Looking for the latest new broomstick? Or maybe a new wand? Do you need to sort out your financial affairs or keep your valuables safe at Gringott's? Find it all here at Diagon Alley - the finest wizarding shopping lane in England.
YOU GUYS! *slaps mint, choki & murcus on the wrists* you scared away our first customer in weeks that has actually made it to ordering something! all of you, back in the kitchen! from now on, i'm manning the counter, you guys cook!
Im gonna see what Marcus is doing in the secret Grill Room. Last I heard from him he was making burgers with Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice. I hope he is careful with that Chemical X........
*opens the door and sees Marcus sitting on the floor with his eyes wide open staring at smth...*
Oh my gooodness!!!!!! Its...........its........POWER PUFF BURGERS!!!!
*to new customer* HI, welcome to mcwizards! could you excuse me for one- er- moment *dashes back to kitchen and slams the door on mint and marcus... who are now trapped in the secret kitchen room thingy* well then, can i take your order?
rainbow burgers! i suggest you add the other colors of the rainbow, too, though. like:
orange- carrots! healthy AND crunchy!
yellow- lemons! they may be a bit sour, but they still are yellow purple- cabbage! mmm *gag*
anyways, yes they should definately be called rainbow burgers
by pinky p » Wednesday 31 December 2003 12:30:59am
ohhhh i get it noow
we should name them after the people. i don't know what they're called, though... hmm. but the one is pink, not red. i think her name might be lala... can't be sure. i'm trying to figure out the hidden subliminal messages within the movement of the three... we must be patient.
*quickly hide huffleduck's dragon out of sight, in the storeroom*
Dragon!!?!? There are no dragons here senorita pickle...Hahaha *laughs*
You want a lac nugget with fries...maybe I could recommend you with our speciality Hermione Curly Fries with Slime...oops I mean Cheese
*ushers senorita to her seat furthest away from the storeroom*