Another topic of Chickens? YUP!

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Another topic of Chickens? YUP!

Postby Quicksilver » Tuesday 10 September 2002 11:53:27pm

Okay, heres the deal. Get a funny quote from HP, take out one word, andd replace it with chickens. This topic made specially for Wedge and Chocobo.


'Out of the way, seriously evil duck coming through' - Fred and George

'There is no power, only ducks, and those too weak to seek them'-Voldie


I'm half and half- Dad's a muggle, Mum's a duck... bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out!

His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled chicken,
His hair as black, as a chicken wizard,
I wish we were my chicken,
He's really chicky,
The hero, who conquered, the Dark Chicken
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Re: Another topic of Chickens? YUP!

Postby Wedge » Wednesday 11 September 2002 9:22:37pm

Quicksilver wrote:
I'm half and half- Dad's a muggle, Mum's a duck... bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out!

LMAO... But its meant to be chicken! lol anyway...
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Postby Melody Granger » Wednesday 11 September 2002 11:59:26pm

lmao and i like chickens 2
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Postby Quicksilver » Saturday 14 September 2002 6:00:50pm

How could I be so careless! And the funny part is, the site I copied it from, I put chickens instead of ducks!
*slaps forehead.*
Shubid isn't it? Sorry. Yes. Chickens.
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 23 September 2003 11:16:34pm

Hahahaha, man i cant stop laughing...
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Postby Mint » Friday 26 September 2003 4:12:25pm


Oh !!! THere are chicken topics here!! Why didnt anyone tell me before!!! :grin:

I myself am a pure blood chicken :evil: :chicken:

........more chicken stories!!!
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Postby pinky p » Friday 26 September 2003 10:09:38pm

me too! chicken to the core! :razz:

how about instead of "absolutely spiffing" "absolutely chickening" :o :-? :x

okay, i'll get a better one next time :razz:
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Sunday 7 December 2003 1:53:41am

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Postby Asphodel » Wednesday 23 November 2005 7:04:35am

It is not our abilities tha make us what we are... it is our chickens.
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Postby Malfoy_VS_Thompson » Tuesday 29 November 2005 3:03:17am

LMAO!!!! :lol:

Holy smokes... that was good. Chickens & Ducks??? :o

I'm very very scared I must admit. :-?

Always a pleasure to read the chicken/duck posts.

How about... "You're a chicken, Harry.".... ~ "A what?"

yea... too true.


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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 4 December 2005 12:02:08am

There is no good and evil Harry... there are onl chickens, and those to weak to seek them.
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