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Postby Morningstar » Wednesday 21 January 2004 12:34:58am

Devinci wrote:*is still bitter about the absence of faramir and eowyn's love*
I was dissapointed that was left out too, but it makes my vision of the House of Healing even more special.
I am an obsessive LotR fan, and friggin proud of it! :grin: About 1 1/2 years ago, I rented FotR when this dude I liked told me about it. Then I got the book for Xmas, read them over this past summer and am thoroughly in love. Right now, I'm reading the Silmarillion. It's a little confusing, but very good.
RotK holds a special place in my heart as the first movie I've ever cried during. Theoden's pep talk was THE best part ever! "ride now! ride for ruin, and the world's ending!!!" *sigh* Beautifully done. Great movie, but it was spaced out strangley. They seemed to dwell too long on Frodo's goodbye and there wasn't enough time between the Battle @ Pellenor and the Final Battle.
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Postby Scellanis » Thursday 22 January 2004 6:02:26pm

Hehehe, I'm back and I have to say that RotK is the best movie of the three by a long shot...absolutely wonderful.....closest to the book I beleive...was a bit worried about when Frodo left Sam behind though...and had to watch the shelob scenes through my fingers because I have a massive phobia of spiders....lol
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Postby master_o_magic » Friday 13 February 2004 7:04:01am

okay well i know everyone probably says this all the time but the cahracter i like the best is legolas.

millions of girls scream when they see him, as they reckon hes hot....whell he is! :-)

but thats not the reason i like him. i like him because he is proud of who he is, and he has knowledge of those around him. He is fearless where other elves, men and dwaves would cower. he has an extrordinary good aim, almost too good.

My biggest let down about the 3rd and final movie was that it never said what happen to gimili, legolas, faromir and aowen. This was something that was emphisised in the books, and although i havent finished reading the 3rd one yet i can only go on what people have told me. Apparently there is love found between Faromir and aowen?? and legolas and gimili travel and do not go to Valah with the rest of Legolas' kin :???:

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Postby Scellanis » Friday 13 February 2004 6:11:10pm

Faramir and Eowyn

I shall post spoilers now, dont read my post if you dont want to know what happens to all the characters:

Frodo travels to the Undying lands with Bilbo, Gandalf, Elrond and Galadriel...Frodo never marries and of course never has kids

Aragorn marries Arwen and has at least one heir and a daughter, I cannot remember how many though

Pippin marries and has one child who later marries one of Sam's daughters

Merriadoc marries apparently but nobody is sure if he has kids...

Sam marries Rose and has a total of 13 children, sometime after Rose dies Sam leaves Middleearth and goes to the undying lands also

Faramir marries Eowyn (they meet in the healing centre thingy after the battle at Minas Tirith and rule in Ithilien (that place Faramir was at when he found Frodo and Sam)

and finally Legolas and Gimli travell together for a long time and then Legolas takes Gimli to the undying lands

btw, some of this is stuff Ive learnt from LotR forums as I dont have the appendixes in my copy of the book, you need to read the appendixes to find out most of this....
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Friday 13 February 2004 6:51:16pm

You know what,it has always been a little strange that thingy between Legolas and Gimli...They're always togheter,and Legolas doesn't have a girlfriend,neither does Gimli,and they're always riding togheter...You know what I mean.
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Postby master_o_magic » Saturday 14 February 2004 3:49:08am

Wow! thx because ive only learnt what happens off my mum who has finished reading the books.

I think its great that Aowen and faromir end up getting together.

Neways the part about Leogolas and Gimili is scary...ive never thought about legolas being a homosexual.

Even though it is very likey i do not believe it is so.... he doesn't seem like it in the books or the movies.

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Postby Violet » Saturday 14 February 2004 10:40:54am

well i dont think that it was really relevant to the story, and well just because he's close friends with gimli doesnt mean that they're anything more.
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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 14 February 2004 5:21:37pm

master_o_magic wrote:Wow! thx because ive only learnt what happens off my mum who has finished reading the books.

I think its great that Aowen and faromir end up getting together.

Neways the part about Leogolas and Gimili is scary...ive never thought about legolas being a homosexual.

Even though it is very likey i do not believe it is so.... he doesn't seem like it in the books or the movies.


Eowyn and Faramir

I already pointed that out once...its Eowyn and Faramir not Aowen and Faromir...you are mixing them up with Arwen and Boromir me thinks....

and as for Legolas and Gimli....they are just really good friends, they have been through alot together, just like frodo went through alot, sometimes after something so big and life changing i would imagine it would be hard to go home and marry like nothing had happened....and as for Legolas, how do you know he doesn't find a girl in the undying lands, he is immortal after all, dwarves are mortal though they life a very long life....i heard it was no more than 500 years....
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Saturday 14 February 2004 6:03:52pm

Sonkem wrote:and as for Legolas and Gimli....they are just really good friends, they have been through alot together, just like frodo went through alot, sometimes after something so big and life changing i would imagine it would be hard to go home and marry like nothing had happened....and as for Legolas, how do you know he doesn't find a girl in the undying lands, he is immortal after all, dwarves are mortal though they life a very long life....i heard it was no more than 500 years....

Yeah,you're probably right,but,every other character has a girlfriend/wife...It's just a little strange how they don't even have somebody they like a little bit!?I mean look at Aragorn,he is in love in Arwen,but still,he was a little atracted by Eowyn(at least in movie,I haven't got to that part of the book yet!)
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Postby Devinci » Saturday 14 February 2004 8:33:00pm

Sonkem wrote:


Eowyn and Faramir

I already pointed that out once...its Eowyn and Faramir not Aowen and Faromir...you are mixing them up with Arwen and Boromir me thinks....

