Albus Dumbledore - Friend or Fiend?

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Albus Dumbledore - Friend or Fiend?

Postby Aberforth » Tuesday 24 February 2004 2:14:15pm

Albus Dumbledore has been heralded as the greatest sorcerer of his time and long been thought of as being the 'good guy'. However, I am coming to believe that he is, infact, evil. Think about it.

    He allows Harry to come up against all kinds of things that could kill him - fluffy, the basilisk, aragog.

    He is doing his best to battle against the ministry of magic - treason.

    He spies on Harry all the time.

    He ordered Snape to "teach" Harry Occlumency, thereby opening Harry's mind further in the process.

    He employs warewolves, part-giants, dilussional ex-aurors.

I believe that Voldemort is the good guy and Dumbledore is trying to get Harry to kill him, but LV keeps getting in his way.

In GoF LV gets Crouch into Hogwarts and he teaches Harry how to fend of the Imperius curse.

Dumbledore is tearing the wizarding community apart by teaching their secrets to non-magic folk, LV wants to only each wizarding secrets to wizards.

There are many instances that could be viewed differently if you take the Dumbledore is evil point-of-view.

Your thoughts please.
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Postby Aberforth » Tuesday 24 February 2004 2:32:28pm

Dumbledore allows Hagrid to put the students in danger with the strange creatures he shows them, and allow him to take the student into the forest.

DD spoke up to try prevent the last giant killings in britain, giants being very violent creatures.

He won't allow Dementors into the school because he knows they will side with LV when the time comes (LV being the good guy).

He has yet to get a DADA teacher to last more than 1 year, deliberately disrupting the students' learning of the subject, making it easier to fight them when they grow up.

He is still withholding information from Harry despite everything that has happened.
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 24 February 2004 4:59:14pm

Still doesnt change the fact that Voldermort did try and kill harry, did kill his parents, did torture neville's parents, did kill cedric and so on.
If DD did want to kill harry then he'd had plenty of time to do it, he wouldnt let him stay in the school to learn magic when he could have killed him as soon as he arrived.
Cant see it personally, but well with JK you never know, maybe they're both evil :-)
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Postby Liquid Ice » Tuesday 24 February 2004 5:09:56pm

Dumbledore evil????
But in the first book he came back from his way to the ministry to help Harry rescue the philosophers stone and stop quirrel from killing him, in the second book he sent Harry fawkes and the sorting hat when he was in the chamber of secrets, in book 3 he tells Harry and Hermione how they can save 2 inoccent lives, and in book 4 he stuns the fake moody as he is about to kill Harry.

And how can Voldermort be good if in GoF he put the cruciatus curse on Harry and tried to kill him? And if he told crouch to teach Harry how to resist the imperious curse, why did he try to put Harry under the imperious curse? And why did he try and kill Harry, both in the graveyard and when he was a baby?
Just my thoughts.
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Re: Albus Dumbledore - Friend or Fiend?

Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 24 February 2004 5:16:40pm

Aberforth wrote:Albus Dumbledore has been heralded as the greatest sorcerer of his time and long been thought of as being the 'good guy'. However, I am coming to believe that he is, infact, evil. Think about it.

:lol: gosh, I hope you're joking

He allows Harry to come up against all kinds of things that could kill him - fluffy, the basilisk, aragog.

Dumbledore knows Harry will have to eventually battle the most powerful evil wizard in this century. "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." He had to put his faith in Harry's ability to fight lesser evils as a kind of "practice" for the great evil at the end.

He is doing his best to battle against the ministry of magic - treason.

The Ministry of Magic is doing its best to ignore the fact that the most powerful evil wizard in this century has returned. I'd fight against them, too. Not to mention, the Ministry of Magic is corrupt, allowing anyone who can make enough bribes have influence.

He spies on Harry all the time.

He's headmaster, it's his right. :lol: Seriously, if he weren't "spying on Harry" all the time, I would think he were more of a bad guy, or at least not a very smart guy, because that would mean he did not have any situation under control.

He ordered Snape to "teach" Harry Occlumency, thereby opening Harry's mind further in the process.

Did you really read the fifth book?

He employs warewolves, part-giants, dilussional ex-aurors.

He's an equal opportunity employer. :grin: Besides, the most competent Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers were the werewolf and the "dilussional" ex-auror. And Hagrid, part giant though he is, is amazing with creatures, making him an obvious choice for teacher for that class. AND Dumbledore has kept him around so long because he believed Hagrid was innocent of what he was charged with when he was 13, and he was proved correct.

