talk in Portuguese, cause I think everyone will understand me...)
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Postby Morningstar » Saturday 28 February 2004 12:15:19am

L'Oeil de Râ wrote:I really like to read posts written by english people who writte in french :grin:
Salut tout le monde! Je m'appelle Lucille (c'est mon vrai prénom), j'ai 17ans (18 en juin :jump: ). J'adore parler anglais, même si je ne suis pas très bonne. Donc, je m'excuse pour toutes mes fautes :rolleyes: )
Hi! My name is Lucille (it's my real name), I'm 17 (18 in june :jump: ). I really like to speak english, even if I don't speak very good it. So, I apologyze for all my mistakes :rolleyes: )
(I'll improve my english if you tell me my mistakes :D )
Ah, oui? Mon vrai prenom est Katie et j'ai quinze ans. Je suis une pomme de terre! Je mange la grande dormir! Mes amis et moi ont (or is it "sont"?) très unique. :grin: We make up wierd french terms like those for fun. We're only in french II so we're pretty limited in our french speaking abilities, mais nous aimons francais! Et ton anglais est pas mal! :)
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Postby L'Oeil de Râ » Saturday 28 February 2004 12:26:52pm

Morningstar wrote: Je suis une pomme de terre!

La pomme de terre, the vegetable? Why do you are une pomme de terre? :???:

Je mange la grande dormir!

What does it mean? I didn't understand :roll:

Mes amis et moi ont (or is it "sont"?)

You right it's "mes amis et moi sont" and not "ont"
sont=verbe être (be)
ont=verbe avoir (have)
I know french is a difficult language to learn but I think it's a beautiful language :rolleyes: :D

mais nous aimons français
It's great that you like french language :grin:
Vive le français!!!!!!! :P
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Postby Krum » Saturday 28 February 2004 2:56:26pm

Fluffy bear wrote:If you want to know this is how we count to ten in Serbia


And in Bulgarian it's


The languages are actually qute similar
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Saturday 28 February 2004 3:31:37pm

Hi,there neighbour :welcome: Of course they're similar when we have same basic of language!From which city in Bulgary are you(I'm from Belgrade,and Female_alien is from Zagreb :grin: )
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Postby Krum » Saturday 28 February 2004 6:26:41pm

I'm from Sofia :razz:
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Postby Morningstar » Saturday 28 February 2004 9:50:09pm

L'Oeil de Râ wrote:La pomme de terre, the vegetable? Why do you are une pomme de terre? :???:
In French I, when we were learning vegetables, we would say wierd/dumb things like that. And literally it means "i am the apple of the earth," which sounds pretty cool. :razz:

What does it mean? I didn't understand :roll:

My friend messed up; he meant to say something else. We translate it as "I ate the big sleep." Like I said, we're really wierd.

You right it's "mes amis et moi sont" and not "ont"
sont=verbe être (be)
ont=verbe avoir (have)
I know french is a difficult language to learn but I think it's a beautiful language :rolleyes: :D

Thanks for correcting me. I always get être and avoir mixed up. :-? It is a lovely language, but there's so many little words like et, eu, est, es. They look alike and sound alike (kind of), but they all mean different things! :o
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Postby L'Oeil de Râ » Sunday 29 February 2004 11:37:22am

If you write in french and if you don't sure if this sentence is right, tell me and I'll correct it :D
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Postby Nobby » Monday 1 March 2004 9:51:10am

je suis un peu timid! J'aime la musique pop et rock! l'anne dernier j'ai visite mon pere en Senegal! C'etait tres beau et chaud!

Is this right?
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Postby Gwared » Monday 1 March 2004 10:28:19am

Nobby wrote:je suis un peu timid! J'aime la musique pop et rock! l'anne dernier j'ai visite mon pere en Senegal! C'etait tres beau et chaud!

Is this right?

Well pomme de terre is also the French for potato, which is far less cool. It's like the German for Hippo is "horse of the Nile", or Nilpferd (ferd being horse and Nilp the Nile).

Nobby, I read that as; I'm a little shy. I like pop and rock music. Next year I'm visiting my dad in Senegal. It's very beautiful and hot.

The English like saying stupid things in other languages though. When I learnt a little Swedish I was saying; "Have you seen my contact lens? I lost in that Volcano over there on the right!" or "A tractor has landed in my garden, is it your cousins?".
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Postby Beluka » Monday 1 March 2004 12:37:34pm

I don't know Galician, though... because if I go there, I'll talk in Portuguese, cause I think everyone will understand me...)

Do you live near Galicia?
i almost never go to portugal, though it's so close (i study in vigo!)
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Postby Jotomicron » Monday 1 March 2004 5:20:03pm

Well, I live a little to the south! Lisbon! (a lot to the south, but ok!)

Anyway: here goes nothing...
As everyone is talking in french, and I have lerned it for 3 years... I think I can say some things:

Je m'appelle João et j'ai 17 ans. J'adore des langues!! Elles sont super! Mais j'adore aussi Broomsticks and Owls, car nous avons beaucoup de joie ici! Vous êtez très sympathiques...

So... Was it that bad??
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Postby Won Wheezy » Monday 1 March 2004 10:57:39pm

Heute bin ich seeeeeehr lustig, deshalb schreib ich jetzt irgendeinen Blödsinn den eh fast keiner versteht. Ich hoffe ihr verzeiht, aber ich bin etwas frisch verliebt und!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :grin: :grin: :lol: :grin: :grin: :lol: :lol:
:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :lol:
:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :lol:
:lol: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :grin: :grin: :grin: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :grin: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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