JKR'S Recent BBC Interview

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JKR'S Recent BBC Interview

Postby Nobby » Monday 16 February 2004 6:19:19pm

In a recent Interview on the BBC, Rowling has said that said that someone important dies and someone switches houses. Rowling has also indicated that Harry might date in the 6th book, possibly someone new to Hogwarts.

What do you think about this? :???: :???:

Someone switching houses sounds interesting!
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Postby Gower » Monday 16 February 2004 8:32:17pm

I've heard something about switching houses before, but I can't imagine who it will be. All very mysterious :)
JK said someone will die, which is as I expected.
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Postby Nobby » Monday 16 February 2004 8:33:40pm

Anyone think that luna will swap. surely not one of the trio
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Postby Lady Lupin » Friday 20 February 2004 6:12:30pm

I think in a twisted turn of events Hermione will swap houses but not by her own doing!
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Postby Liquid Ice » Friday 20 February 2004 7:54:22pm

Hermione switching? Thats an intresting idea, maybe to Ravenclaw? I cant really think of anyone there would be a good reason to really switch though.
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Postby Jotomicron » Saturday 21 February 2004 12:52:59pm

I already knew about that statement... What if JKR is not talking about Hogwarts' Houses? Could someone 'change houses', meaning 'change family'.

'The great house of the black' Culd someone change family because he/she doesn't believe is his/her family's believes?
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Postby jarvan49 » Tuesday 24 February 2004 8:12:39pm

Liquid Ice wrote:
Hermione switching? Thats an intresting idea, maybe to Ravenclaw?

Interesting point, she does always talk about having better relations within the four houses. but i dont think it'll happen.
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Postby Nobby » Thursday 26 February 2004 10:40:55am

What if JKR is not talking about Hogwarts' Houses? Could someone 'change houses', meaning 'change family'.

wot do you mean? how can someone swap blood houses?
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Postby Broccoli » Thursday 26 February 2004 2:22:02pm

There is a similar threadin the Rumours section with some guesses.
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Postby slava » Saturday 6 March 2004 3:02:28pm

i heard from my friend thet harry die and returns as a goust but he also say thet in the 7th book he will fight for the life and death because of thet it impossible.
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That's highly unlikely.

Postby hbic3 » Saturday 27 March 2004 8:18:19am

It's not likely at all that Harry will die and return as a ghost, although his conversation with Nick would set that up nicely. But, I believe it will be the person to which JK is speaking of, and I don't think that person is Harry.

I heard that in that very same interview, she also said she was considering an 8th book, writing about Harry as an adult. He certainly could not become an adult for an 8th book, if he were dead. And Harry I think would chose not to stay as a ghost, but to go on, so he could be with His mum and dad and Sirius.
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Sunday 28 March 2004 2:33:43am

It's not likely at all that Harry will die and return as a ghost, although his conversation with Nick would set that up nicely. But, I believe it will be the person to which JK is speaking of, and I don't think that person is Harry.

I agree with that. I can't see Harry doing much in a ghostly form. :-)

In that BBC interview, doesn't JKR say that someone will come back to Hogwarts? If so my guess is the Weasley twins and I'm saying that b/c nobody else has guessed that it could be them! :grin:
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That could be likely.

Postby hbic3 » Sunday 28 March 2004 8:14:21am

There are plenty of people that could be, from Moody to the twins.

We're just going to have to wait. But, I don't like waiting.

Did anyone else hear about the 8th book?
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Sunday 28 March 2004 8:26:22pm

I hope there's an 8th book. After the 7th's been written what are we all going to sit around and speculate about?
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