Lets not get obsessed over spelling now...I for one am proud of the fact that I never spell Eowyn the same twice in a row. Eowin. SEE, I'm crazy.

Anyway, I always thought that Eowyn and Faramir's romance was a big part of Eowyn's character. It makes her even stronger to see she easily gets over her whole, Aragorn-tizzy and gets her act together. I, for one, was disapointed.

But then again...I think Eowyn is 10x cooler than Arwen anyway....... 8)
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Postby Devinci » Saturday 14 February 2004 8:33:38pm

Aparantly I can't use message board html script language....to save my life. :mad:

Excuse the double post.
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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 14 February 2004 8:53:18pm

Fluffy bear wrote:Yeah,you're probably right,but,every other character has a girlfriend/wife...It's just a little strange how they don't even have somebody they like a little bit!?I mean look at Aragorn,he is in love in Arwen,but still,he was a little atracted by Eowyn(at least in movie,I haven't got to that part of the book yet!)

well actually, Bilbo and Frodo dont get married or have girlfriends....

and I was always under the impression that Eowyn had a major crush on Aragorn but Aragorn never had any interest in her as he had already set his heart on Arwen (even more so in the books as his motivation to become king is partly because Elrond wont allow Arwen to marry him unless he does manage to become king)

by the way, Gandalf doesn't have a wife you know

also, its expected of Faramir and Aragorn to take wives, they have to, Aragorn is a king and must produce an heir unless all his hard work to become king is going to go to waste and to do that he needs a wife....Faramir is a stward although he actually became prince of Ithilien I think so again, must produce an heir, Eowyn is now the sister of a king so is a pretty good prize for any guy and really probably expected to marry, Eomer also has to marry because he is a king and must produce an heir. Then out of the hobbits Peregrin inherits the Thain of the Tooks title and must produce an heir too, Sam has always fancied Rose, thats made pretty clear and nothing is really said of Merry, his marriage isn't on the family tree, but someone said he did marry.....

Well, Legolas is a prince I suppose but being immortal and his father also being immortal and still alive and them travelling to the undying lands its not so essential for him to produce one....I should imagine that producing heirs and marrying is not high on the agender in elven life, if it was there would be millions of them, the place would be overrun with elves cos they are immortal

Gimli hasn't got any pressure to produce an heir really because it is Dain that is King under the Mountain not Gloin
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Postby master_o_magic » Sunday 15 February 2004 6:38:09am

I already pointed that out once...its Eowyn and Faramir not Aowen and Faromir...you are mixing them up with Arwen and Boromir me thinks....

Sorry... i have a really bad spelling problem... I know that it wasn't Arwen the Elf..... But its the sheild maiden of rohan.:)

yeh well soz

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Postby AngelicS_89 » Sunday 15 February 2004 12:07:13pm

Sonkem wrote:well actually, Bilbo and Frodo dont get married or have girlfriends....

and I was always under the impression that Eowyn had a major crush on Aragorn but Aragorn never had any interest in her as he had already set his heart on Arwen (even more so in the books as his motivation to become king is partly because Elrond wont allow Arwen to marry him unless he does manage to become king)

by the way, Gandalf doesn't have a wife you know

also, its expected of Faramir and Aragorn to take wives, they have to, Aragorn is a king and must produce an heir unless all his hard work to become king is going to go to waste and to do that he needs a wife....Faramir is a stward although he actually became prince of Ithilien I think so again, must produce an heir, Eowyn is now the sister of a king so is a pretty good prize for any guy and really probably expected to marry, Eomer also has to marry because he is a king and must produce an heir. Then out of the hobbits Peregrin inherits the Thain of the Tooks title and must produce an heir too, Sam has always fancied Rose, thats made pretty clear and nothing is really said of Merry, his marriage isn't on the family tree, but someone said he did marry.....

Well, Legolas is a prince I suppose but being immortal and his father also being immortal and still alive and them travelling to the undying lands its not so essential for him to produce one....I should imagine that producing heirs and marrying is not high on the agender in elven life, if it was there would be millions of them, the place would be overrun with elves cos they are immortal

Gimli hasn't got any pressure to produce an heir really because it is Dain that is King under the Mountain not Gloin

Well,Bilbo has always been target of gossips,cause of his "little adventure",and he wasn't an ordinary hobit,and Frodo,he's a little bit strange himself.

And Gandalf is a wizard,I couldn't imagine him with an ordinary woman anyway,Saruman doesn't have a wife either....

I'm not sure for Gimli,does dwarf even have wifes?I don't think it have been ever mentioned.

As for Legolas,yeah he's a prince of Darkwood,as I remember.Well,he doesnt have to have an heir or a wife yet,just a girlfriend,or elfriend
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 15 February 2004 7:56:31pm

Lol, Legolas is Prince of Greenwood (i beleive its called), it became known as Mirkwood because Sauron moved into one end of it (he was then known as the Necromancer, they didn't know he actually was Sauron till after the Wizard council drove him out during the time that The Hobbit was set...

just because they are strange hobbits doesn't mean they cant have wives and stuff, Bilbo is labelled queer, but so were all the Tooks and the Tooks took wives, the only reason they are labelled queer is that they go on adventures but so did Sam, Merry and Pippin and all 3 of those married, Sam had 13 kids...it just depends on the person and their experiences in life, not everyone has to get married and have kids for the story to be finished. And just because they don't it doesn't mean they are gay...think about this...the way Gimli behaved in Lothlorien, asking for a lock of Galadriel's hair.....maybe he did fall in love with something, but something that he could never have......

and as for dwarf wives...of course they have them, they dont just grow out of the ground, how do you get new dwarves without female ones.....
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