I'm not even going to answer your claims to Lord Voldemort being the "good guy" and Dumbledore trying to keep killing him and failing, because I believe it to be utterly ridiculous. Seriously, I hope his is a joke. :lol:
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Re: Albus Dumbledore - Friend or Fiend?

Postby Violet » Tuesday 24 February 2004 5:25:36pm

Athena Appleton wrote: Seriously, I hope his is a joke. :lol:

haha :lol: yeah i have to say i hope so too!
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 24 February 2004 7:27:25pm

What gets me is everyone saying "though, with J.K. Rowling, you never know" anytime a completely outrageous, foundless theory pops up... because you do know. Something I'm as sure of as I am my own name is that J.K. Rowling enjoys throwing out the tiniest of clues and seeing if people pick up on them... but theories like "Dumbledore and Harry are the same person" or "Dumbledore's really evil" makes about as much sense to me as seriously thinking "Harry is really a girl" is a real theory...

I apologize to anyone who finds this message rude or whatever, it's really not meant to be, and ice-cream sandwiches as peace offerings to anyone who was offended...

I guess since I'm a mom, and I have a different idea than I did before having kids, I see what Dumbledore's thinking in regards to Harry in ways that people who don't have kids wouldnt see it. My way's not better, but there is an unexplainable aspect to it...

This is the post I'm thinking of most:

Aberforth wrote:He is still withholding information from Harry despite everything that has happened.

He didn't have to. Harry's still a kid. Yes, he's a kid who's been through a lot, but he's still a kid anyway. Dumbledore has his reasons, doesn't mean he's evil... :grin:
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Postby Ferrus » Tuesday 24 February 2004 10:04:31pm

Well Aberforth, congrats for managing to think like a DE!!!

Seriously, I think there is too many things against tis theory, for one the fact that eveone trusts Albus and no-one trusts Voldie, plus if Voldie was a goodie why would he use Cruciatus on his own people??
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 24 February 2004 11:49:08pm

J.K. Rowling expressly said in several interviews that Dumbledore and Hermione are who they seem... she uses both of these characters as a sort of jumping-off point to fill us in on true information.
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Postby Jotomicron » Wednesday 25 February 2004 12:44:04am

Wow... I really hope Aberforth is joking and just wants to see our reaction when he says this... Anyway: VD can't be a good guy: he killed, he tortured, he wnjoys to see other in pain and suffering (sp?) -> VD is bad.

Dumbledore might have made some mistakes in the past, but he wills to prepare Harry for the great battle he will have to fight... Poor DD, he's being acused of something he isn't guilty of!!

Anyway: keep up thinmking about things - I believe that with all the theories we have here, we might have discovered some (not to say lots of) things that will happen in the future books...
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Postby Violet » Wednesday 25 February 2004 12:53:58am

When i said with JK you never know, i simply meant that she manages to surprise us all quite a lot.
i dont really wanna rule out any possibilities. not that i really think that this theory is plausible at all.

*thanks for the icecream sandwich :grin: )
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 25 February 2004 1:31:28am

oh i know... and i'm not saying she couldn't suprize me, she's done it in every book... just... you know... I don't think this one is the slightest bit probable...
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Postby jarvan49 » Wednesday 25 February 2004 1:32:58am

I agree with Athena!
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Re: Albus Dumbledore - Friend or Fiend?

Postby Aberforth » Wednesday 25 February 2004 11:45:52am

Athena Appleton wrote:
He ordered Snape to "teach" Harry Occlumency, thereby opening Harry's mind further in the process.

Did you really read the fifth book?

Did you? Harry said h felt like he was being opened up even further..

Its just an alternative way of looking at things, thats all. Hope I didn't offend you guys :)

Its just that you could interpret Dumbledore's actions in a different, slightly twisted way. Of course we love and trust DD, but I opened this thread to help explore other possibilities.
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Postby Violet » Wednesday 25 February 2004 12:29:19pm

Glad to hear that you dont actually beleive this theory :grin:
I suppose you could interperate dumbledore's actions in that way, and suggest that he is working for voldermort, but as i said before if he really was working for/with voldermort they could have killed him off long ago. there are about a million reason why dumbledore isnt evil, and i really cant think of one reason to strongly suggest that he is
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