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What do you think of......

Postby ItIsAllReal » Friday 16 January 2004 11:26:33pm

Kelly Clarkson? have ya'll heard of her? J/w. she's my fav singer!! :grin:
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Saturday 17 January 2004 12:10:46am

i've heard of her, i don't like her music (i listen to rap), but she's hot, so i have no problem with her
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Postby Devinci » Saturday 17 January 2004 4:10:53am

hahaha, that was a deep response.

I don't really listen to her that much, she's the one who did mrs. independent right? That song sounds so much like that older song by duran duran, the Can not believe you're takin my heart...blah blah blah

Okay, that was really vague :-?
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Postby choki » Saturday 17 January 2004 2:12:20pm

Kelly Clarkson....the one who won the American Idol the 1st season?

Well, she is talented of course...otherwise how could she have won...
and then...I...er...don't know anything else about her since I am not an American :lol: But she sings well, heard one of her single before
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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 17 January 2004 2:39:49pm

Errr, well to be honest, Im not into thoes pop stars or anything...so I dont really like her....but what ive heard about her, she sings well!
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Postby ItIsAllReal » Saturday 17 January 2004 8:59:53pm

wow, you guys are the first ppl who stated their opinons in a mature way. I really like this board!! :grin: but yah she is great. very pretty and has a very good voice!!! you don't have to like her music to know that! :D but marcus she's not really a pop star because she does all kinds of genre. she's just a star! she does everything from gospel to blues to rock to pop. it's all there! :)
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Postby Female_alien » Saturday 17 January 2004 10:24:06pm

Yes I've heard of her. She's a good singer and her first single miss independent (well, her first single I heard of) was o.k. nothing special, heard something like that before. But her second one (well, her second one I know of) the problem with love is - good song
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Postby Marcus Baker » Sunday 18 January 2004 8:39:59pm

Whoops, sry for the pre-judgement. were behind in American Idol here, and I watched an episode today with these 2 guys (Clay and this other guy, I forgot his name) Its cool how they sing in different styles to try to impress everyone. (I just odnt like that one judge who keeps on critisizing...hes evil :evil:)
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 19 January 2004 3:07:43am

Kelly Clarkson is not my favorite artist out there, but I gotta say she has some pipes. I am a fan of American Idol (its quite entertaining to see some of the talented and not so talented on air) and I did vote for Ms Clarkson during the contest. She does have a powerful voice (remember when she sang "respect"??). I am afraid though, musically speaking, that the strain she puts on her vocal chords by singing SO powerfully will wreck them, ending her career all too soon. Perhaps she should try singing less intensly to break up the strain. Sometimes on TV you can hear the strain she puts on the vocal chords, and it isn't good. Othe than that I think she is pretty good, although I enjoy different types of music than what she sings on her singles and albums.
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Postby Charis » Monday 19 January 2004 3:23:17am

I like her. its was really cool to see someone that actually COULD sing on american idol... at first i didn't think there would be anyone really talented on the show. i wouldn't go out and buy her cd just cus theres stuff i like more out there and would rather spend my money on but she's definitely good.
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Postby headwires1977 » Monday 19 January 2004 11:20:15am

I know that Kelly Clarkson is from American Idol but I 've never heard her singing...here in Austria we also have a kind of American Idol show..it's called "Starmania" and last years winner, Christina, is quite talented and her concerts are fun - even if it's not my fav sort of music.

Next week we know who is the winner of this year's Starmania and I'm realyy curious who it'll be...but they're not as good as last years contestants... :D
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 19 January 2004 1:57:20pm

Starmania? That is an awesome name for a show like that. I really like it. Well, actually I like it because there is a french rock opera with the same name and I really like the music from it...its like Godspell meets Rent meets Saturday Night Fever. So awesome...so anything named Starmania is A-Ok in my book!

BTW...American Idol season 3 starts today!
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 19 January 2004 2:41:12pm

In brazil, there is also a type of American Idol, and its called Popstars. Its a mix of American Idol and Making the Band (the one with Otown). I dont know if they show it still...
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Monday 19 January 2004 10:30:29pm

well i don't really like her music but she seems like a cool person mrs.independent kind of grew on me after a while but her song low was really good but i don't listen to stuf like that im more of a good charlotte girl minus all the piercings and tattoos
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Postby ItIsAllReal » Monday 19 January 2004 11:40:24pm

Hermione Weasley wrote:well i don't really like her music but she seems like a cool person mrs.independent kind of grew on me after a while but her song low was really good but i don't listen to stuf like that im more of a good charlotte girl minus all the piercings and tattoos

dude! i love good charlotte! I like Joel the best, my friend is like really obsessed with Billy. she wants to "do him". it kinda scares me. :o
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